Posts Tagged ‘Democrat Corruption’

Democrat Planned Border Crisis and how to Stop the Deep State

June 26, 2019


With the recent vote to appropriate 4.6 billion to fund facilities and conditions of the thousands of illegal aliens who have made the trek to the southern American border and are now being housed by the federal government with ICE employees reduced to changing diapers in some cases, ask yourself what’s wrong with this picture? According to the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence one of the core responsibilities of our government is to protect our borders, and that does not mean allow undeclared invasions by illegal aliens who have been organized and enabled by billionaire leftist donors to storm our borders, trespass, and claim they are seeking sanctuary!

Creating chaos

The Democrat dominated Congress has chosen to provoke a crisis, fund it, and prevent the President and the GOP from remedying this problem thanks to a loophole in the immigration laws that allows the presumption of sanctuary when foreign citizens trespass across our borders when many have been found to be human traffickers, drug cartel, ISIS, MS-13, criminals on the run, fake families, and have been instructed to claim they are seeking asylum from corruption or brutality in their country.

The solution?

With states like California and New York now calling for giving out drivers licenses to illegal aliens, along with medical aid, housing, food, and even education it is perfectly clear what all this insanity is leading to! As Sandy Rios guest former Senator Tom Coburn said it was time to put an end the Congress over spending, time to end the fake news being broadcast by the globalist elites, and get the nation back on a Constitutional track again! The Democrats are exploiting a border crisis they have created! These illegal immigrants will be the faces of the new liberal voters who will allow the Democrats to rule and destroy the Constitutional Republic of the United States!

Intentional havoc

It is a very simple fix to end the border crisis as President Trump fights an endless battle with Obama appointee activist judges who defy every effort at stopping the insanity of open borders and allowing hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to invade our soil. The fix is in the loophole allowed in immigration policy that was intentionally inserted to violate the laws and allow huge influxes of foreign people who will vote for the Democrats! While our policeman are assassinated by the drug cartel and illegal alien violent criminals the resources of state and local authorities are being overwhelmed. In California ER response time for patients has tripled with the growing numbers of illegal immigrants flooding clinics and hospitals. The question is obvious here. What responsibility does America have to allow illegal aliens onto our soils for claiming sanctuary? Due to international law? We already have our laws! It’s called the US Constitution! That is our law!

Kill the beast

Change the loophole in the immigration laws to not allowing those who claim sanctuary as an automatic permit to come into our country without vetting, skills, vaccinations, or ideological compatibility with our society! We are not a socialist regime! We are not a dictatorship! Why has the Deep State fought President Trump so long and hard? Because he is disrupting the established corruption, the over spending, the buddy system of abusing the accounting system, the entire operation in Washington DC is nothing more than a perpetual cash cow for the left, for the globalist elitists, for the lobbyists with their crooked hands in everything. As unfunded future liabilities mount, the deficit blossoms to beyond the point of no return! Why? Why is this not being addressed?

Follow the money

We have to know that the open borders being allowed by the Democrats are being funded by kickbacks to many Senators and Congressman, not to mention intelligence officials from the drug cartels in order to keep those borders porous and overwhelmed by organized infiltration! The powerful drug cartels are behind the decriminalization of marijuana, releasing drug offenders out of prison, and now the call by some states to even prosecute ICE’s enforcers for doing their jobs and upholding the law! This travesty of justice would have been unthinkable a few short years ago but in today’s world we have an internal rebellion being organized by Democrats and RINO’s who would allow this nation to be destroyed from within and they are being paid to allow it!

The cure!

The only way to stop this insanity and halt the violation of US laws while keeping America from becoming the stooge of the international community who milks us dry though foreign aid while dumping millions into our country is the Article 5 Convention of States! Where citizens and state legislators draft laws in spite of the Washington Establishment’s corruption and enforce Constitutional Law once again while forcing sound accounting practices to be implemented rather than the runaway spending of Congress in recent years! Senator Coburn says that 18 states have already approved of an Article 5 Convention of States! Only 30 states are needed to uphold this remedy to the Deep State and the mismanagement on Capitol Hill!


The true shadow government influence that goes even further than the Deep State is an influence coming from globalists who are now making the big push to end America, as we now know it, and finish off the US Constitution while creating a Venezuela event when chaos erupts from the collapse of the US dollar under the Cloward Piven tactic of draining all equity reserves with deficits that came from funding the illegal alien influx with more deficit spending that sound accounting principles would never allow as trillions in deficit only grow! It is intentional not accidental. The Democrats teaming with our enemies abroad want to collapse the US socioeconomic system! It must be stopped!


True Source of Russian Collusion Revisited

May 23, 2019
It is a sad commentary today when one realizes that our once trusted news agencies are now merely actors for the Deep State, literally counter intelligence used to influence public opinion rather than objective reporting on real events. So, with their help, the Democrats have waged a war of disinformation in order to achieve their one all important goal, and that is to impeach President Trump. With a 99.9% redacted Mueller Report awaiting inspection at a secure room in the White House for all Congressmen and Senators to see, not one Democrat in the House of Representatives has gone to review that document not Nadler, Cummings, or Schiff, those who claimed there was proof that the President had somehow obstructed justice or had committed collusion with Russia despite Special Counsel, Robert Mueller’s, findings of nothing of the kind!

Aiding and abetting the enemy

Let’s go back in time to the real perpetrators of Russian collusion starting with Hillary Clinton’s own legal counsel, John Podesta and his brother who in violation of the law for not registering as foreign agents, were doing hundreds of millions of dollars business with the Russians. Let us look at the Uranium One Deal in which while Hillary held office at the State Department brokered a secret transaction with the Russian government to allow them to buy 20% of all US Uranium ore. Yet, even when Hillary taught her staff how to bypass classified protocol in order to circulate highly sensitive documents exposing them to foreign hackers James Comey then FBI Director allowed her staff to destroy Raspberries, Laptops, and cell phones that had record of illegal communications. By Comey’s own admission Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton used devices not recommended for use due to their vulnerability to hacking in countries hostile to the US.

History of treason

Let us go back further in time to an event by the Democrats that clearly demonstrates their willingness to collude with Russia and undermine the US presidential election process that they used an excuse to illegally spy on Donald Trump and his staff over. Ted Kennedy in 1984 approached the Russians in the midst of the hotly contested “Cold War” to help the Democrats prevent Ronald Reagan from being re-elected! Are we now seeing these very nefarious deeds being repeated again in the present? So, let us ask ourselves, those of us, who have not been dumbed down by modern progressive public education, why is there a double standard when it comes to Democrat officials in the federal government and normal citizens when it comes to the enforcement of the law?

Rules what rules?

Answer: There most definitely is a double standard that exists and tells us that people in the Democrat like Bob Menendez convicted on federal charges has yet to be remanded into custody. How is it that a 5 times deported Mexican drug dealer in San Francisco discharged a hand gun stolen from the FBI and killed Kate Steinle who was walking along the street with her Dad. Immediately, a city attorney advised the illegal immigrant to plead not guilty and this murderer and professional drug dealer was released! Where was Nancy Pelosi in all this? San Francisco is in her jurisdiction!

Intentional obfuscation

These are clear examples of just how the application of the law never applies to the Democrats who will spend millions in taxpayer money to go on the next witch hunt they will use to delegitimize their political opposition in order to remain in power, but not in the service of the citizens of the United States! It’s not just a matter of hypocrisy it is a matter of rejecting due process of law! This is the legacy of lawlessness that allowed AG Eric Holder to withhold evidence on Fast and Furious for 18 months over the deaths of 2 Border Patrol Agents and hundreds of Mexicans as drug cartels purchased guns that were used to commit murders. President Obama then issued Executive Privilege once Holder had been citied for Contempt of Congress. Yet, the Democrats today are rabidly staging a dog and pony show over President Trumps unwillingness to cooperate over the ridiculous repetition of continued investigations the Democrats are using to influence the coming Presidential elections for 2020!

Refusal of the facts

Getting back to the present day, why have no Democrats visited the secure room in the White House where the unredacted Mueller Report lies waiting for inspection? It’s because the Democrats have no interest in resolving the Russia Collusion question that has already been thoroughly investigated. They want to perpetuate doubt, drama, and grand standing and the inference of impeachment to give them some viable chance at making a run at the 2020 elections when, in truth, they have no one of any credible capability. All they have is making promises of paying off delinquent student lines and free giveaway education while they are already forcing the states to be overwhelmed by the huge flow of illegal immigrants from all over the world putting demands on public services such as health services, welfare, food stamps, housing, and education!

Their true constituents!
In short, the Democrats are causing a collapse of the United States internally to those undeserving of subsidy, government or state charity, or services that are expressly provided for citizens! The modern Democrat Party does not care about the typical US citizen, but instead caters to the illegal immigrant, the refugee from an ideologically opposed culture, to the criminal who has served time for heinous acts, and to the entitlement population who do not want to work when they can live off the government. In this we can rest assured when analyzing the motives of a party that would rather destroy America than observe the laws and serve the citizen of this land! 

Bob Mueller’s Nothing Burger Report

March 23, 2019

When making an overblown case form non-existent evidence and media assisted propaganda one must make sure that there is plenty of false speculation to hide the absence of truth. Bob Mueller, the appointed special prosecutor, and former FBI Director under whose watch the 911 Attack succeeded under was given a mission. That mission was to find some way of impeaching President Trump after his 2016 inauguration. So surprised and horrified were the Democrats and their liberal donors that Donald Trump had won that a massive campaign of obstruction and disinformation was unleashed.

Sessions caves

Under the naïve notion that the Democrats would play fair and objectively then acting US Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, recused himself from a Russian collusion investigation and appointed embattled Rod Rosenstein to appoint a special counsel who would supposedly conduct a bipartisan investigation since the Democrats like the petulant children they behave like, insisted that their candidate could only have lost had there been collusion of some kind. Mueller went to work loading his staff with Democrats and Democrat donor contributors. His team was about as bipartisan as any Gestapo squad ever could have been.

The strategy

They descended upon people of little merit to the Trump campaign who had not served but in a short duration before being fired for conflicts of interest or due to their incompetence. However, Mueller’s prerogative was not to do a just investigation or weigh the evidence in legal manner, he was looking for those who would testify in the manner that the prosecution was looking for, to indict a sitting president who had dared to win against a rigged system. If Mueller who was given no instruction by Rosenstein on limits to his investigation, statute of limitations for any past violations, or to define the scope of his probe, the witch hunt could operate indefinitely!


However, the recipe for a big fat nothing burger must be fueled by political motive, vindictiveness, and with a complete lack of ethical pretense. Just like a classic Gestapo operative Mueller’s hatchet men went to work finding anything that proved to be a degradation to character, unrelated offenses, or even blackmail if anyone on the Trump team could be intimidated enough to perjure themselves in exchange for a plea bargain and reduced sentence. Federal charges require great expense and being lawyered up in order to retain the kind of defense in order to respond to allegations by the federal government.

Sanctioned persecution

Former US Army General and head of the DIA, Jeff Flynn, can testify to that fact as he was forced to sell his home and much of his wealth simply to defend himself from an FBI set up when the casual interview he was promised turned into a fishing expedition to incriminate him, but great deeds and patriotism aside, especially after exposing Obama’s excuses for allowing ISIS to expand due to sanitized intelligence reports, only ensured that if he couldn’t be flipped as a witness against President Trump he would himself be incriminated.

Costly failure

Despite 2 years and over 20 million dollars in tax payer funding Mueller’s revenge operation came to an uneventful halt. Mueller’s hit squad had managed to harass and indict several people for past indiscretions unrelated to the Russian collusion accusations that proved to be false as most of the Democrats program of character assassination had proven to be. Had the Mueller probe been conducted fairly with the intent of arriving at solving the case people like Hillary Clinton, the Podesta Brothers, several of the FBI special agents, former MI6 Agent Christopher Steele, FBI Director James Comey, DOJ Official Loretta Lynch, and others would have made prime suspects, but right from the start despite the evidence against those mentioned the target was President Trump in the most unprecedented Deep State cover-up in US History making Watergate seem like a minor speeding citation in comparison to the level of corruption committed by Mueller’s vendetta.


The warnings came over the last two weeks when Rosenstein cautioned Democrats along with the media that the results of Mueller’s investigation would not reveal any new indictments or acts of criminal intent. There were signs that the content of the investigation might not even be revealed once it was delivered to the Attorney General for review. As most of us knew all along the true Russian collusion was in the fabrication of false evidence in order to obtain FISA court permission to put certain individuals under surveillance. That false evidence was the Steel Dossier that even FBI Director James Comey admitted to President Trump was salacious and unverified! Where were the indictments for those who had participated in a program to try and force an elected presidential candidate out of office?

Escape of the true thieves

Despite the firings of FBI agents and personnel such as James Comey, Bruce Orr, Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page, and others still the special counsel under Bob Mueller kept its focus on the Trump team in desperate hopes that they could find some way of incriminating a standing President even with proof that Susan Rice had been ordered to issue 250 surveillance probes while President Obama was still in office, an astonishing number especially being aimed at the Trump election campaign neither the US media or Democrat lawmakers saw any reason to question the obvious illegal coup that was being attempted.

Wisdom from the founders

History will not be accommodating to either President Obama, his failed administration, or the manner in which they flaunted the rule of law in their efforts at trying to ensure that the Democrats would remain in power. Thomas Jefferson once observed that in order for the federal government to remain in the service of the people and live up to the standards of the US Constitution that a cyclical purge would be necessary even if blood were spilled in order to get rid of the corruption that would deeply root itself in the system. In view of the Deep State that exists within the US government that is still obstructing our current president for no more reason then the wrath of sore losers, is that time not upon us?