Posts Tagged ‘false flags’

Preparing Americans and the World for the Apocalypse

October 7, 2019
apocolypse 2
For decades now plans have been on the table for a massively orchestrated continental nightmare of unheard-of proportions. And you didn’t think World War II was enough? Until pieces of the puzzle were gradually put together we could not be absolutely sure about who or the intentions of that entity until recently. The first prototypical strategy emerged as early as the early 1900’s just before the start of World War I. Using a model developed from “War of the Worlds” by H. G Wells as a guideline, elements of the world order were at work refining their evil scheme.

The beginning of the end

However, such a global scale move would take a long time to implement with the proper technical aspects, weaponry, and illusion of the truth, and logistics that could make such an undertaking both convincing and effective. After all, people make great worker bees, most of the time obedient, consigned to a hard life of work to raise their families, they rarely look up from their labor and preoccupations to see the “Big Picture” the big deadly picture! Few can conceive of the fact that they are being looked upon as sheep and not human beings with rights, feelings, mouths to feed, and most of all with compassion. The cold calculating minds of the globalists have rationalized their plans well.

Fiction becomes reality

Rush Limbaugh on his conservative talk show recently exposed several social engineering angles used by the elites to exploit the sociological impact of their experiments. The first being the Fire Sign Theater radio production of “War of the Worlds” eve of 1938’s Halloween. A well-conceived play using realistic live alerts and on the scene reports portrayed as reporters by the acting staff of Orson Wells and company which proceeded to scare the wits out of the millions of Americans who were sitting at home listening to their radio sets. In the wake of a proposed invasion by Martians in their advanced ground vehicles that walked over the landscape using death rays and poison gas the radio audience was spellbound. Suicides, accidental deaths, and widespread panic shattered the night. It is said that Orson Wells prevented the telephone switchboards from being answered to enhance the suspense. It would not be for decades before the secret finally got out that it wasn’t just an entertainment stunt but a well-monitored social impact experiment that would be precisely catalogued under the art of creating mass hysteria!

The plan

In 1958 when the Book “Three Faces of Eve” was converted into a movie starring Joanne Woodward that would deal with the subject of multiple personalities supposedly brought on by severe psychological trauma or mental abuse. Though not only one such case among psychologists or psychiatric professionals had been treated or even reported within weeks of the movies these cases began to pop up until an epidemic of this previously unknown disorder emerged! Simply through the power of suggestion, a new wave of mental cases had been created!

UFO kidnap

In 1961, Betty and Barney Hill were reportedly abducted by the crew of a landed UFO in the mountainous region of Maine as they drove back home from a weekend retreat. The book by John G. Fuller, “Interrupted Journey” details the alien abduction saga of the couple who only noted missing time in the aftermath before a string of startling nightmares by both people made it imperative to seek psychiatric treatment. Fuller, subjected the couple to several hours of hypnotic regression in order to account for what happened during the missing hours of time that could not be accounted for. A chilling story unfolded as bother patients recalled undergoing bizarre medical experiments. Since at least the Korean War, the Pentagon and US Army had been conducting brainwashing experiments just as the North Koreans and Russians attempting to break down POW resistance to interrogation and to program the mind of a patient for later unconscious command instructions to commit acts of assassination and espionage.

Missing time

John G. Fuller’s book was best seller. A made for TV movie adaptation was soon released! A massive audience relived the supposed alien abduction starring actor James Earl Jones. Once again, the American people had unknowingly been subjected to another sociological experiment. What was the purpose? How could it be used to control the masses?


Author Whitley Strieber, unleashed his block buster series of fictional novels such as “Communion” and “The Majestic” both of which would be adapted to several movies and science fiction series with actor Christopher Walken starring in “Communion”. This series also played on the controversy over the alleged UFO crash near Roswell New Mexico in 1947 and gave the audience the perception that extraterrestrial interference in human affairs had been going on a long time and that the government was powerless to stop it! Years later Author Whitley Strieber admitted it had all been a social experiment! Once again, with the trick of the hand, the magician had deceived the audience! What had these series of conspiratory incidents hope to achieve?

Mental breakdown

To demoralize people’s trust in the power of their government, to disrupt a person’s sense of normality, to break down society’s commonly held belief system causing demoralization, seems to have been one motive. To study how people react as a group and what it would take to manipulate thousands if not millions of minds was definitely in the mission plans. How a government could distract, create fear, and cause an artificial catastrophe capable of igniting mass hysteria could open the door to many sinister scenarios. If the illusion seemed real enough the perpetrators could attain more influence with less costly casualties using psychological manipulation rather than guns and violent force. This could be an easier way of exerting beliefs and influencing people to accept things they would never otherwise believe.

We were warned

Adrian Salbuchi, an Argentinian Author, theorized that a world government was on the horizon if these kinds of experiments were successful! He warned that in 2011 if the Obama Administration were to lose their bid for a second term in office that a black flag operation using an alien invasion could be one scheme used by the powers that be to invoke martial law and keep the existing government in power! This same speculation came from the mouth of Film producer, Robert Emenegger, whom I had been introduced to when we shared a talk show about UFO’s in Dallas in 1995. He spoke of military deployed psychological weapons being studied at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. There he met a Colonel Colemen who had promised him a film clip of an alien landing at Holloman Air Base in New Mexico once a made for TV film Robert was working on was close to completion. Hosted by Rod Serling, this documentary on UFO’s drew the largest viewing audience of all prime time events ever broadcast up to that point!


Today on cable TV on channels such as HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, and the Sy Fy Channel we see movies such as the Zombie apocalypse, massive pandemics such as plagues that cannot be contained causing millions in fatalities, in the early sixties the paranoia of the “Cold War” brought on Budget movies depicting horrific genetic mutation creating a new world of monsters due to the effects of radiation! Beginning in 1953 with the movie “War of the Worlds” starring actor Gene Barry, probably the first such movie that predicted a worldwide calamity of social breakdown fascinated and frightened movie audiences!


Preparing millions of TV and movie viewers to accept the unacceptable with apocalyptic movies, violent video games, eroding the respect for law and order as well as compassion for the suffering can well be interjected into the minds of an audience with repeated exposure, unconscious conditioning, and subliminal suggestion! This has already been proven by military medical studies. Could our very own government be cold-blooded enough to lay waste to society as we know it? Could plans be readied for the depopulation of the planet so that Mother Nature could be restored and less species of animal could be kept from extinction along with the environment? We already know what the intentions of Agenda 21 or Sustained Development are, and these designs are centered upon the draconian control of the masses!

It’s possible!

With the realism of modern laser-induced holograms faking a hostile planetary alien invasion could be easily conducted! Our modern pop culture has gotten us to accept the unthinkable. We now generally allow abortion, frequent divorce, drug abuse, inner-city decay, violent gangs, promiscuity, a disrespect for the law, mistrust of our government, loss of God, loss of wisdom, and widespread dumbing down of the minds of our children as demoralizing implications of the pre-apocalyptic conditioning. The experiment to disarm mankind physically as well as mentally seems well on its way of achieving success as the sheep fail to detect the wolves among us. The global elites who are examining every possible political diversion are intent upon control. They will maneuver us closer and closer to their ultimate goal.




False Flag Attacks Creating the White Nationalist Myth

April 29, 2019


The False Flag Media Aided Attack on the Right

Last week the New York Times released a cartoon showing Netanyahu as a seeing eye dog leading a blind President Trump of course with the Star of David displayed on the Jewish character. Three days later a supposed 19 year old US Border Patrol Agent walks into a Synagogue and begins shooting! Is there any correlation? How did President Trump have any possible part in the insane murders of people under these conditions? Yet, the US media can be counted upon to make some kind of a connection and assign blame to our President.  The question is, would such a circumstance ever have been attributed to President Obama as he led America through 8 years of intended decline? Of course not! Never!

Modus operandi

But, let’s get down to the bottom of what is really happening. The Democrats who have lost in every gambit they have fabricated and who stand to lose big time once the FISA Courts who have already ruled that there was illegal surveillance ordered by the FBI and members of the Obama executive branch, not to mention a report due shortly from Michael Horowitz, Inspector General, and the results of an investigation into former FBI Director James Comey who leaked classified information out of the White House to the press, their only last ditch effort will be their typical false allegations and slander. Just as the Brown Shirts and the Nazis denounced the Jews and all of their political opponents prior to World War II, the Democrats have used ANTIFA to attack Trump supporters, violent protesters to shut down conservative lectures on college campuses, and have denied 1st Amendment and 2nd Amendment rights anyway they can.

The set up

History repeats itself sadly enough when factions like the left and the Democrats are busy destroying they very country they live in and enjoy their freedoms within. That being said let use examine just what or who stood to gain from another senseless massacre of innocents at a Jewish congregation in San Diego of all places in the state of California, a leftist compromised sanctuary state that has allowed a killer to escape justice after the shooting death of Kate Steinle just because the murderer was a 5 time deported illegal alien and regardless of the fact that he was a drug dealer. What a perfect environment for a false flag operation!


With the well-known CIA mind control programs such as MK Ultra, the hostile political environment of California, and the peculiar events that occurred aided by the typical dereliction of duty by the US media we can see several factions working together, and they always do. Why was it only Fox News who gave the complete story that an ex Iraq War veteran actually assailed the attacker, chasing him out of the synagogue after his rifle jammed?  The first news reports omitted many facts. Why was the fact that the doctor who was present when his wife was shot trying to shield the Rabbi that the assailant tried to shoot fainted attempting to administer to his own wife alongside the war veteran? Why as the news media went on a tangent saying the shooting was the President’s fault fail to mention that Donald J. Trump contacted the Mayor, the Governor, and the Rabbi. The grieving Rabbi even admitting that his conversation with the President had been very soothing and reassuring, why?


There are two reasons that these insane shootings will continue until a concerted effort is made by authorities to begin connecting the dots and investigate thoroughly enough to identify this insanity as being a conspiratorial effort. The Democrats will stoop low enough and even commit murder in order to achieve their twisted agenda. Why not ask Seth Rich, Michael Hastings, and Dean Lorich, each of these people made the mistake of crossing Clinton, the DNC, or the military under the Obama Administration, but then there are the other ulterior motives. Ask yourself in the case of the good doctor who renounced the Clintons over issues in Haiti. How does a successful doctor commit suicide with a knife? It just doesn’t make sense.

Media omissions

Worldwide we are seeing attacks against Christians in Africa, France, the US, and the Middle East. The US media covered the attack on a Muslim Mosque in New Zealand but conveniently failed to mention an even more vicious attack upon Christians in Africa. Why? Are African Christians less worthy of media coverage or is it simply part of their agenda? Notre Dame, a series of church attacks in the weeks that preceded smearing human excrement over Christian churches, the bombings in Sri Lanka merely the deaths of Easter worshippers according to Obama and Hillary. Do we see a twofold pattern here?

Time tested disclaimer

The shootings by the typical disturbed lone gunmen, the classic findings of the US media ever since the Kennedy assassination covers the true motive and the perpetrators behind the shooting. Ask yourself why the shooter, a 19 year old kid working with the US Border Patrol in the state of California is somehow a White Nationalist? Why, after he was chased out of the synagogue by the US war veteran did he then call 9-11 to be picked up, was there a sudden tinge of regret? Was he fearing for his life, my God, he had an AR-15 and he had been shooting as he drove away? What kind of insane news story was this? It doesn’t make sense and neither do the omissions of the news media with the exception of Fox news! Yet, these are the kinds of contradictory stories we run into when these inexplicable events take lives and are covered with an angle by the fake news networks.


These false flags will continue until gun control has given the left and the Democrats what they want-the end of private gun ownership! 2) Using these attacks to fabricate their “White Nationalist” rhetoric so they can create a new talking point, a new villain to accuse the president over, a new narrative they can bring to the 2020 election in another of their lying attempts at trying to get a Democrat Presidential win! But, here’s the thing. The Democrats are much too insane and desperate to realize that the further they keep hammering away at the Russian collusion obstruction allegations, the more they continue to lie and fabricate distractions it won’t stop the inevitable flood of criminal referrals already handed to the Justice Department by Devin Nunez, the FISA Court unredacted applications, the charges that will be filed against Hillary Clinton, Sally Yates, Peter Strzrok, James Clapper, John Brennan, James Comey, and more! Their rationale and desperation will justify the murders that will, in all likelihood continue!

The Big Lie

A well-known tactic in military style operations is known as compartmentalization. All factions cooperating in a mission must minimize cross talk and the exchange of intelligence between each other particularly when the DNC, the US media, and the hired killers are all working under the same tent. To minimize guilt by association, revealing conspirators, or the collusion of the acting elements the operation to foil Trump’s bid for re-election to foil the private ownership of guns, and to continue to demonize conservatives the machinery must operate seamlessly as though all events are merely coincidental!
