Archive for January, 2024

Here We Are on the Brink of Limitless Cheap Energy And WFT!!!

January 25, 2024
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Not that I’m brilliant or my life would have turned out like it has, but I envisioned this form of energy being created a long time ago and wondered why they had not followed through with it. Scientists have found a way to create energy that is hotter than the core of the sun! Within the confines of a specially designed laboratory chamber 192 laser beams are aimed at a particular point. The blast from all these lasers creates a plasma of somewhere like 5 million degrees lasting 4 to 5 minutes. In that period of time 29 thousand 55 gallon barrels of oil worth of energy equivalent is produced. When I was a kid it’ll made sense to me just fire lasers against each other, in a sense, to generate a core plasma contained in an electromagnetic field.

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For decades astrobiologists, astrophysicists, and astronomers considered one of the major steppingstones of any civilization would be to be able to create cost effective energy that would not only cover the growing needs of a productive society, but could be scaled upwards to accommodate space travel so that society could move among the vast distances of stars with a reasonable expectation of contact, thus projecting themselves to other worlds. Just as we consider 3 of our planets in the solar system to be within the “Goldilocks Zone” an area not to cold and not too hot in orbit around the sun, making the possibility of life accommodated by the atmosphere of that planet such as Earth, Mars, and to a lesser degree Venus. However, once life becomes developed enough, sophisticated enough, capable of advanced technology, then energy must be able to supply the new needs of a rapidly advancing civilization.

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It is hard to imagine how such a system would be practically hooked up to the conventional grid system of the US. More likely that just as a nuclear reactor (Fissionable) radiation, the new Fusion reactor would be connected the same way. What’s the difference? Fissionable reactors compress the isotopes under great pressure until a controlled critical mass is created with the reaction being slowed down from an atomic explosion to a controllable state using boron rods and or heavy water to cool the reactor core, but the “Fusion” reactor of the future will use the fiery blasts of industrial lasers that can create a huge amount of energy in 4 to 5 minutes under limited experimentation, not even scaled to an industrial output level.

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This is what is known as disruptive technology and therefore could create chaos in society, not only making conventional energy obsolete, but producing a new form that investors can profit on in order help fund the emerging technology and make it a fiscal reality! This could allow investors with small amounts of money to invest in make 30 thousand times their investment! The world would literally be saved from the green gases scenario, cheapen the cost of energy, and make the future, at least for energy conceivable and a solid foundation of a growing population, but now we have the WEF, the globalists, who would rather lead us into “Degrowth” and cause shortages a long with wars so they can always be in control! No man is at the very foot of the forever summit with a massive form of energy will skyrocket growth, lower costs, be expandable for future use, and be a non-polluting form of fuel. Endless power without waste materials that have a half-life of 10,000 years requiring risky long term storage is another great aspect of this incredible new energy source. 

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Still I Dream

January 25, 2024
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These merciless nights are long and cold

Wondering if you were bought and sold

Might as well be a case of black mold

Looking in the wrong place for a heart of gold,

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Night after night I still dream

While coming apart at the seams

The enchantress of the night will deem

Your journey was all peaches and cream,

Not even half as dark | Zürich, Uetliberg | Thierry Figini | Flickr

Through the dense patches of fog again

Trying to sleep now and then

Still I will use this poison pen

Engraving notes on the trails of Eve’s Garden,

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I’ll unravel the secrets hiding from me

A living crash test dummy

The phantom of the mist may be a little too chummy

Not everyone knows how to be free,

See related image detail. Glitter Graphics: the community for graphics enthusiasts!

While in court be ready to voice your plea

Justice isn’t everything it claims to be

What dwells in our hearts on bended knee?

All lies and broken hearts paid with a soul crushing fee,

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Knowing you and who you are you did it anyway

Like a serpent that knights must slay

In jail cells where only a few criminals stay

Like the cold bed where I lay.

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Current Global Military Matrix-Are we Already at War?

January 17, 2024
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In the next couple of weeks Taiwan is scheduled to conduct a presidential election with the winner giving a speech to his or her people. Xi Ji Ping of Communist China has vowed that this will never happen, that Taiwan is part of China’s empire, but the little island of Formosa and its people are determined to remain independent. The outcome in worst case scenario as discovered in Chinese secret files that the war would begin with China launching preemptive missile strikes against Pearl Harbor in Hawaii at the Pacific Naval fleet there and at Guam, who contains significant holdings by combined US forces. This would be a gamble for control of the South China Sea region, and all its shipping lanes. Whoever controls that theater of operations controls 2/3 of cargo trade in the international markets and captures 80% of the world’s semi-conductor manufacture. A blow like this if successful could leave China in the brutal driver’s seat for a long time.

Image result for North Koreans attacking South Korea 2 weeks agao

Less than 2 weeks ago the North Koreans launched a huge missile offensive at South Korea! Occasional skirmishes have occurred over the years as, believe it or not, the Korean War was never formally declared an armistice, the two sides only agreed to a cease fire, however, this doesn’t justify all out unprovoked aggression against the Seoul and its people. Details from the press are few and vague, but word is out that Japan is furious and over the last few months has been carrying out naval exercises with South Korea. The Communist Chinese have threatened Japan or any other US ally that joins into a military action with the US. Japan has been modernizing its sub fleet as well as it very capable fighter jet squadrons. Japan is just one of many US allies in the Pacific theater. The Philippines, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, and some others will align with the US if it shows purpose and commitment, under the Biden clown house that is questionable. Korea’s leaders want to immediately attack in kind but for the pleadings of the Biden carnival show state department.

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We are all ready at war in the Red Sea as Yemen, you know that little country that Obama ordered our ambassador out of then commanded US Marines to drop all weapons and to load aboard a super cargo plane leaving millions in weapons at the abandoned facility. Yemen has become another asylum for radical terrorists who have launched drone strikes against US troops and ships. 3 weeks ago a massive drone attack campaign was fought off by US Naval destroyers, frigates, and missile cruisers! Over 200 such crafts were flown against our ships. The US response was heavy bombardment in limited areas, but there was damage to the Navy’s fleet. Drones, UAV’s, or AV’s are small craft that while not stealthy are still difficult to pick on radar if not massed together. The fighting went on for at last 3 days with no cease fire agreement signed. Iran is identified as having funded and equipped our adversaries there! Of course in this action the actions of our enemy were ill advised and costly.

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Available weapons arsenals of the forces that would be involved in a regional war are worrisome as territory defended by Taiwan is condensed and an easy target from mainland China even though Taiwan is well equipped with US and allied weaponry and even submarines. Yet, a very long and protracted conflict could prevail if the US is faced landing and maintaining an occupational presence as the fighting moves further north. China has a huge land mass that can be used to withdraw into and still hit its enemies with long range missiles and even hypersonic missiles though it’s not known how many would be transported there. The same is true with Russia, whose most effective strategy throughout its long history of wars has been to outlast their opponents by entrapping them in the vast, uninviting terrain of brutal winters, muddy permafrost, and distances that stretch the limits for fuel and human endurance.

In today's warfighting environment, the F-35 outperforms the F-22

A look at weapons inventories gives the US a staggering advantage but for how long until attrition and loss of resources take their toll. Currently with 600 operational US bases in the world and 14,030 5fth and 6th generation fighter jets (F-35‘s and F-22 Raptors) with eleven to 20 operational US carrier fleets depending how command wants to divide the ships, able to project power to any corner of the globe, neither Russia or China can come close to the sheer numbers of American aerial forces. This does not even include US allied arsenals.

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Russia musters about 2,430 strike capable aircraft of a combined older number together with the newer fighter jets as the SU-27. It has been recently revealed that the much touted hypersonic missiles of the Russian military has turned out to be prone to malfunction and more propaganda than real successful numbers. Yet, Russia has a larger thermo-nuclear missile arsenal than the US.

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Mainland China has fallen behind on its commitment for producing nuclear powered air craft carriers and even lost one after launching it. Why? Because the technology is hard to build and to keep reliable, something the Chinese have little experience in. In their aerial capacity to fight an air war the Chinese have 3,330 J-20’s and older military warplanes, but are well behind the US. China’s strength would be in numbers of her troops and high command’s willingness to sacrifice them in order for an all-out win. However, a huge army of foot soldiers as Napoleon once said, “An army fights and maneuvers on its stomach.” That might just be the key factor for China, their inability to supply the food and hydrating needs of a monstrous war time force under the assault of its enemies, as in massive combat not all that food production will be available.

With all these problems of logistics facing both sides, whoever moves the most units efficiently and costly enough will go a long way to victory! Yet, whoever is able to target and destroy vast supplies needed to keep those soldiers going will be another critical factor. The question of managing our allied involvement and using them effectively would have another challenge. Estimates of US losses have been estimated as 500 US joint operational aircraft and at least one aircraft carrier. With the attack scenario predicted of a China strike if they did hit Guam and Pearl Harbor first casualties and material losses could even more critical.

However, the game changer may already have been introduced in battle. It seems that the Russian hyper missiles have performed poorly in Ukraine with the US ARMY Patriot anti-missile System being effective against them. The equivalent of the Israeli “Iron Dome” system exists in the US Army arsenal under a different name and has met and exceeded expectations.

Few people know that our military has already been in direct conflict with Russian troops when the Wagoner Group fired upon a US base in Syria! Prigozhin and his Wagner military group found elements attacking the US base to have been quickly fired upon by US troops, and a lot of aircraft replying from C-130’s, Wart Hogs, F-22 Raptors, and even directed artillery retaliation from a neighboring American artillery base. The Wagner offensive was quickly smothered with the fury of US combined forces until none of them were left or even recognizable shredded to bits in the burning soil. When the US called upon Russia to ask for their forces were attacking, their response was, “No!” The Russians were contacted again by US joint command and informed that indeed there were no Russian soldiers alive The Russians failed to respond. This is the Wagner Group that fought to within city blocks of Putin’s government offices.

There is one key factor to worry over though. Under the botched and incompetent leadership of the Biden White House filled with “Yes men” like General Milley and General Frank MacKenzie who ran the botched Afghan pull out, with Chinese infiltration of US infrastructure, with Chinese effective deployment of spy balloons, with Chinese operatives in the US government, not to mention Biden’s top secret documents having been viewed by, God knows who, as they were left practically open to the public. How much of the US battle plan does China already know about? How much has Biden willingly shared with the Chinese through the millions son Hunter has brought into the country for the Biden family? America might be facing the worst consequences in history by a true treasonous President that would make Benedict Arnold look like an amateur compared to the corrupt, conscientiously absent, senile, Joe Biden!

With Trump Winning the Iowa Race What do we Prepare for Now?

January 16, 2024

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Trump, despite all odds against him and the self-destructive resistance of the evil Democrats, has captured Iowa in a landslide voter response. Some worried that the extreme weather conditions would discourage the vote turn out, but what was meant to be was just meant to be. It appears that the beginning of the end for the Democrats is being demonstrated with Fanni Willis, Trump’s prosecutor, having been caught having an affair with another Democrat colleague that she profited from in Georgia. An Orange County Judge overturns another Georgia election based upon voter fraud and awards the race to a Republican. We are seeing these kinds of incidents in 13 states now which could be the cracks in the foundation that spell disaster for the Democrat corrupt political machinery.

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There is no doubt Donald Trump is set to steam roll every state holding the caucuses, as despite the lies of the media and MSNBC and CNN refusing to broadcast the last night’s results of Trump’s overwhelming victory, once again our guarantee of a free press in the US Constitution has not continued. So, let’s jump ahead and with the likely assurance that Trump succeeds in winning the presidency, what happens next?

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What do we know about the Democrats? We know that they operate just like Manchurian candidates. They must be owned by our overseas enemies such as the Communist Chinese as all policies adopted by the party since Biden was installed have favored the best interests of the Red Chinese. Signing 42 Executive orders and erasing every policy of President Trump that benefited the US economically, energy wise, and even militarily, Joe Biden has made it very convenient as has the Democrat Party to allow the Communist Chinese to infiltrate Senate personal staffs such as for Feinstein in California, Eric Swallwel sleeping with a Chinese spy who contributed large donations of campaign money to his election as well as to California’s Democrat Party he introduced her to, Fang Fang, succeeded beyond her government’s wildest dreams.

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So, like prostitutes, the Democrats will capitulate, accept, and enforce anti-American policy when ever confronted secretly by foreign regimes who will pay for their interests to be accommodated through bribes and Democrats even going to a foreign government for help against the election of republicans as Ted Kennedy did in 1984 asking the Soviet Union for help in preventing Ronald Reagan from being elected. So, why should we expect anything different now? The writing is on the wall. The petulant child mentality of Democrats who must remain in control or destroy the country will lead to perhaps horrid events such as seeming natural disasters, false flags, Black Psyops, whatever Machiavellian plans it takes to scare and deceive the people into believing that Trump is responsible for the lives lost and property destroyed, but that’s the obvious Democrat playbook we’re talking about! They’re going to scheme to create doubt and blame. Is this the kind of welcome that the new president and the nation can expect?  There are many people already fearing an attempt on Trump’s life which would, no doubt lead to a civil war. Chances are!

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And You Scoff at the Great Reset? What The hell is wrong with you?

January 13, 2024

Whether you want to accept it or not, the “Great Replacement “ is here and on the way to being a reality! There’s nothing great about it. You will lose the last vestige of your Constitutional rights to privacy, financial records, freedom of speech, and it even goes further as the US is brought under a global government that wants you to endure planned shortages, zero ownership, and you’ll be happy? What kind of Democrat bullshit is this? Each time the Democrats make another stab at your liberties you wienie sheep go right along with it saying that there’s nothing to see here! How can you people be so damned blind?


Americans you call yourselves, you have nothing in common with the “Greatest Generation” that endured the Great Depression and then fought WWII so that you could benefit from the blood they spilled for your convenience! Even the Hollywood actors and actresses of the time went to immediately enlist in the draft and many distinguished themselves in battle while the current “Pussies” in Hollywood trash Trump enjoy their drug fired bi-sexual orgies and act in movies that are leftist political hit jobs! America what the hell happened to you?


Oh yes we can go down the list of political, organizational, and judicial changes that were made even decades ago, but there’s something missing from this Generation Z. There’s a lack of compassion and rational thought. The cognitive dissonance among them is off the charts. They sympathize with the terrorists and the organizations that are using non-governmental influence and funding to occupy the soil of your country without justifiable cause, they would rather spend their time in a Meta world of electronically induced fantasy and, play games on their cell phones, or allow the bought off globalist owned US media to think for them because it’s just too damn hard to use reason and stand up for what’s right! They’d rather lay on the floors and streets of New York yelling out, “Don’t shoot!” in memory of Treyvon Martin made into a martyr after beating an armed neighborhood watch guard senseless! 


As America dies under the asymmetric warfare  of the left we have millions of so called Americans willing to stand by and allow it to happen. They’ll even wait at the border to award illegal immigrants with water and treats as the trespassers cross into the Zone Interior. They hate their past, they hate those who were heroes, they hate a free market system that requires work and effort to succeed, they want free money from the government, and plenty of  “ATTA BOYS!” for merely showing up and doing the responsible thing that any and very one should be expected to do. Medals for doing nothing and awards for achievement, the entitlements for the self centered cup cakes who can’t see the lessons of history once Collectivism digs its claws into their backs as it did in Eastern Europe and Russia while millions starved to deaths due to the designs of one Joseph Stalin, a fascist dictator who believed in punishing the masses by the iron fist of the state to achieve compliance!


Are there any real men left who would die for their country or at least fight for it? But, are there enough?

On My Knees

January 12, 2024
Image result for lonely man praying in a small room

All upon my room the rain drops all around

The damp cold coming down

Hearing that gentle sound

Christmas is gone and I’m outbound,

The wind whispers outside my window

God I wish for a fireplace’s glow

Beyond this moment so much to know

Recovering from life’s blow after blow,

How long can any of us survive the pain?

Lost love, betrayal, all that is insane

Evil one’s who never wonder over their ill-gotten gains,

What goodness in my heart remains?

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The seeds of revenge that upon I cannot rely

Forbidden voices forsake the skies

Here am I in my disguise

Too solemn to even philosophize,

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Lonely nights that whisper until dawn

And this shadowy existence goes on and on

Awaiting the encounter with a black swan

As if all reasonable hope is gone,

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Then the rain speaks again from outside

As I sit misty eyed

I heard the voice of Christmas past as it sighed

John, who sang “And so this is Christmas Christmas,” died,

In the midst of winter now where some souls freeze

On the streets I hear a distant sneeze

So few who aim to please

Lord, you have me on my knees.

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What Happens When all Illusions Melt Away?

January 11, 2024
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Society is held together by mutually acceptable belief systems that are supposed to allow us to sleep comfortably tonight, thinking that everything is on the up and up and that things are going the way they should in a perfect world. We re led to believe that our currency the US dollar is stable and reliable. We are led to believe that a standing Army is at the borders making sure no bad actors or illegal trespassers are entering the country. We are left to believe that public schools are out educate our kids and not mess with their minds. We are led to believe that the Food and Drug Administration is hard at work making sure no medical patients die from dangerous vaccines or drugs that cause fatal side effects. We think that our news outlets  are telling us the truth when, in fact, we are being denied the facts or that corrupt government officials will be held accountable for the kinds of violations that would put you and I behind bars for years. It’s all lies! Please be advised!

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The little man behind the curtain

So what do we do? We’ve been told by the Democrats the Electoral College cannot be trusted, that a certain amount of fake ballots are acceptable, and that a president could never be installed rather than honestly elected by the people’s own hand written vote. Yet, here we go on another fantasy ride of falsities and empty promises. Every sacredly held belief that has been implanted into our consciousness has been a deception in order to keep the masses unprovoked and slaves of a broken system. Do you want to find the culprit? The little white haired man standing behind the curtain and telling you that the Wizard of Oz has all the answers. Wrong! The little old, harmless looking man behind the curtain is really part of the shadow government that has violated the US Constitution and weaponized the legal system against all liberty loving Americans.

Fear-the best salesman

All those sacredly held beliefs we Americans took for granted like a trustworthy school system, a solid US dollar, it certainly would help if we could have trust in the worthiness of mass public transportation perhaps there would be a lesser demand for privately owned vehicles, but even in purchasing privately owned we run into restrictions, taxes, and to double standards that benefit all the Green Industry moguls attempting to get us to unknowingly contribute to their own fortunes based up climate fear mongering. All our lives have been impacted by fear mongering over “Climate Change”. But, now the gloves are off! They don’t care anymore if we know that they’re lying. The ceiling is coming down fast! All of their mismanagement, over spending, social engineering, and assurance that all you see here, is nothing to worry about.

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Justifying the illusion they created

Labeling everything that violates our rights covertly is supposedly conspiratorial, the dirty backdoor midnight plans to bring about Obamacare were simply a matter of bribing states who resisted until they got what they wanted-more taxes at the cost of the taxpayer as the printed money de-valued again and again until today groceries are almost out of reach for many, electricity has become hardly affordable, gas for your car the most costly than it’s been in ages. Government, in the minds of the Founding Fathers was supposed to be closely monitored by the people so it would not be an impediment to everyday life, but it has now become a runaway criminal enterprise and anyone who gets in the way gets mowed down by a corrupt judicial system as former president, Donald J. Trump has found out.

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Yet, still we have people who cling to the illusion. The illusion drives their need for normality and belief that life is worth living in our society and everything in “Hunk Dory!” They, as the corrupt Machiavellian planners have anticipated, will be a major road block to those trying to spread the truth, unveil the lies, and get our disease ridden republic back to its former righteous self again! With an upwards of 9 million illegal aliens now on American soil, allowed by the Biden gaffe show, and somewhere between 40% to 50% of our fellow countrymen labeling truth as conspiracy theory and the fragile frosted glass of illusion held over our society, it will take a miracle!

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Then Get it Over Quick

January 7, 2024
Image result for walking alone in the rin

If life and love are such a game

Then why is there so much pain?

Am I just a fool singing in the rain?

Simply originating from where I came,

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If this is the illusion of life they say

Are those you care about supposed to go astray?

Leaving you cold from where you lay?

Woe to those who show dismay,

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Seeing the smoke and flame from Ground Zero

I wonder if there really is a true hero

Hearing the insane violin passage of Emperor Nero

Being interrogated by my buddies at the bureau,

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Being a fugitive for no good legal reason

For the federal government its hunting season

Wish I could swim like a Polynesian

Pursued by those guilty of treason,

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You could have given a sign or a clue

Instead, how could I have ever believed in you?

Intersecting worlds are doomed to fall askew

I think I see my exile in view,

Port of entry I foresee a big bust

A spoiled, rich, wife who has wanderlust

To the megalomaniacs it is a must

The inevitable outcome covered in rust,

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Subterranean mysteries in the Antarctic

Plans for global devastation, is this just a trick?

Dogmatic ideology as thick as a brick

Planning to wipe out the population, then do it quick!

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Ill-Gotten Affairs

January 4, 2024
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Ill-Gotten Affairs

There are things you thought you knew but did not

So much for good intentions they seem to rot

In the universe this tiny planet is but a dot

This life is a gamble put a coin in the slot,

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All those things you thought you knew

All those debts everyone owed you that were past due

Your misconceptions are illusions out of the blue

Sit down old friend we have some fat to chew,

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No shadows yet the day is not quite done

Tried to reach you but your racing thoughts weighed a ton

You and you’re racing thoughts under the gun

It’s a wonder all who knew you were not quite stunned,

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But with that breakdown of your brain

Comes all that you caused others, all that pain

Making excuses for your cruelty seems a bit arcane

Only those closest to you seem to notice the blood stains,

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Somehow the aging queen retains her name

Despite the social injustices that remain

Those who trust her what a shame

When being a lover is the worst part of being insane,

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How do we get that way of Lord?

Plow shares beaten by too many swords?

Russian subs hiding in the waters of the fjords?

Ill-gotten affairs lack the officialdom of diplomatic accords.

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Gulag America

January 4, 2024
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As Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana and Ted Cruz of Texas attempt to wrestle at the truth between FBI Director Christopher Wray, we are reminded that the most famous law enforcement organization in US history is now busy doing the work of the devil, deciding the outcome of elections, jailing parents at schoolboard meeting upset over the filth in their kids curriculum, or are pursuing patriots who were entrapped on January 6th committing no more than non-violent trespass. That a president and his son, Hunter, can be allowed to launder millions in foreign money that the son can have thousands of photos and files that incriminate him as a drug abuser, and pedophile committing sex acts, yet a laptop full of this evidence is ignored and proclaimed to be Russian collusion with presidential candidate Donald Trump in 2020 indicates a grievous corruption of the Department of Justice, and if they can get away with doing it to the President of the United States, what does this mean for me and you? The precedent is staggering!

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No accountability

The federal government now has the equivalent of immunity to prosecution for acts of criminal conduct and damages to individuals they have subjected to this type of torture. Never before has the federal government been exposed so blatantly to this kind of abuse and continued to act as though they are impervious to a justice they certainly deserve, which is prosecution! As if we were under the boot of a Stalinist regime the American Gulag is most assuredly with us. Under that oppression our tax dollars are spent in wars, paying off countries that hate us, printing more dollars’ worth zero that only devalue our spending power, and a rate of inflation not seen in 43 years yet we are told things are getting better! The insult of our intelligence has come full circle! Just as the Communists endlessly persecuted their political rivals, we now see that going on at Capitol Hill and in New York where District Attorneys are allowed to violate legality and simply go after candidates the Democrats do not want to run against!

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The sources of disinformation

How has this been allowed to happen? How could the population in general tolerate such criminal negligence and lack of respect of the due process of law? Perhaps it was the three decades of indoctrination by the universities that turned out America hating generations of Americans. Perhaps it was the constant bombardment of slanted news coverage that hides the truth and upholds Democrat lies. Maybe it was the mediocre kind of entertainment we get today that injects deceptive politics into comedy, music, and even weekly shows so that soon we have an underclass of zombies who will endure any kind of hardship imposed upon them by the federal, state, and country governments who spend with no accountability, while taxing us to death!

FBI Special Agent Uniform

Institutionalized corruption

Whatever the poison that was doled out to the masses, the American Gular stands as a real institution that threatens the Constitutional freedoms of every American who trusted that their liberty was protected thanks to our forefathers and the blood of our soldiers who fought so that those values would never be abandoned, yet they were! By the American Gulag! The nightmare of this reality stares us in the face each everyday unless you are one of those sheep who will go timidly into the darkness of government imposed evil and accept whatever crumbs are offered as well as whatever oppression of rights is decided upon thanks to their conditioning! No foreign army will ever do the damage that our own fellow Americans do to the republic by accepting the control of the oligarchs who could care less about their hypocrisy or their vengeful power grabs for the Gulag is an asylum for the weak, the mesmerized, and those who refuse to take action when it must be taken!

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