Let Us Distinguish the Truth From False Narratives

Image result for Planned Parneth Hood atrocitiies

In the arena of real world propaganda and the intentional oft language of the brutal and unthinkable when put in the proper perspective let’s taka look at the deceptive language we are constantly exposed to.

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Planned Parenthood serves the purpose of women’s health and reproductive rights

So, what does an organization that dates back to its roots in the Eugenics Project, receives 500 thousand dollars a year in taxpayer funding, performs 328 thousand abortions, encourages women from teenagers to older women to get their feet in the stirrups! Conducts sex parties for teenagers showing them how to pleasure a sex partner and use contraceptives while allowing young teenagers who are pregnant to seek abortion without the consent of their parents! We have also learned that Planned Parenthood having locations in low income neighborhoods has been shut down for not meeting health department standards while those women who have been injured through infections and internal bleeding have been quietly rushed over to a nearby hospital without news coverage. So, this is what is contained in a woman’s reproductive health and right to her own bodily rights?

Image result for Afghan botched pull out

No American left behind!

That was straight out of Joe Biden’s mouth during the botched Afghanistan withdrawal as US Army abandoned Bagram Air Base overnight without notifying their allied counterparts. How was it that the Taliban knew exactly when to strike as the withdrawal took place? No Americans left behind? There were US contactors, aircraft mechanics, off duty soldiers, along with their families who were conveniently ignored as Kabul Airport dangerously surrounded at close quarters by the city and a convenient point of siege by any attacking force was used for the catastrophic pull out where terrorists could easily fire into the crowds of fleeing Americans and Afghanis with AK-47’s and RPG’s was used when an orderly withdrawal well protected could have been used at the unassailable Bagram Ir Base originally built by the Russians which was well fortified. IN fact, Bagram could have been easily defended even if the rest of Afghanistan was overrun! 40 miles from the Chinese border, Bagram it was a strategic intelligence gathering point! Instead 13 US troops died from a terrorist explosive at Kabul and desperate Afghanis chased the US cargo planes hanging onto to the landing gear as they lifted off the tarmac sitting ducks for Taliban firepower!

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Let us not forget that hundreds of Americans who were abandoned and betrayed by the Biden Administration cowering inside their houses had to be later extracted by volunteer mercenaries in order to sneak them out! All of them were never rescued as women were whipped and murdered in the streets and members of the Afghanis who worked for or cooperated with the Americans were murdered by the Taliban, their bodies left in the streets. This is what we call “Leaving no Americans behind.” Oh, and then there’s the matter of leaving 80 billion in US military hardware to the Taliban as they rushed into to the country to overwhelm what faithful soldiers were left to fight on their own abandoned by American support.

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This is what truly defines leaving no American behind! Of course that’s in Democrat version of English considerably opposite of Webster’s Dictionary that most of us use.

According to the current Democrat campaign narratives inflation is down at 3 to 4 % that gas prices are down, that the US economy is running strong? Oh really? Once again Democrat speak.

Reality: 3% to 4 % per compounded per month translates into more than 36% inflation rate per year! UNSUPPORTABLE!

No prices at the gas pump are not leveling out they are simply increasing more slowly. Of course, we can count on US news media to carry water for the Democrat failures.

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What happened to the Democrat Party of JFK and a patriotic oath to serve the people? That got lost with an assassination and LBJ’s “Great Society” as he called it where welfare was created funded by the taxpayer to keep those “Niggers” in his words, voting for Democrats for the next 200 years while in reality it set back and plunged generations of black Americans into big government dependency for decades to come and ruined their potential! From this point on the new objectives of the Democrat Party became remaining in power at any cost, no matter what lies, deception, intimidation, and even murders it tool! Remember in the words of Joseph Stalin and we have seen it time and time again in the present, “Always accuse your opponents of exactly what you are doing!” Oh, and another quote that captures the true spirit of Democrat conduct when Stalin said, “Elections are decided by those who count the votes.”

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A thought for the day on the lies we are asked to embrace by our not so trusted leaders. Oh, and isn’t the US Constitutional definition of treason to aid and abet the enemy? Didn’t Biden’s actions do just that? After all, the Taliban and the Chinese are siting pretty right now! 

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