What Qualities Make You as a Modern Day Peasant?

Image result for Russian peasants

It used to be that the word “Peasant” implied poor Soviet citizen beneath the iron fist of a brutal Communist regime, so beaten down with propaganda that they even become an unwitting part of the “Stockholm Syndrome” too indoctrinated to see that they are contributing to their own downfall.  Surely, at the time this common description was used and mostly by the autocrats to refer to their beseeched citizenry while they conducted their bureaucratic rule. The poor Russian had little choice as their government kept them down purposely until the late 70’s when the hardline politburo had many die offs of the hardcore collectivists. Westernization began slowly creeping in, and with it capitalism, responsible for more positive prosperity uplifting more people from poverty than any other form of socioeconomics.

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Acceptance of being ruled

My question is, why have a little less than half of the people in America been foolish enough to vote for a political party that believes in dictating to them everything from the size of a soft drink to whether or not they can have a gas or electric stove, whether or not public schools should indoctrinate over educate, and whether or not taxpayers should fund the genocide of the unborn? It goes much further than that however. Free choice, individual freedom, the right for a citizen to present grievances against the federal government, or the enforcement of the US Constitution as the law of the land! But, something is missing from the mindset of many Americans who seemed to have lost the art of critical thinking. The “Peasant” mentality is their threshold of comprehension.

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Lobotomized into compliance

It is through the compromised mentality of these peasants that the federal government is able to control the masses with their overregulation, taxation without representation, and politicians (Democrats) who spend decades in office developing their downstream of income that far exceeds what the people pay them as salary to hold office. The corruption has brought America to a deadly crossroads and all because the peasants along with voter fraud and foreign money used to buy off those in office committing treason while the US mainstream media supports Democrat false narratives. This deadly toxic equation threatens to topple a nation that was conceived on principle designed to keep all this from happening, but the peasants with freedom in their grasp instead chose the easy way out. Don’t fact check, obey their ruthless party of no choice except bad ones, and believe in the propaganda fed to them by the federal government and the mouthpiece media.

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Spitting on their own liberty

So, what did they do with their freedoms and God given rights? They sacrificed them because they did have the freedom to. The freedom to be lazy and complacent, the freedom to ignore the danger signs, the freedom to put up with 43 year high inflation, and the freedom to allow the loss of their privacy. Why? Because it was the path of least resistance. It was easier to not take responsibility as uninvolved conformists who are led to the slaughter house of a compromised existence as the top down leadership breaks the law forces them to pay for US dollar devaluation due to the deficits they run up, that don’t even serve the best interests of the Americans that our Senators and Congressmen are supposed to be working for! But, the peasants huddling together in front of the TV of Hollywood indecency and leftist ideology watching sex, violence, perversion that their kids even have access to, continue to endure like livestock in a corral only occasionally glancing up into the sky and simply repeating the lies they’ve been fed by their corrupt Communist political party (Democrats) and the go along get along 2nd place rivals putting up token resistance, (Republicans). To be free is one thing, but to take that freedom and use it to become deaf, dumb, and blind, is a whole other thing.

Image result for the oblivious non-voter

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