Archive for April, 2024

Democrat Idiocy Featured on One Step Beyond

April 30, 2024

One Step Beyond and the Current Insanity Within The United States

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John Newland here, and we are going to take that One Step Beyond into the nauseating world of BS politics.

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Hey! Is that what I think it is? Why It’s Joe Biden hanging off a Chinese spy balloon! What an asshole! 

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Mommy, why did you let that dirty old man sniff me? Just because he’s the president?

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I’m sorry! I’m really sorry. It’s just that every time I see the news and their lies about the Commie Democrats I get this bad gas problem. Don’t light a match! We’ll go up in flames! 

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Being that I’m the head cabinet advisor, you’d better listen! I’m not clowning around. Now, I said destroy America with as many bad policies as we can and blame it all on Trump!

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I have for the One Step Beyond audience tonight a micro film leaked from the DNC discussing when will they cut the bullshit and it says, “When monkeys fly out of our butts!”

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Okay Hunter, so how many more times am I going to have to play the dirty, oversexed, Swedish, nanny? I’m getting sick of this. After all, you have all the kids! 

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Okay, Captain Obvious, everything we’ve tried against Donald trump aint working. Maybe the American voters finally figured out that we’re the true schmucks that we really are! 

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Okay, Little Missy, you’re next! The dirty old bastard we call “The Big Guy” is in the other room waiting. Remember, he loves to sniff! 

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I was just checking! Thought I heard bones rattling in the Pelosi’s closet! 

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So you have the suitcase full of cash from BURISMA? Hunter, will be delighted, but he’s busy right now with his best friend. His crack pipe! 

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There’s the damn ATF banging at my front door because they heard I’ve got a BB gun rifle in the house! 

See related image detail. It's a Wonderful Life (1946)

If you go to the media and tell the truth, Trump will make sure that we all hang! Got that! 

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What do you mean that I’m a no good corrupt son of a bitch and I need to be put in jail? I’m in the Biden family! I have a “Don’t go to Jail” free pass card from the DNC!

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Being that I’m Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre! I take exception at being called a brainless lying POS for a corrupt administration! How dare you! 

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Well folks, I hope you’ve had enough of this crap for one night. I sure have! So until next time, if we still have a country by then. We will see you again! 

A Miracle Thanks to the Sabotage of a Nazi Anti Aircraft Shell?

April 29, 2024

Was God at work, a brave Czech POW who made a flawed 20 millimeter shell, or simply a stroke of luck?

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What Qualities Make You as a Modern Day Peasant?

April 29, 2024

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It used to be that the word “Peasant” implied poor Soviet citizen beneath the iron fist of a brutal Communist regime, so beaten down with propaganda that they even become an unwitting part of the “Stockholm Syndrome” too indoctrinated to see that they are contributing to their own downfall.  Surely, at the time this common description was used and mostly by the autocrats to refer to their beseeched citizenry while they conducted their bureaucratic rule. The poor Russian had little choice as their government kept them down purposely until the late 70’s when the hardline politburo had many die offs of the hardcore collectivists. Westernization began slowly creeping in, and with it capitalism, responsible for more positive prosperity uplifting more people from poverty than any other form of socioeconomics.

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Acceptance of being ruled

My question is, why have a little less than half of the people in America been foolish enough to vote for a political party that believes in dictating to them everything from the size of a soft drink to whether or not they can have a gas or electric stove, whether or not public schools should indoctrinate over educate, and whether or not taxpayers should fund the genocide of the unborn? It goes much further than that however. Free choice, individual freedom, the right for a citizen to present grievances against the federal government, or the enforcement of the US Constitution as the law of the land! But, something is missing from the mindset of many Americans who seemed to have lost the art of critical thinking. The “Peasant” mentality is their threshold of comprehension.

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Lobotomized into compliance

It is through the compromised mentality of these peasants that the federal government is able to control the masses with their overregulation, taxation without representation, and politicians (Democrats) who spend decades in office developing their downstream of income that far exceeds what the people pay them as salary to hold office. The corruption has brought America to a deadly crossroads and all because the peasants along with voter fraud and foreign money used to buy off those in office committing treason while the US mainstream media supports Democrat false narratives. This deadly toxic equation threatens to topple a nation that was conceived on principle designed to keep all this from happening, but the peasants with freedom in their grasp instead chose the easy way out. Don’t fact check, obey their ruthless party of no choice except bad ones, and believe in the propaganda fed to them by the federal government and the mouthpiece media.

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Spitting on their own liberty

So, what did they do with their freedoms and God given rights? They sacrificed them because they did have the freedom to. The freedom to be lazy and complacent, the freedom to ignore the danger signs, the freedom to put up with 43 year high inflation, and the freedom to allow the loss of their privacy. Why? Because it was the path of least resistance. It was easier to not take responsibility as uninvolved conformists who are led to the slaughter house of a compromised existence as the top down leadership breaks the law forces them to pay for US dollar devaluation due to the deficits they run up, that don’t even serve the best interests of the Americans that our Senators and Congressmen are supposed to be working for! But, the peasants huddling together in front of the TV of Hollywood indecency and leftist ideology watching sex, violence, perversion that their kids even have access to, continue to endure like livestock in a corral only occasionally glancing up into the sky and simply repeating the lies they’ve been fed by their corrupt Communist political party (Democrats) and the go along get along 2nd place rivals putting up token resistance, (Republicans). To be free is one thing, but to take that freedom and use it to become deaf, dumb, and blind, is a whole other thing.

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Let Us Distinguish the Truth From False Narratives

April 28, 2024

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In the arena of real world propaganda and the intentional oft language of the brutal and unthinkable when put in the proper perspective let’s taka look at the deceptive language we are constantly exposed to.

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Planned Parenthood serves the purpose of women’s health and reproductive rights

So, what does an organization that dates back to its roots in the Eugenics Project, receives 500 thousand dollars a year in taxpayer funding, performs 328 thousand abortions, encourages women from teenagers to older women to get their feet in the stirrups! Conducts sex parties for teenagers showing them how to pleasure a sex partner and use contraceptives while allowing young teenagers who are pregnant to seek abortion without the consent of their parents! We have also learned that Planned Parenthood having locations in low income neighborhoods has been shut down for not meeting health department standards while those women who have been injured through infections and internal bleeding have been quietly rushed over to a nearby hospital without news coverage. So, this is what is contained in a woman’s reproductive health and right to her own bodily rights?

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No American left behind!

That was straight out of Joe Biden’s mouth during the botched Afghanistan withdrawal as US Army abandoned Bagram Air Base overnight without notifying their allied counterparts. How was it that the Taliban knew exactly when to strike as the withdrawal took place? No Americans left behind? There were US contactors, aircraft mechanics, off duty soldiers, along with their families who were conveniently ignored as Kabul Airport dangerously surrounded at close quarters by the city and a convenient point of siege by any attacking force was used for the catastrophic pull out where terrorists could easily fire into the crowds of fleeing Americans and Afghanis with AK-47’s and RPG’s was used when an orderly withdrawal well protected could have been used at the unassailable Bagram Ir Base originally built by the Russians which was well fortified. IN fact, Bagram could have been easily defended even if the rest of Afghanistan was overrun! 40 miles from the Chinese border, Bagram it was a strategic intelligence gathering point! Instead 13 US troops died from a terrorist explosive at Kabul and desperate Afghanis chased the US cargo planes hanging onto to the landing gear as they lifted off the tarmac sitting ducks for Taliban firepower!

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Let us not forget that hundreds of Americans who were abandoned and betrayed by the Biden Administration cowering inside their houses had to be later extracted by volunteer mercenaries in order to sneak them out! All of them were never rescued as women were whipped and murdered in the streets and members of the Afghanis who worked for or cooperated with the Americans were murdered by the Taliban, their bodies left in the streets. This is what we call “Leaving no Americans behind.” Oh, and then there’s the matter of leaving 80 billion in US military hardware to the Taliban as they rushed into to the country to overwhelm what faithful soldiers were left to fight on their own abandoned by American support.

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This is what truly defines leaving no American behind! Of course that’s in Democrat version of English considerably opposite of Webster’s Dictionary that most of us use.

According to the current Democrat campaign narratives inflation is down at 3 to 4 % that gas prices are down, that the US economy is running strong? Oh really? Once again Democrat speak.

Reality: 3% to 4 % per compounded per month translates into more than 36% inflation rate per year! UNSUPPORTABLE!

No prices at the gas pump are not leveling out they are simply increasing more slowly. Of course, we can count on US news media to carry water for the Democrat failures.

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What happened to the Democrat Party of JFK and a patriotic oath to serve the people? That got lost with an assassination and LBJ’s “Great Society” as he called it where welfare was created funded by the taxpayer to keep those “Niggers” in his words, voting for Democrats for the next 200 years while in reality it set back and plunged generations of black Americans into big government dependency for decades to come and ruined their potential! From this point on the new objectives of the Democrat Party became remaining in power at any cost, no matter what lies, deception, intimidation, and even murders it tool! Remember in the words of Joseph Stalin and we have seen it time and time again in the present, “Always accuse your opponents of exactly what you are doing!” Oh, and another quote that captures the true spirit of Democrat conduct when Stalin said, “Elections are decided by those who count the votes.”

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A thought for the day on the lies we are asked to embrace by our not so trusted leaders. Oh, and isn’t the US Constitutional definition of treason to aid and abet the enemy? Didn’t Biden’s actions do just that? After all, the Taliban and the Chinese are siting pretty right now! 

Blood Stained Nails

April 28, 2024

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Looking for love like an old lost friend

Perhaps I’m just too close to the bitter end

It takes time for all heartbreak to mend

Waiting on the message in a bottle I send,

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Might as well be looking for love in a cave

Being co-dependent is like being a slave

When did you ever take more than you gave?

It’s those flawed memories that you crave,

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How did I get to this point I’ll never know

Working so long with nothing to show

Getting up after blow after blow

Nowadays picking myself up so slow,

A Selection of Works by Charlie Joe Doherty UNCERTAIN magazine

I now give thanks for a cool cloudy day

For the regrets that need to fade away

For an oasis where I can forever stay

For a lonely bed where I can lay.

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Uncontrolled thoughts rule the night

In a quest for soulful insight

When I was young the future seemed bright

Now I merely hang on with all my might,

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I’ve tried to comprehend Jesus’s blood stained nails

No doubt I overlooked the Holy Grail

Today society is headed off the rails

When it came to my loved ones I tried not to fail.

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An Empty Shell

April 27, 2024

An Empty Shell 

Every time I thought I had it made

On my way to the shade

Just more rain on my parade

Experiencing orbital decay,

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They live off their Kool-Aid

As they build their blockades

Not enough fentanyl drug raids

All in all 50 different gray shades,

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Just as I thought, my ship was sailing in

Encircled by Tiger Shark fins

Sick and tired of sleeping on needles and pins

Its 3 AM baby, where have you been?

The unsuspecting and naïve fools

They’ve become the leftist’s tools

Trying to destroy their fossil fuels

Oh, how easily the blood pools,

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They are quickly bringing about Doom’s day

From their daylight tombs where they lay

Too delusional to see they only cause disarray

No, it’s not okay no, it’s not okay,

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Whenever I’ve fallen this I know

Poison seeds of deception never grow

It’s all simply evil don’t you know?

You’re under surveillance wherever you go,

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Welcome to the police state of today

If you want your freedom, you had better pray

The fools at the top all like to say

That it’s your fault anyway,

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Who is this charlatan wearing a crown

As he conveys his demented frown

We now have an Oval office clown

No virgins left in lily-white gowns,

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They’ve all forgotten about the Liberty Bell

Made life in America a living hell

What happened to my country? I can no longer tell

A rogue regime only an empty shell.

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Their Excuse? They Were Just Following Orders!

April 26, 2024

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During the Obama Administration scandal we know as Fast and Furious when the Department of Injustice decided along with Barack to start a gun walking program that would supposedly trace weapons sold to the Mexican drug cartels, the deaths of 2 US Border Patrol Agents resulted along with hundreds of Mexican citizens. One ATF Whistle Blower came forward and revealed the plot when the US media, as usual, tried to ignore the story. As it turned out Attorney General, Eric Holder, refused a Congressional subpoena for 18 months and faced a charge of Contempt of Congress. As we know as Holder, who created a firestorm of racist baiting claims across US towns and police departments, was pardoned by President Obama! As for the ATF Agent who exposed the lies of the White House, he faced threats of murder from his own brethren in the ATF who were paid off and had their sweet deals going as the Whistle Blower feared for his life and that of his family, and just think those who threatened him were only following their orders!

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Now and Then?

To say that the liquidation of several million people in the WWII concentration camps of Nazi Germany is surely the use of soft language for the sacrilegious extermination of a race of people that even today face persecution on the campus of Columbian University at the hands of indoctrinated students and the so-called victims of Palestine, who are actually supporting HAMAS and HEZBOLLAH, while taking photos of Jewish students and professors they want assassinated by the terrorist organizations funded by George Soros and his front groups.

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Decade’s long denial

What two events took place at German concentration camps that are ironic even today? When Supreme Commander, Ike Eisenhower, toured a German death camp and witnessed the stench of death and thousands of bodies stacked in piles he immediately ordered cameramen to begin taking photos. When asked why by the characteristically clueless press embedded with the inspection detail Ike replied, “Because, fifty years from now some bastards are going to say that this never happened!” And, Ike was right. Today we have Iranians, radicalized punk American youths, and terrorists who swear it never happened!

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Still the idiotic excuse

What was the second outstanding irony of the horrid concentration camp legacy? That German soldiers and their officers claimed that, they were just following their orders! Do you think that’s folklore from yesteryear when we have Middle East nations bent on the destruction of Israel and influencing subversion within America with their oil money? Wake up my friend, it’s not Zionist false flags or illusions made up by some secret federal government operations, but in today’s administration we can’t be reasonably assured of that either.

The undeclared invasion

Today, we have the uncertainty of a massive invasion of illegal immigrants who are not the characterized women and children innocently seeking asylum or opportunities of a better life. We are seeing young, aggressive, enlistment aged, men who are ambivalent to the American way of life and in many cases gang members such as MS-13 and a whole new slew of drug gangs from Venezuela have been unleashed upon American citizens, border towns, and streets of our major cities! Little girls have been raped, murdered, and even burned beyond recognition by these animals that the American media call undocumented workers, humanitarian victims, families in cages, or simply the under privileged seeking better opportunities! Bullshit! We now know that specific stretches of land developments are being set aside for illegal aliens by millionaire seed money! We now know that large groups of Panama camps full of enlistment age men are being supplied by US Army helicopters full of food supplies and God only knows what else! When asked, how, could these men and women of the US military cooperate in supplying the downfall of their very own country, you’re going to hear he same old blood stained reply! “We were just following our orders.”

Image result for US Army helicopts air lifing supplies to Panama male camps

Treason pure and simple!

When General Milley of the US Pentagon announced that he would have warned his buddies, who were Chinese Communist generals that if the Trump White House were going to initiate a first strike upon the Chinese mainland convinced that a Taiwan invasion was imminent! As well, it was General Milley who authorized the distribution of CRT to US troops who could be convinced by the adverse depiction of America as a racist hateful country, once again, he had rationalized that he was merely informing his military personnel! This as the US Army celebrates inclusion of Gay marriage within the ranks and Rainbow military parades as the Chinese train on becoming better warriors are even experimenting with genetics to develop invincible soldiers! When it all ends up as an unforgivable blunder in lost human lives will we once again hear, “I was just following my orders?” As the final epitaph?

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Not Compromised

April 26, 2024

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You look at me as though I am insane

Your eyes full of disdain

The silent judgment is obvious and plain

Feel like I’m standing in the cold rain,

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You’re paranoid of me but I have nothing to gain

The lack of trust you can’t explain

You can’t look at reality in another frame

In this world of confusion all remains the same,

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An embargo on the truth across the land

It seems Satan has his mark on every hand

Few realize or attempt to understand

The wind scours the footprints in the sand,

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Battle lines have been drawn

Fragile dreams of the ghosts at dawn

All hopes and dreams for many are now gone

But, this desire in me for the truth lives on,

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Don’t they understand you can’t extinguish fact?

You can’t ignore the truth with an act

Lies may be an art but they’re not exact

How many more fabrications will they enact?

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Young lions become wounded survivors

With the stealth of deep sea divers

“Bartender, another Screwdriver!”

I’ve known too many connivers,

Who is deserving of this fate?

I’ve asked this question of late

As the illusion of life dissipates

What did the creator actually create?

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Your own beautiful monster sits by your side

You made the mistake of taking her for a ride

Now there’s contempt and infidelity you can’t hide

Some resort to cyanide,

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Oh, Lord forgive us all

We’ve fallen victim to the rain in the squall

All of us acting so noble before the fall

You’re all ready for war until you get the call,

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The battle scars across the nation

Of lies and political vexation

Of liable, slander, and defamation

The fools are delusional in their fixation,

As for me, there will be no lies

But it’s a painful existence be advised

That reflection in the mirror may seem despised

Perhaps just once I wasn’t compromised.

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Desolation Zone

April 25, 2024

See related image detail. ar puro, beautiful and bird - image #55885 on

Desolation Zone

Until my woman with black thoughts

Tied my stomach up in knots

The world before my eyes seemed to rot

All those future dreams for not,

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Why do the days feel so cold?

Am I really growing old?

Tough times to be bold

As all the madness unfolds,

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No time to get it back

Feel like I’m under attack

Can’t even see through the cracks

I’m coming in under heavy flak,

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There’s no cure for this I’m sure

Now I cradle thoughts so impure

Don’t deceive me with the grand tour

Who’s that stranger in the mirror?

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No pretty mistresses in white gowns

No lovers hunting me like a Baskerville Hound

Got these feelings overwhelmingly down

Taking another shot at the man who wears the crown,

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Don’t forget to lay your head down

Where ever that might be found

Keep an ear out for that terrorist sound

I am amongst a world of clowns,

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Could you be a clone?

How could I know I’m so alone?

These feelings so bad to the bone

How alienated I’ve grown,

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The legacy of the seeds I’ve sown

The guilt for which I must atone

Be the first one to cast the stone

Here in the heart of the desolation zone.

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With The Last 95 Billion Dollar Spending Bill Are we Funding our way into WWIII ?

April 24, 2024

More military funding of foreign countries such as Taiwan, Ukraine, and NATO as more US dollar devaluation continues! Where does it all end? Iran 7 Days from creating a nuke?

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