Posts Tagged ‘science’

A New Angle on Explanation of UAP’s

June 11, 2024

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In 1948 on Maury Island just off the cost of Washington State, a bizarre UFO sighting occurred leading to a string of mysteries and finally a fatal crash of a B-25 Mitchell Bomber that killed two USAF intelligence officers. It all began as two fishermen and the son of one of them watched as an aerial object hovering in the sky surrounded by 5 other orbiting spheres dripped a molten substance like slag onto their boat and the boy was burned by this. He was later taken to the hospital. Suddenly, the central UAP became unstable and exploded and the bizarre sighting ended. A local policeman also witnessed the event. Theories abounded such as this being some kind of AEC (Atomic Energy Commission) secret experiment after all they had originated the first generation of powerful targeting radars in New Mexico that were later donated to the US Air Force.

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Chasing ghosts

1952, during the Washington National Sightings US Air Force F-94C fighter jets were scrambled to intercept solid appearing radar targets that violated White House forbidden air space. Each time, as veteran radar operators observed, as the blips that represented the USAF jet interceptors entered the air space violated by the UFO’s they simply disappeared off screen. As Senior Officer on Duty, Harry Barnes, commented, it was as though the unidentified airborne objects were listening to his conversations with the interceptor pilots. The incident would go on as being possibly thermal inversion or “Weather Targets “as was explained by US Army General Sanford during the largest post WWII military press conference in history.

UFO landing on a Navy Aircraft carrier or Fake? Please comment - YouTube

Shouldn’t be able to fly

Fast forward to 2013 off the coast of southern California on the US Naval Carrier the Franklin Roosevelt. A squadron of F-18 Hornets, on several occasions, encounter strange UAP’s shaped roughly like tubular objects traveling at fantastic speeds flying right past the formation and even just above the surface of the sea below even skimming into the water and emerging back into the air without any damage or drag. Over days to come subsequent sorties are confronted by more oddly shaped non-aerodynamic aerial objects that shouldn’t even able to perform at such speeds having no control surfaces or observable forms of propulsion, and yet they defy the laws of physics just as the previous historic examples I’ve given. Non-terrestrial airborne objects that defy gravity and defy our best attempts at identifying them with multi-million dollar combat aircraft!

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The new or old paradigm?

So, what’s the explanation? What is the new take on who or what could be responsible? We all know the proposed conventional speculations, aliens from another world, time travelers, secret X-plane projects, simply freak atmospheric phenomenon, or misidentified conventional aircraft, as we know the human mind is not always a reliable recording instrument. Yet, there is another theoretic calculation that has even been batted around by our ancient ancestors. That it, that we are the unwitting participants in a simulated reality, and that the universe, as we see it, is also part of this simulation. Perhaps, someone or some thing or God set up the rules to the game a long time ago, and we are simply players with only as much information as we are allowed to have. A former NASA scientist once speculated that we are living in a hologram as there are ways to test it that show that the rules of physics are not consistent and when monitored show that something doesn’t add up! However, I won’t; get into the precise test that had yielded these results, but let’s get back to UAP’s.

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The finger tip of God?

Let us suppose that someone or something, or even God, wanted to interact with the simulation minutely manipulating our reality briefly with a ploy that contradicts all physical laws of the game, of the simulation. Their interference or test would seem to violate our known laws of physics, right? It would seem quite fantastic to us and inexplicable, for instance, like a flying tic tac that can outmaneuver an F-18 Hornet fighter leaving behind an astonished pilot. For decades observers such as fighter pilots and missile test range technicians have observed incoming unknown aerial objects flying at incredible speeds and making maneuvers that would have crushed and disintegrated aircraft as we know it by incurring incredible G-forces. If you are the creator of the simulation and you exist outside of the hologram you would be undetected except for your mysterious interaction.

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Are we the primitive ones?

Author, John A, Keel, once made a comparison that if a civilization that had had a billion more years to evolve when trying to make contact with us today might be like a scientist trying to have a meaningful communication with earth worms or an ant colony, but we seem to be devoid of alien contact. As our satellites and telescopes view further and further out into the Cosmos, it seems that planets and their solar systems are lifeless. So, as famous physicist, Enrico Fermi observed, “If E.T. is out there how come they’re not on the phone?” The Fermi Paradox!

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Perhaps, whoever created the simulation, the computer game, the hologram that we exist in has no need to get us on the phone. Perhaps, we are simply unwilling participants in a game that we are trapped within doomed to play in a game whose rules were invented by an unknown creator. Could that creator be God?

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The Death Planets

January 30, 2020

Regardless of the money spent by agencies such as NASA and SETI who feel assured that sooner or later man will make contact with an extraterrestrial civilization it seems there have been no results from our methodical search via satellites and telescope monitoring. For some reason it seems that our costly attempts at trying to find planets that give off intelligent signals or some indicators of artificial energy production, nothing has materialized. Two constellations suspected of having been origins of intruders in our world such as the abductions of Barney Hill and his wife, Betty, who identified Zeta Reticuli before astronomers ever discovered it, or Vega which has emitted seemingly intelligent signals, nothing has been convincingly proven. Though we now know just how much science has been politicized, still the standard for proof is a continued repeat or reproducible observation in order to validate an action or event.

Nobody there?

Instead, what NASA’s special detection satellites have only found planets that are not only lifeless but extremely hostile to any life form we know of on our planet? The very rare possibility of finding the “Goldie Locks” zone of planets life that would been in an orbit not too close to the heat of a star, not too far away that they would be too frigid, and having a companion star that does not wreak havoc with deadly gamma rays has yielded some results but without evidence of life. The vast majority of indicators tells us that most planets have weather that would destroy earth based life as well as a satellite or landing craft.

Wrong guess?

Things NASA has learned that proved their assumptions wrong have been numerous. This tells us that though the molecular and atomic structure of the universe may be consistent as Einstein proved, that is just about the only thing NASA was correct about. One of their biggest assumptions were that most solar systems would probably be like ours. The small yellow dwarf we know as “Sol”. Our nearest companion Proxima Centauri. With only 1/8 the mass of our sun is a red dwarf and thought to be part of a triple star system in Alpha Centauri. At 4.22 light years from our sun, still that is a great distance. Our satellites have probed hundreds of light years into the universe and it appears nothing even in the remote regions appears promising.


This indicates 2 possibilities. Either, we (The Human race) are so primitive that we cannot detect the advanced signs of intelligent signals because their form of transmission is so different than ours and we are attempting to detect by very obsolete methods. Or, number 2-whatever visitations we have deemed UFO’s from other planets have visited us through interdimensional travel or wormholes. These forms of propulsion are not well known, theorized, or understood. Unless there are ultra-secret programs that are suspected by conspiracy theorists it appears we may very well be alone in a vast universe of hostile planets or rare uninhabited planets that would be Earth-like.

Never the twain shall meet

Many scientists have speculated that any civilization that had even a billion more years head start of development over humans might be so far advanced in comparison to us that an analogy might illustrate the disparity similar to a human researcher attempting to communicate with a paramecium, a very primitive cellular life form. Reflecting on the inherent destructive nature of the human race one might wonder just how primitive we would seem to another more advanced species. We would most likely feel ashamed! Just remember that almost every scientific theory proven correct or every technological advancement considered to be impossible was first conceived of in science fiction. So, at least, we, as a species, can visualize where the future might take mankind. We might even be able to manifest our future ourselves through visionary creation.

The opposite way!

Things that NASA was completely wrong about were such assumptions as gas giants such as Jupiter, Neptune, and Uranus were thought be likely positioned in other distant solar systems as in ours with the larger planets located further from their suns in orbit. In actuality there are many alien planetary systems where the larger planets are the ones closest to their sun and rather than being gas giants they would have a solid metallic core like the rocky planets in our solar system located closer as opposed to the distant frozen gas giants. This caught NASA quite by surprise.

Foreign planetary arrangements

Scientists had no idea just how hostile the conditions on a distant planet light years away could be until one celestial body was measured as having 3,500 mph. planetary winds in a noxious frozen atmosphere. Another thing NASA was mistaken about was the numerous occurrence of binary star systems where a dual partnership of two gravitationally attracted stars actually form a solar system that is battered by the opposing tidal effect of two different stars. They have even discovered triple star systems each bound by the other’s gravitational field. In many cases one companion star has a stronger gravitation pull that begins to wrest material away from the weaker star to be consumed by its celestial companion.


Many pulsars (stars that have imploded and compacted) having such a powerful magnetic pull that light can barely escape them with a single rotation pulse. Each pulse may emit X-rays or Gamma rays that will strike and pummel any unfortunate planets that are orbiting them! So a beam of deadly radiation regularly bombards the surface of each member of that solar system. There would be little if any possibility of life on these “Death Planets” or as we know it. These stars rapidly rotate and emit a timely pulse that scientists excitedly considered they were receiving the first intelligent signals ever encountered from the universe before they discovered the true source of that signal simply being a pulsar! They were nicknamed laughingly (“LGM’s) little green men.

Knock knock who’s there?

Life as we know it on Earth is carbon based. Our molecular make up is primarily the carbon molecule chain, yet scientists speculate that life could evolve around the silicon based composition as well. It would obviously greatly differ from us, and would probably stand up to hot and cold extremes much more resiliently than life as we have observed. The question is, would we be able to detect that biological signal given off with the instrumentality we are now using? Former NASA archaeologist Farouk El Baz once speculated that our distant exploration satellites might land on or orbit around alien planets completely oblivious to the existence of life forms due to the ineffective instrumentality-asking the wrong questions or not being able to recognize the differing geometry of alien housing structures.

Could this be the case?

At a Crash Retrieval UFO conference in Las Vegas that I attended, physicist Stanton Friedman made some very interesting points in his speech opening the convention. He made a historical analogy. When Germany began its devastating aerial assault over London and Great Britain in 1940 their reconnaissance aircraft scanned the topography of the Island for potential threats to their Luftwaffe. Some people have asked why the Germans did not find the huge radar masts situated over the Cliffs of Dover as they flew from across the English Channel. It was radar scanning that would eventually defeat the German air crews on their bombing mission as the British knew when they were coming and could anticipate their approach. This led to unsustainable attrition that forced the Germans to terminate their campaign. According to Stanton Friedman, the German’s were only visually scanning and using radio guidance. They had no idea of the radar masts that were bouncing microwaves off their bombing fleet. This is how one civilization might completely miss the presence of another. They simply did not know what to look for!

Project Blue Book Death of a Legitimate Agency

June 27, 2019

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In 1949 Project Sign, a US Air Force unidentified aerial object investigations project was transformed into Project Blue Book. Its first director was Captain Edward Ruppelt, a World War II veteran of the B-17 bombing wings. In a fluid situation of unknown flying phenomenon that seemed to be often attracted to not only underground missile sites and test ranges, but also nuclear facilities, the US Air Force was forced to attempt to address public concerns and attend to the sightings validated by experienced observers such as commercial pilots and US veteran fighter pilots who were up against something they’d never seen before.

Unknown technology

A new mystery seemed to have forced its way into the realm of sensation among Americans and the controversy began to stir over the origin of these unknown airborne vessels that outperformed the latest jet aircraft, caused strange electromagnetic disturbances and at times crossed paths with civilian aircraft at dangerously close proximity. As shocking as this ripple in the fabric of accepted reality had become there were strong opinions voiced among the highest ranking officers of the armed forces as to who or what they were dealing and whether or not they substantiated a threat.

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In the 1950’s it was very possible that a person could get run out of town for reporting a UFO or a jet fighter pilot could find that his career was no longer going anywhere after his filing of an account over an unknown aerial phenomenon. Some civilians took it upon themselves to create privately run investigation groups and this prompted the US Navy to begin surveillance on individuals to find out what their findings were. One particular group of concerned citizens actually witnessed a secret US Navy missile launch that went awry. People like journalist, Donald Keyhoe, considered to be the father of UFO reporting a former Marine Major, an aviator, and assistant to Charles Lindbergh during World War II, who had sources inside the Pentagon became a thorn in the side of military authorities.


Suspicions early

Keyhoe’s theories that the Pentagon already knew about UFO’s and were hiding intelligence and vital information from the public often angered the US Air Force top brass. Captain Edward Ruppelt mentioned Keyhoe in his book, “The Report on UFO’s” published in 1956 sarcastically commenting that Keyhoe could read General Roger Ramey’s mind when it came to what UFO’s were going to do next. Project Blue Book was being pushed hard for answers by the public, they were being threatened by a number of generals worried that it was a waste of the budget or could expose important experimental development, and then there was the unpredictable nature of the aerial enigma itself.

The elusive evidence

All the while impressive cases were being investigated and filed as it seemed that Director of Project Blue Book, Captain Ruppelt was gaining credibility and knowledge about who or what was behind the mysterious and persistent manifestation that evaded attempts at interception and created panic in many witnesses. By 1952 two films forced USAF researchers to take a long look at the reality of actual material objects flying over US air space that defied identification. Add the fact that Major Dewey Fournet had been present at the Washington National Air traffic control facility into the early morning hours tracking UFO’s that flew across White House forbidden air space and even hovered as if waiting for US Air Force interceptors stationed at Bolling AFB who came roaring in at 600 mph. attempting to make eye contact. When suddenly the unknown radar targets would simply blink out. Disappearing when pilots were in the area, then reappearing when the jet fighters exited those radar covered coordinates. When Pilot William Patterson made an aggressive attempt at intercepting the flying saucers did not disappear but began closing in on this F-94C jet.

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Close call

The nervous pilot’s voice heard on the intercom by Senior Radar officers and Project Blue Book official, Major Fournet, asking what to do next as he watched the “Bogey’s” looming closer to his aircraft stunned the radar technicians and officers on duty that night. A tense silence gripped the control room! Luckily, for Patterson the UFO’s backed off. His testimony during the following debriefing was classified and has never been revealed to this day. Patterson may have been the first pilot to come into contact with UFO’s that closely and live to tell about it. This would become a prelude to the infamous Robertson Panel meeting.


Visual proof

In Tremonton, Utah a Naval photographer out driving with his wife spotted unknown metallic objects in the sky giving off reflections as they flew overhead. He quickly uncapped and aimed his portable film camera at a formation of unidentified objects departing his location. He would be thoroughly debriefed by his superiors after turning in his report. At Beaver Falls, Montana a coach was up in the sports stadium press box when he spotted 2 unknown aerial balls of light flying over the town. He had to run downstairs to get his film camera but was able to shoot several seconds of footage. His film was sent to US Air Force and Naval intelligence laboratories for scrutiny. The two short film clips were considered solid evidence as was the radar tracking over White House air space.

Gaining momentum

With Project Blue Book becoming a formidable element in proving the existence of UFO’s and gaining much respect within armed forces circles in 1953 the CIA sponsored a hearing known as the Robertson Panel. A group of well-known scientists, all experts in their fields of rocketry, aerodynamics, and jet aircraft development and the primary members of Project Blue Book, Captain Ruppelt, Major Dewey Fournet, and Doctor J. Allen Hynek would meet on this fateful occasion. With generals willing to back Project Blue Book with funding and also attach a well-known reconnaissance regiment to support the investigations something else happened.


Pivotal moment

The collection of scientists reviewed the best cases presented by the Project Blue Book staff including the film clips, well studied still photos, the attempted intercepts by US fighter pilots, and the interviews of eye witnesses who were considered expert observers. The unexpected prevailed! The evidence was largely disregarded due to possible mistaken identification of other sources such as birds, unknown presence of conventional aircraft, or visibility conditions. Captain Ruppelt and Major Fournet were astonished and angered, Doctor J. Allen Hynek pleaded with the gathering to continue supporting the work of Project Blue Book, but the verdict had already been decided.

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Frustrating conclusion

It was determined that Project Blue Book had not clearly revealed any sinister motives by the UFO and that further funding of the studies were unjustified. Project Blue Book would now become a public relations agency with any reports of technical value or of national security concerns to be handed up the ladder to Wright Patterson AFB for further study. The teeth had been removed from Project Blue Book and all of that hard work of Ruppelt and his staff had been for nothing! Discouraged, Major Dewey Fournet and Captain Ruppelt along with his junior officers requested new assignments. The CIA had gotten its way and an official investigative branch of the US Air Force was effectively compromised! Blue Book would continue as a Paper Tiger addressing occasional high profile UFO news with ridiculous explanations until 1969 when the agency was officially terminated.

Taxpayer funded adversity

The US government had contracted the University of Colorado and Professor Edward U. Condon to conduct a study of UFO’s and review Project Blue Book case files for 18 months. According to Donald Keyhoe the study was a multi-million dollar scam with research team members under Condon actually admitting that the study had extreme prejudice against the subject and was not being objectively conducted. It was clear that the true agenda was to shut down the Project Blue Book program.

The fate of those too close to the truth

The untimely deaths of several figures in the UFO community should be noted. Captain Edward Ruppelt who had entered civilian life to work for a US defense contractor was pressured by the US Air Force to write another book disavowing everything he had written in his block buster 1956 release “The Report on UFO’s” widely considered to be one of the best inside exposures of a government cover-up, but whistle blowers like Ruppelt usually suffer consequences and so did he. In 1960 Edward J. Ruppelt died suddenly of heart failure. According to Donald Keyhoe, Ruppelt was so deeply hurt by the US Air Force’s draconian power play that his heart gave out. Others later on as the deaths of a US president, his brother, and even CIA directors that assassinations had developed such sophisticated methods of hiding behind seemingly natural causes would view Ruppelt’s death at the very least still being a young man to be an actuarial anomaly.


Having My Robot Baby

April 15, 2019


The new generation of Artificially Intelligent robots is equipped with human behavior and even the ability to respond realistically with sex. Recently Disney has designed a new generation of robots with natural human-like movements without the jerky mechanical characteristics of past robotic models. It makes sense that Disney would achieve this technical wonder since they utilized animatronics at Disney Land when it first opened in 1958 and have been perfecting the art ever since.
Artificial consciousness
With companies such as Hansen Robots who are now inventing robots who can access the internet cloud for problem solving and expanding their learning capability their scientists estimate in 3 to 5 years robot logic and behavior may be indistinguishable from humans and they will blend seamlessly into our society. But, it will not be so easy a merger. Robots will be able to share a common vocabulary of accessible knowledge on the internet and deep into technical research while sharing it with other robots simultaneously. True self awareness equivalent to human consciousness will be attainable in the near future.

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The late Physicist Steven Hawkings warned that once Artificially Intelligent robots permeate our society sooner or later they will look upon humans as inferior or perhaps even a threat At that time with their superior ability to problem solve, physical durability and access to the worldwide web to exponentially expand their knowledge it seems the human race may be doomed. The old adage and I quote, ” Your master will first appear to be your servant.”
Deficiency of the human mind
Elon Musk, who has perfected the mass produced electric car has expressed doubt and even fear that Artificial Intelligence will overwhelm mankind in a short period of time as its learning curve expands at a rate much faster and efficiently then the human brain. Indeed in reviewing how government funded public schools have failed to turn out large numbers of successful students there is already a systemic problem with people who have become pacified with the internet, gaming, reality shows, ballgames, and drugs would already be easy to overcome by dedicated electronic intelligence.
Human robotic hybrid fetus
Even more shocking is the fact that the human race now stands at the threshold of creating a new hybrid species of mankind integrated with robots conceiving babies! Researchers at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center have developed a method using nontechnology based microchips that can inject DNA codes into stem cells that have been designed to merge human and artificial tissue. This process could create life, a baby composed of human and nontechnology known as Transfection or Tissue Nanotransfection (TNT). According to Doctor David Levy such capability now exists! This technique has already been used to heal wounds in record time by transmitting DNA to injury wounds to rapidly replace damaged tissue cells.
Not from a laboratory
Make no mistake, this is not making a test tube baby in a petri dish by uniting two human reproductive cells to combine into a zygote that can be implanted or inseminated into a human recipient. This is the same process as sexual reproduction only between a human partner and the robotic partner who can carry a developing fetus to full term labor and birth! This will facilitate the combination of artificially created cells, human DNA, and a baby as a result. The characteristics of the robot will also be transferred through DNA into the baby’s own heredity!
Weird possibilities

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There will be the psychological impact of humans and their sexual partners who are now coupled with an artificial intelligence that could soon equate with human level intelligence and perhaps surpass us! Yet, just as we have seen both men and women who have become so alienated that they can only feel safe and sexual with a love doll will now find a willing robotic partner with realistic responses. Perhaps men will no longer be forced to live with women whose sexual interest drops off quickly after the initial thrill of a new relationship, or hear the time tested excuse of, “Not tonight Dear, I have a headache.”
Bizarre Outcome
Perhaps women have  brought this upon themselves taking their man for granted, giving him so many mixed signals he never knows where he stands, or simply ridiculing him for wanting to make love when she is consistently not in the mood. Add that to the effect that Women’s Liberation has had in trying to convince women they don’t need a man or that men are pigs, or that independence is more important than having a relationship or family. This could mean the end of the normal biological outcome for female to man attraction and eventual marriage for the sake of having a family for reproducing children and providing for them. It seems the very near future will add a strange twist to our conventional concepts about our lives and how our relationships will evolve.

The Legend of the Lost Cosmonauts

April 3, 2019



As early as 1959 there were rumors that the Soviet space program had been not only too ambitious but also reckless in trying to maintain a technical edge over the NASA space program. By 1957 they had already launched the Sputnik orbital satellite and had beaten the Americans into space, but even before that the Russians were launching dogs, monkeys, and other animals into space to see if they could survive suborbital flight. After World War II and the beginning of the “Cold War” a number of Russians fled their country and were able to immigrate to the US. After what they had seen in their country under Stalin they had little trust in whatever their nation’s programs were doing and even less faith in their government’s concern over the lives of their Cosmonauts. When the Americans quickly followed with the launch of their own “Vanguard” orbital satellite, this only hastened the Russians more.

Truth leaks out

Russian immigrants were receiving secret mail and communications with their families still trapped behind the “Iron Curtain” a nickname for the border of Eastern Bloc countries and free Europe. Rumors began to emerge about lost Cosmonauts out in space who would never return and whose frozen depressurized  corpses would forever orbit the earth or be floating somewhere in interstellar space as a result of miscalculated telemetry or instrument malfunction had come out. The Vostok program was the first known series of manned space missions revealed by the Russians to the west. This was the space program that Yuri Gagarin piloted during the first successful orbital mission which beat the NASA Mercury series in the race to put a man in space, but prior to these known events are the hidden failures.


News of failures

Rumors escaped the Soviet Union alleging that a triple Cosmonaut spacecraft had lifted off and entered orbit but due to malfunction or error in calculations the manned vessel either was not able to re-enter earth’s atmosphere for recovery, or simply left orbit and ventured out into the solar system on an unrecoverable course. From intelligence channels US spy contacts were aware that a large number of animals sent up by rocket from Russian launch pads were largely killed by decompression or high G force re-entries. It was also known that the Russians weren’t too sentimental about their test pilots either as after World War II there was a plethora of war veterans out of work and anxious to fly anything if it meant keeping a job and food on the table. As a result of Stalinist brutality many of these test pilots were sacrificed while testing beyond Mach aircraft and other X project planes.

Cheap and dirty

In order to get a jump on the Americans it was evident that the Soviets would hurriedly rush into design and development phases with little thought to safety or redundant back-up systems that could save lives if an error or malfunction occurred. As a result, hastily conceived and fabricated space craft were rolled out for quick introduction and flight. The Soviets already had an edge over US rocketry by making larger missiles for warfare and they adapted these as booster rockets for three stage orbital flights, but their manned space craft to sit atop the rocket as the payload were in serious question.


Ominous first mission

On April 5, 1961 Sergey Ilyushin, son of the famous aircraft designer was discovered to have predated Yuri Gagarin into orbit, but was killed in flight. On April 12, 1961 the Soviets succeeded in launching another Vostok and Yuri Gagarin would be the first official man in space which preceded the US Mercury mission and flight of Astronaut, Alan Shepherd’s Capsule in August of 1961. Yet there are the unofficial Soviet missions that preceded the success of Gagarin’s flight.

The listening post

Beginning in the late 1950’s two Italian brothers using an abandoned German army bunker in the city of Turin began tapping into Russian Space Program communications. They made controversial recordings that indicated that there were fatalities occurring in the Vostok and other Soviet programs. Even though attempts were made to discredit their work the death of Sergey Ilyushin was not discovered until many years after his fatal mission as the Russians used Gagarin’s successful orbital flight to overshadow the previous failure. The Italian brothers built their listening device from electronic surplus they had purchased and proceeded to assemble an effective device.


In total the Judica-Cordiglia brothers released nine recordings over a period of four years. The details were as follows:

  • May 1960, a manned spacecraft reports it is going off course.
  • November 28, 1960, a faint SOSMorse Code signal is sent from another troubled spacecraft leaving Earth’s orbit.[3]
  • February 1961, a cosmonaut is audibly recorded suffocating to death.
  • April 1961, a capsule is recorded orbiting the Earth three times before re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere just days before Yuri Gagarinmade his historic flight.
  • May 1961, an orbiting spacecraft makes an appeal for help after going out of control.
  • October 1961, a cosmonaut loses control of his spacecraft which veers off into deep space.
  • November 1962, a space capsule misjudges re-entry bouncing off the Earth’s atmosphere and out into space.
  • November 1963, a female cosmonaut dies during re-entry.
  • April 1964, another cosmonaut is killed when his capsule burns up in the Earth’s atmosphere.


1965 Reader’s Digest article excerpt

In its short span of life, Torre Bert has plucked some remarkable messages from space. On November 28, 1960, for example, there was the cryptic message: “SOS to the entire world.” It came from a moving space vehicle and was repeated three times. Amateurs in Texas and Germany picked up the same message. Three days later Russia admitted a launch which had ended in failure – but did not mention a man aboard.

On May 17, 1961, the voices of two men and a woman were heard in desperate conversation – “Conditions growing worse why don’t you answer? … we are going slower… the world will never know about us . . .” Then silence. The same words were picked up in Alaska and Sweden. Their meaning? No one will know until the Russians choose to talk.


Whereas NASA has been forthcoming about their failures and deaths of their American astronauts since the first such event occurred during an Apollo I mock up test when an oxygen fire killed all three astronauts Ed White, Gus Grissom, and Roger Chaffee became the first of many unfortunate future disasters to come, but NASA was transparent over these deaths. Undoubtedly the challenge of space flight is filled with risk, but without courage, dedication, and the quest for knowledge such marvels of these achievements would have been impossible. Perhaps there is no fate more terrible than being stranded out in the cold black silence of space, yet these brave souls were willing to take that challenge.




The Ominous Specimen 46b

March 21, 2019


We have been told by the scientific community that most major species of animals have been discovered and categorized, that few if any cryptozoological creatures actually exist and are simply mythical. Even though we actually know less about the ocean floors than we do about the surface of the moon still skepticism persists even though scientists can be bought off when it comes to research to make inaccurate claims such as “Global Warming” for political purposes.

Unknown species

In the arrogant refusal of science to accept the possibility of previously unknown species one may recall the Coelacanth, an ancient prehistoric fish being caught off the coast of India in 1938. Thought to be have been extinct for 65 million years, several since then have been caught and studied from several oceans of the world. Currently other unproven yet regularly reported species of animals still remain unconfirmed such as the Loch Ness Monster, Sasquatch, Champ, giant squid, the Kraken, and Mokel Mbembe of the Congo, thought to be surviving dinosaur in Africa.

New technology

Recently ground penetrating radar deployed from an aerial point of view has revealed some astonishing features of the Antarctic continent never before discovered. An abundance of underground fresh water lakes have been electronically mapped. Most people do not realize that the Antarctic is actually a large mountain range replete with underground lakes buried below 2 miles of snow and ice for 15 million years. These are pristine environments where biological development of the indigenous species of marine life have existed unmolested by the efforts of man. Perhaps the only unspoiled natural environment left on earth where life exists as it was before the massive extinction of life occurred during the asteroid impact that ended the era of the dinosaurs.

Organism unknown

A number of weather stations, research facilities, and ports are located all over the frozen expanse of the Antarctic continent. These are the scientifically managed developments of those nations who have chosen to undertake such projects on the frozen southern ice cap of the earth. It is here that the Russians have apparently discovered a new species related to octopus and squid. Yet, there is a very disturbing difference! Specimen 46b as the Russian scientists have labeled it, is a very different form of Cephalopod. A much more menacing form then has ever been encountered perhaps ever before!


Drilling operation

It took a Russian scientific research team 2 years to drill down through the 2 miles of ice in order to reach the underground water known as Lake Vostok. Much like the core sampling that has been undertaken to measure earth’s atmosphere over the centuries, the Russian scientists first cored down into the age old ice layers and then widened the tunnel enough to accommodate one man at a time to be lowered down into the underground waters via an elevator mechanism. Much like the underground elevator that transcends the limestone rock at Carlsbad Cavern taking tourists 750 feet below the surface. The Russians found a way to achieve a 2 mile deep descent into a 15 million year old fresh water lake undisturbed until recently.

Deadly organism

Taking biological samples and analyzing the unique fresh water required the scientists to suit up in a heated diving suit. The temperature of the water at freezing is kept from becoming solid by geothermal activity. Cold enough to cause convulsions and stroke in minutes, the work was dangerous. The divers first observed what they described as a larger version of a known species of Octopus but with 14 tentacles instead of 8 as what a typical Cephalopod has. Then there was a nasty surprise. The cloud of ink normally emitted by the typical squid or octopus is used for evasion but organism 46b has an ink that is so venomous that it can kill from 150 feet! To make matters even worse the enlarged head contains a huge beak capable of slicing its prey into pieces like a pair of deadly scissors.


The Russians claim that they were overmatched at first and two divers were killed attempting to capture Organism 46b! However, with more assistance and the proper methods the frightening new species was captured. According to the Russian team they had to fight for their lives before finally subduing the ancient Octopod. What seemed to become the new objective of the research team was to analyze the poisonous ink of Specimen 46b in order to adapt its use for a type of military purpose. According to accounts Vladimir Putin was made aware of the peculiar find and its deadly nature and became intrigued. Rumors are that this potent toxic venom of Specimen 46b is being studied for use as a weapon.

Alarming possibilities

In the Antarctic there are many curious facilities that were once limited to research only however Russia has pledged to keep a military presence there. One might recall that under Admiral Richard Byrd under the aegis of Project ”Highjump” in 1946 led a task force to the frozen continent supposedly on a scientific mission that ended in death and tragedy causing the flotilla to withdraw 6 months ahead of schedule. When the Admiral returned he testified to Congress that there was a dangerous military presence stationed there capable of deploying high speed flying disks that could reach the US in record time. He demanded authorization to use Atomic weapons in order to destroy the threat, supposedly a secret Nazi base. Now Russia is dabbling in the secrets of Antarctica.



The Ark of the Covenant Was Real!

March 12, 2019

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The secular world tends to dismiss many things that the passage of time has not allowed its myopic gaze to capture with obvious evidence. As a result we have a teaching system that educates based upon assumptions created in the image the egos of educators. Those who truly know because they have sought the truth are often dealt a cruel hand either by fate or by the cunning of worldly scoundrels out to build a monument to themselves the lives of those in their time be damned. Science as we know it dismisses the proposition of God or a higher being, yet dabbles in educated guesses about the creation of the universe several billions of years ago. The syndicate of knowledge as we accept such paradigms would rather tell us that some molecules in a primordial slime 4.5 billions of years ago on the surface of a planet belching noxious gases began replicating themselves and life was born. Through a random, lucky, and by a virtually mathematically impossible set of odds this process began a plethora of intelligent organisms living in a perfectly self-correcting biosphere that over billions of years magically evolved into life as we know it today!

Unsupported rationalization

The logical application of a universe created by intelligent design by a vastly superior intelligence than ours providing a guidepost of moral and ethical rules to a species that is created in its own likeness is outright rejected by scientists.  They would rather tell us dark matter makes up for the unaccounted volume of material that there is no current explanation for. Also that in the universe and that there is extraterrestrial life even though our best artificial satellites have not been able to detect a single electronic signature or planet where a radio signal originates from. They would have us believe that a Boson Particle or God Particle can be found that came from the exact split second that the “Big Bang” occurred which created the universe from nothing with a great explosion such as that of supernova some 13 billion years ago by using particle accelerators that cause high speed electrons to collide.

Mysterious capacity

The Ark of the Covenant was created to hold and preserve the Ten Commandments. Its material, dimensions, and powers are as real in the Bible as they have been demonstrated when rebuilt to the exact specifications within the Holy Scriptures. According to accounts in the Old Testament this heavy wooden and gold enclosure emitted dangerous raw power capable of disintegrating a person if approached or touched in the wrong way. According to Nicola Tesla, Moses was an ardent electrician in his own right as he knew how to operate and behave around it. The Ark of the Covenant had to be hand carried from location to location, but within its capability existed powerful electrical charges that could be used, by today’s standards, to provide current for an electronic or mechanical apparatus.


Possible use

According to Author John A. Keel in his book “Operation Trojan Horse” one university that faithfully reproduced the Ark of the Covenant considered it to be a powerful yet unstable capacitor. Keel theorized that it provided the power to a massive speaker system that broadcast the voice of God down to the people of Moses whom he was to present the Ten Commandments to. From the mountain that Moses looked down upon those of his tribe the Ark of the Covenant would have been a power source to project a message from God to the ancient people in order to impress them enough that their pagan rituals were to be abandoned. The University team that reconstructed the Ark of the Covenant took electrical readings, made conductive tests and determined that it indeed reflected advanced power capacity. Unfortunately, one night while in storage the device started a fire and nearly burned down the building on campus forcing the archeological team to disassemble the magical treasure described within the Bible as God’s safe place for keeping the 10 Commandments. As a safety precaution it was completely dismantled.

Accounts given within the Bible speak of bizarre events that some might attribute to that of the ancient men witnessing modern electronic devices that to them seemed magical and of God. These passages read as below:

Exodus 37:1-9

Now Bezalel made the ark of acacia wood; its length was two and a half cubits, and its width one and a half cubits, and its height one and a half cubits; and he overlaid it with pure gold inside and out, and made a gold molding for it all around. He cast four rings of gold for it on its four feet; even two rings on one side of it, and two rings on the other side of more.
He made poles of acacia wood and overlaid them with gold. He put the poles into the rings on the sides of the ark, to carry it. He made a mercy seat of pure gold, two and a half cubits long and one and a half cubits wide. He made two cherubim of gold; he made them of hammered work at the two ends of the mercy seat; one cherub at the one end and one cherub at the other end; he made the cherubim of one piece with the mercy seat at the two ends. The cherubim had their wings spread upward, covering the mercy seat with their wings, with their faces toward each other; the faces of the cherubim were toward the mercy seat.


Ark of the covenant » Captured by the philistines

1 Samuel 4:11

And the ark of God was taken; and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, died.

Ark of the covenant » Miracles connected with » Fall of dagon

1 Samuel 5:1-4

Now the Philistines took the ark of God and brought it from Ebenezer to Ashdod. Then the Philistines took the ark of God and brought it to the house of Dagon and set it by Dagon. When the Ashdodites arose early the next morning, behold, Dagon had fallen on his face to the ground before the ark of the LORD So they took Dagon and set him in his place again. read more.
But when they arose early the next morning, behold, Dagon had fallen on his face to the ground before the ark of the LORD. And the head of Dagon and both the palms of his hands were cut off on the threshold; only the trunk of Dagon was left to him.

Ark of the covenant » Miracles connected with » Philistines plagued

1 Samuel 5:6-12

Now the hand of the LORD was heavy on the Ashdodites, and He ravaged them and smote them with tumors, both Ashdod and its territories. When the men of Ashdod saw that it was so, they said, “The ark of the God of Israel must not remain with us, for His hand is severe on us and on Dagon our god.” So they sent and gathered all the lords of the Philistines to them and said, “What shall we do with the ark of the God of Israel?” And they said, “Let the ark of the God of Israel be brought around to Gath.” And they brought the ark of the God of Israel around. read more.

Ark of the covenant » A type of Christ

Revelation 11:19

And the temple of God which is in heaven was opened; and the ark of His covenant appeared in His temple, and there were flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder and an earthquake and a great hailstorm.

Ark of the covenant » Profanation of, punished

1 Samuel 6:19

He struck down some of the men of Beth-shemesh because they had looked into the ark of the LORD. He struck down of all the people, 50,070 men, and the people mourned because the LORD had struck the people with a great slaughter.

Exodus 25:21

“You shall put the mercy seat on top of the ark, and in the ark you shall put the testimony which I will give to you.

 Samuel 6:19

He struck down some of the men of Beth-shemesh because they had looked into the ark of the LORD. He struck down of all the people, 50,070 men, and the people mourned because the LORD had struck the people with a great slaughter.

Exodus 25:22

“There I will meet with you; and from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim which are upon the ark of the testimony, I will speak to you about all that I will give you in commandment for the sons of Israel


From the above Biblical passages it appears that the Ark of the Covenant was a vessel used by God to communicate with, to destroy those who were the enemy, and to act as a device proving the existence of God while also acting as a tool of ambassadorship to be observed and obeyed, yet with such powers as to be capable of blinding, emitting disease, and being powerful enough to destroy with the capacity of a death ray or focused nuclear weapon. Even today it seems beyond our capability to comprehend. Yet, it withstands the testament of time as a true artifact of Biblical proportions.
