Archive for the ‘Revolutionary War’ Category

The Man Who Refused to Be King Part II

February 22, 2020

As a military officer George Washington fought in 3 wars commanding elements of the Continental Army and alongside the British during the French Indian War ending up as the Supreme Commander for the 13 Colonies once the War of Independence broke out, he became a seasoned leader. An excellent horseman as well Washington’s ability in cavalry maneuvers was unquestioned. Unlike British generals or even his contemporaries, George was in amongst the fighting risking his own life sword in hand flailing away.

Discretion better part of valor

From the beginning of the war the British occupied Boston, a key port and right in the center of the Colonial merchant industry. Washington needed to remove the British by force or by negotiation. He had the upper hand with his forces and cannon batteries surrounding the city. When General Washington rode into the British camp he met with the commander of the English occupational force there. When told that Washington would take the city and was well in place to do so the British officer warned that if a siege by the Continental Army commenced he would order the city burned to the ground.

To fight another day

Wisely, Washington allowed the British to withdraw rather than taking the risk of a failed siege, losing casualties along with the battle, and perhaps seeing Boston burned down anyway. The president to be in the near future won a chess match with the British Army, he took possession of the town of Boston without firing a shot and saved the citizens who would have suffered loss of property and casualties as well. It was the ability to make decisions like this through out the war that kept Great Britain from outlasting the Americans in 6 bitter years of fighting.

More than just the enemy to contend with

General Washington only commanded in 9 major battles as he was constantly seeking financial support from the Continental Congress to keep his army funded for pay and supplies so they could take the war to the British. It was a never ending battle in itself! At Valley Forge some 2,000 of 12,000 fighting men died of exposure and starvation as General Washington pleaded with the Congressional delegation for enough support to feed and equip his men on that harsh winter.

Luck or fate?

George Washington only won 3 of the nine battles he directly commanded, but those 3 battles were major turning points in the war that changed the momentum from the British to the 13 Colonies. During his career George Washington fought in 200 battles, had his horse shot out from underneath him several times, but was never wounded not even scathed! After one battle Washington’s uniform was removed for cleaning and repair and was clustered with bullet holes that somehow never touched him. His officers were amazed.

Unchallenged by death

During the French Indian War as a chief of the tribe that fought the combined British and Colonials watched as time and again his riflemen fired at field officer George Washington and failed to wound or kill him. He ordered his braves to cease trying to hit him. He announced to his people that Washington must be the Great White Father prophesied by the Indian folk lore. Some people who doubt the existence of God might be well advised to consider that George Washington seemed invincible not only to his own men but to his enemies. Without this magnificent leadership it is doubtful the Continental Army could have withstood the British juggernaut.

Prayer as guidance

The paranormal visited the presence of General Washington often during his struggle to see that the 13 colonies withstood the British army and gained independence. At Valley Forge as his men languished in freezing weather low on rations or medical supplies, the great general had a visitation with fate and saw the future! Taking his favorite steed with him, Washington took a walk and then climbed down from his horse to pray for the miracle his fledgling army needed to survive through the winter and defeat their foe.


An Indian chief known to Washington years before startled George as he knelt in communion with God! The Native American leader assured the general that he would succeed and that the Colonies would eventually win against the British! When the Indian leader suddenly disappeared Washington remembered he had been killed in battle years before, but that was not all. As Washington used his hands to push the snow aside on the ground he saw a vision of a great nation that was to grow and become a world power. He saw America has an empire while being a force for good in the world.

Overcoming doubt

George returned back to his command quarters, a 2 story house commandeered for the Continental Army where many of his officers were already planning to negotiate a surrender to the British. George Washington ordered a meeting with his staff along with his field commanders telling them he had important information. At the same time, Washington had awaited word from the Continental Congress on funding for his army yet no courier had arrived so far.

Power of persuasion

When his officers sat down expecting to hear their supreme commander announce that surrender was imminent instead they saw an inspired General who assured them that their cause would succeed and that the commanding officers were to begin projects to keep their men busy and motivated. When asked if all this had been thanks to some good news that had just arrived, Washington stated that he was absolutely sure of victory! His men unanimously agreed to obey orders and expect the best would be destined to come. The officers who had bitterly argued were overruled and followed Washington’s directives.

Escape from death

On that same fateful night just before his pivotal meeting with his officer staff, Washington had brought his horse to the stable where a number of infantry men were trying to stay warm near a stove when Washington was confronted by one soldier who was delirious from a fever, drew his pistol and fired at point blank range. When the smoke cleared in the midst of the stunned silence Washington stood untouched although shocked. When the men assured him that the sick trooper who fired would be imprisoned and hanged, Washington told them to get the man some medical attention instead! Once again the men were astonished by Washington’s level headedness and mercy.


At Valley Forge two miraculous events took place in one night that changed the complexion of the war! For someone to ignore the fact that divine intervention had occurred would be ludicrous! There is no other explanation. The witnesses were there, gave their testimony to historians years later, and the fate of a nation blossomed on that cold night thanks to General George Washington, Supreme Commander in Chief. Even today George Washington is still recognized posthumously as Commander in Chief of all US forces.

The Spiritual Battle for America

October 11, 2019

The ongoing sociopolitical siege of America is not just a perceived clash between parties, competition between the radical left or conservative right, or even the Islamic doctrine that urges the takeover of infidel societies. There is more to it than that. There is an unseen battle going on that transcends the enemies of freedom who want to snuff out liberty and the right to the pursuit of happiness. This war is most certainly a spiritual war between good and evil, but even more than that what the people themselves have manifested in their own minds.

It was there all the time

Scientists have puzzled for a long time over the large volume of matter unaccounted for in the universe so they gave it a name “Dark Matter” in order to account for an, as yet, discovered material that would explain the undetected volume of seemingly invisible matter that is perhaps more voluminous than all planetary, nebula, and star structure combined in all galaxies. Recently it was detected by a NASA satellite.


Apparently, there is a literal web of measurable energy that not only exists, but interconnects throughout the time space continuum of the universe. Where once it was believed that nothing but an empty vacuum between stars and planets made up the distance between celestial bodies there is an unseen of energy. Max Plank in 1944, a well-known physicist described this in his explanation of how a web of energy holds the entire universe measured in varying frequencies. He used the term “Matrix”.

The true struggle?


How does this relate to the battle for America? How do forces of evil and good collide on the streets of America and in the hearts and minds of those who want to preserve the dream of our founding fathers and the fools who can only find fault with America and seek to transform this country into another socialist regime? What does this have to do with the ultimate intention of our enemies who would form a global government and the removal of our constitutional rights?


Little do most people know the power of their own minds and hearts to materialize the reality they live in. That reality is not only measured in the world of physical dimensions or brick and mortar but there is an existence intertwined in energy that holds everything together. That energy can reflect whatever we willingly wish for or what we create with our own negative thoughts. Imagine a reality created by the thoughts of the masses either consciously or unconsciously. In many religions of the world, western teachings, Native American tradition, and the religions of the east there are ancient conceptions of “Compassion” which means more than just care or sympathy, but it means the positive and beneficial energy that man is capable of manifesting if he knows how to do this. Jesus knew how. He used his ability not to make himself prosper but to heal the sick and to bring enlightenment to those who sought the truth.

The struggle

In America today we have government attempting to remove the very morally inspired ethics that guided our forefathers in their creation of a government that allowed freedom of the individual, observed this as a God given right, and sought to limit the power of the government over the people. Yet, there are those that want to make government God while driving the moral influence of right and wrong from the annals of government. They want to infringe upon the individual and steal our rights from us. These people manifest a negativity out of fear of losing control in order for them to rule. They suffocate the family, the light of liberty, and build societies devoid of goodness and innovation instead relying upon fear and force to manipulate the masses into submitting to them.

The difference

When the people as a whole observe freedom and less government acknowledging a creator who urges us to accept that every man is equal in the eyes of the law, that less restriction, promotes an atmosphere of hope, of light, of happiness, that society manifests its own prosperous destiny. The spiritual realm is marked by positive and negative entities. The energy of the universe can be harvested for the good and destruction of a country. We have seen how such oppression has transformed the eastern bloc into a pitiful shadow of itself languishing under iron fisted rule crushing all hope.

Call for help

In the early 1970’s the Soviet Rulers of Hungary and Czechoslovakia observed how their form of oppressive government had taken its toll on the masses making their lives intolerable and their performance as citizens unproductive. In desperation they invited Evangelist, Billy Graham, to visit their depressed people and to deliver a message of hope being that the Soviets had driven the church out of their public affairs as much as possible. The results had devastated their society just as much as poverty and unemployment ever could have because the people had become spiritually bleak and hopeless. The results were amazing as the people were uplifted by the message of God.

Government can never be God

Unknowingly, they had manifested their very own fate of helplessness by losing positive thinking and failing to tap into the energy of the universe on a personal and social level to make their lives better. Why? Because government had become their God! The same is true for America today as the left attempts to drive out all spiritual influence and replace it with a strong centralized form of big government using the crumbs of a welfare state to buy the will of the people. A government that seeks to make itself the ultimate authority and displace God as the indisputable source of right and wrong! The human spirit must have a higher awareness in order to flourish. To quench the thirst of the soul man must connect with God, higher awareness, or the hidden energy of the universe to remain in balance and out of the clutches of evil.

The source of the problem

Almost every problem that exists in America right now can be traced back to the federal government not upholding its own constitution and refusing the higher spiritual awareness that guided the Founding Fathers, who in their great wisdom gave future generations a republic that protected the rights of the individual against the tyranny of out of control government. Using the Judeo Christian guidepost of morality a unique and righteous form of government was gifted to mankind. Good had prevailed over evil. Yet, today that very government has spawned the kind of indoctrination upon the children of the nation, allowed taxpayer dollars to fund abortion, radical leftist sentiment, racial division, liable and slander of the good and righteous, and has refused to enforce its own laws.


Just as an individual can tap into the powers of the universe to seek prosperity as long as it is for good so can a society under fair governance, but if a nation has lost sight of the good and has been infected with negativity, hatred, and envy it too can manifest spiritual decay, poverty, and the loss of hope. America is at that crossroads of either preserving a beacon of light that served as a shining influence for the world to follow or it will fall into the darkness of mediocrity, stagnation, and manifest its own downfall. This is what the left, the Democrats, and the influences that would steal the light from the day will do if allowed to. Most assuredly the principalities of darkness and minions of evil are at work in the real world just as they are on the spiritual plane.

Why Your Income Taxes are the Biggest Fraud Ever Perpetrated Part II

August 12, 2019
Under the King George government, the 13 Colonies struggled after their own currency was rejected by the British rule in favor of the European Central bank  Royal currency. The Colonials found that their once stable currency was not subject to inflationary cycles that devalued the worth of their new dollar. Now out of their control and in the hands of the private families such as the Rothchilds economic changes could be imposed that were not the decisions of the 13 Colony government! This was just one more straw that broke the Camel’s back in a number of grievances that the British royalty refused to remedy or even address. As a result, war was imminent!

Breaking the bonds of fiscal slavery

Once the War of Independence was fought and the 13 Colonies regained their own sovereignty still the European Central bank had to be dealt with. It was not until the Presidency of Andrew Jackson that finally the foreign bank was thrown out and abolished! Now America could finally establish its own banking system and manage a currency based upon being backed by true assets such as gold and silver! Jackson, the hero of the Battle of New Orleans against the British in 1812 would survive several attempts at his assassination by operatives of the European Central Bank and for the next 75 years the US expanded its territory, set up international trade agreements, and enjoyed a growing economy!


However, in 1913, President Woodrow Wilson, a progressive and known antisemite cut a deal allowing the resurrection once again of the European Central bank under the Federal Reserve along with its terrorist collection arm the IRS. Promising more banking stability and insurance of economic growth the American people were rewarded 16 years later with the Stock market Crash of 1929 followed by the Great Depression in 1932. A worldwide depression quickly followed as all international markets were impacted! As Norman Dodd, a young banking executive was informed by his Morgan Bank Manager, sound banking principles would never be practiced again in the US. This, Dodd would find out, after he had been directed to investigate the causes of the Great Depression and report back to his Morgan Bank board of directors one year later. They sat as he gave his presentation without any intention of acting on Norman’s findings.

Fate of whistleblowers
Dodd was offered a highly paid cream puff job in order to obviously shut him up, but after a year of keeping his feet on the desk he couldn’t handle knowing what he knew and remain silent about it. Collecting a nice living, keeping his mouth shut, and not rocking the boat was not his style and when confronting his superiors he was fired . Norman Dodd found out quickly that there was no longer a job available for him in the entire industry! Dodd had been blackballed. He was forced to seek another career as an investment advisor. Dodd would later fulfill a crucial role in exposing Communist influence in America’s educational trust foundations in years to come.

The dirty deal
Under the Emergency Powers Act, once FDR was sworn into the Oval Office America would experience a foreign controlled banking system once again and in years to come an income tax burdened population would be subjected to inflationary and recession  cycles that artificially increased and devalued real estate, the US dollar, and would eat away at the buying power of the American consumer as they were harassed by the Internal Revenue Service who enforced the Congressional call for more tax increases and stiff penalties as the decades went on!

Sad conversion
The United States was now a tyrannical entity having converted its citizens to the legalistic definition of commercial product under Maritime Law who were nothing more than economic generators to offset the debt paid by the Federal Government to the Federal Reserve in order to recoup the fake losses in equity and currency value to the private families who owned the banking cabal known as this Federal Reserve! Each American born after the mid 1930’s would be enslaved into a system they did not understand and were not informed about. Their Birth Certificates no more than a Stock Market indicator of what their estimated income would be and how of it would be taxed over a lifetime! The US Citizen was no better off now than a cow in a pasture for the farmer producing milk and breeding new calves for future income for the farmer. Only the farmer now would be the families who owned the Federal Reserve!

Progressive taxation

Income taxes began as a very small percentage of the worker’s paycheck until today when many citizens can easily see how they literally work for the equivalent earnings from of January to May just to pay their tax burden over the course of a year! It’s funny how America became the greatest nation on the face of the earth without income tax until 1913! For more than one hundred and thirty two years Americans were not unconstitutionally taxed for their labor or wages under an unapportioned tax as they are now! Taxation without representation led to the Revolutionary War in 1775. As hamstrung with the ever increasing cost of homes, auto, food, licensing, and other state, county, city, and federal taxes Americans are the most highly taxed nation on earth! Yet, our government spends billions in foreign aid each and every year! Much of that goes IMF which defers to the UN and to countries that are our enemies! How did this insanity begin? Why do the people accept it?

Distorting messages

It is often said that the greatest achievement of the Devil was to convince people that he did not exist. This way, they could be assured that they were not being misled and could continue in their world of dismissing absolutes. Of course. the fatal error is in denying evil exists especially in politics and dealing with the public on a massive scale reassuring untruthfulness became a milestone in conduct for the leftists! Government while erroneously proclaiming the separation of church and state intentionally distorted Thomas Jefferson’s letter to the Dansbury Baptists when he said that the Church must never be separated from the state in order to influence moral legislation but the Democrats succeeded in redirecting the intentions of our Forefathers claiming that separating the church from that state rather than separating the state from interfering in the influence of the church in the matters of the government. In doing so, an immoral and unethical modus operandi emerged as Democrat Party agenda began to poison the direction of American politics. The masses have been effectively deceived into accepting the unacceptable!


In websites like the and Quatloos. com the corrupted federal government agencies use propaganda to convince those on the trail of government corruption that certain people who have taken a stand against illegal and unconstitutional income tax have been beaten, have been proven wrong, that their arguments are no longer valid! They claim that prior Supreme Court rulings that render the IRS an illegal claim to collecting income tax is old legislation no longer relevant! They are lying! These court proceedings are still valid and when they proclaim that IRS assertions of tax liability are no longer applicable they are lying! Everyday, juries who have not been prejudiced by prosecutors for the IRS are ruling in favor of the victim who alleges IRS abuse and the the IRS has no legal jurisdiction according to the US Constitution and past Supreme Court rulings but you will never hear this from the sold-out news media or any admission by Congress concerning the IRS. The deceptive site “Quatloos” has been linked to a southern California liberal group.


The more and more we turn to government these days for solid answers to problems and conflicting policy the more we realize that the corruption and lies are stifling. Only the truth can lift the fog of lies and tyranny that run deep in a Federal government we were taught to count on like God, but that is a falsehood as the government is made up of men and women full of frailty, greed, and ambition that does not serve the interests of the people they are supposed to serve!

Embedded Deep State

The only people that lose coming up against the tyranny of the IRS are those who have been betrayed by the corrupt federal judges put in their places for the purposes of upholding the Big Lie of the income tax. You have already seen this when the courts have resisted President Trump in enacting legal executive orders to protect our nation’s borders by activist Obama appointed judges who are clearly legislating from the bench! The worst thing that a US citizen can do is to ascribe to what the IRS says as its published propaganda pieces like “The IRS Really Hits its Stride” or arguments of past IRS agents are now denied by the IRS, what a lie! These people like Sherry Jackson Peel, Joe Bannister, and Jim Turner who were all special agents and were advanced officers with excellent careers completely disintegrate IRS claims by identifying their lies! Advising citizens to resist the propaganda presented by the IRS supported by the weight of a compromised US mass media who have been ordered to further this lie! Our citizens need only to obey our Constitution! Anymore than that falls under being victimized by the lies of the rogue Deep State government who must be stopped!

Independence Day The Sacrifices of Our Founders

July 5, 2019
Bunker Hill 2.jpg

The year is 1765 June 17th at Breeds Hill in Massachusetts. Colonists have gotten word that the British are coming and intend to occupy the hills surrounding the city. In order to do this General Gage and Commander Pigot will make an amphibious landing in order to carry out their attack. The King George Government has little respect for the 13 Colonies even if they have addressed the King’s demands in perfectly legal documentation.

Decisive engagement
Colonel Prescott is in command of 1000 Militiamen who will build earthen fortifications on Breed’s Hill even though the skirmish will be labeled the “Battle of Bunker Hill”. The British have moved 2,400 troops into position while the colonists position themselves behind earthworks and await the attack. General Gage and his subordinates underestimate the Americans thinking that the fight for independence will be a brief affair. They confidently line up in formation for a frontal assault.
Fighting at a disadvantage
Short on ammunition and outnumbered Colonel Prescott implores his men in a famous battle cry that will be remembered for centuries later, “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes!” This would be a rallying cry throughout the war!
British cannon could not displace the fortifications of the Colonial fighters so the Britsh marched forward up the slope of the hill. Waiting until the Redcoats were only several yards away, the Militiamen fired in tandem with great effect! Their muskets blazed causing bloody casualties that forced the enemy to retreat! The British regrouped and implored by General Gage, made a second assault! Again the rifles of Colonel Prescott’s troops roared wounding and killing more of Her Majesties warriors as they collapsed dying in lines just a short distance from the firing line of the Colonists!
Last chance
Thoroughly beaten, the British commanders would rather sacrifice more of their men than accept defeat and this time marched against Breed’s Hill again. Prescott’s man low on ammunition would have prevailed but instead, the Britsh broke through and bitter hand to hand combat broke out! Being outnumbered more than 2 to 1 the Militiamen were forced to withdraw! The British had suffered 1,100 casualties while the Americans had suffered 300 wounded and 100 dead.
Boost to morale
The Militiamen under Colonel Prescott had handed the British a jaded victory of bloody casualties, had gained confidence from their performance and realized they could indeed defeat a superior British army. Veteran seasoned troops of the Royal Crown had met near defeat at the hands of a ragtag colonial force hastily thrown together! This told the British that the war would not be easily won, but instead would be a long costly conflict!
Far-reaching implications
Fast forward to July 2, 1776, as the Continental Congress convened to declare independence. Fifty-six delegates met, most of them signed the parchment document that would then be copied and delivered overseas to King George, but not only that, it would send shock waves through Europe as both France and Spain now realized that the new world had risen to challenge the most powerful army and navy in the world and were punishing the opposition over their Crown Colony possession.
Inevitable sacrifices
Each of the signers of the Declaration of Independence knew they were signing their death warrants if they were ever captured, the cause was lost, or their countrymen had betrayed them that everything they owned, their families, and their vision of a nation free of tyranny would be over! Still, they upheld their risky proposition! Still, many of them would lose their estates in the coming months, their families, and even their own lives in the face of King George’s wrath! These men, who have been characterized by today’s radical lying left as being slave owners, disgruntled rum runners, rebel rousers, and domestic terrorists stopped the draconian fascist control of England from forever choking the future generations of Americans out of their heritage of liberty, pursuit of happiness, and legal protection from the corruption of their own government, though we today have begun to question this thanks to our own leaders betraying us!
Bunker hill


April 13, 2019

One pivotal event along with the sacrifices of brave men to decide the fate of a nation!

History as we know it is often misrepresented, incomplete, and even intentionally altered for political reason. We now know that since the early 1900’s that an effort was underway to undermine American exceptionalism and use the school room as a way for the government to exert mental control over the children just as we’re seeing today. When charitable trusts like Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller among others were conspiring to introduce socialism into the classroom and transform the events of US history into a departure from the efforts of our Founding Fathers by distorting the truth.
Getting it straight
Such is the case with the historical account of General George Washington’s capture of Trenton, New Jersey on the night of December 25, 1776 when on a bitterly cold Christmas eve he led the tattered Continental Army on a raid that overwhelmed Hessian troops who were garrisoned there. The victory was much more important than simply winning a single battle though, and according to the neglectful historians who present their flawed account, the Hessians were not drunk, unwary, and unprepared to defend their encampment. The general impression given in most history books is that the Hessians were unskilled soldiers, half asleep and drunk having been caught off guard, or Washington and his rag tag army would not have prevailed. All incorrect and intended to mislead the students.
Quite to the contrary! Prior to the surprise attack Washington had planned when he met with his staff of officers to arrange the assault, his ambition was not well received. Claiming that due to the heavy snowfall munitions and gun powder might have been damp and incapable of igniting! The men his officers argued were not ready for battle, and the weather conditions were too oppressive to conduct an operation. One officer even challenged General Washington’s competence as a rational leader and suggested he be relieved of command. Upon Washington’s orders, General Gates, commander of the southern army in the Carolinas was ordered out of the staff meeting by gun point by one of the soldiers and rode his horse out of the Continental Army’s headquarters.
The march

In one of the coldest winter nights in memory Washington’s army set out in a practical blizzard as horse drawn artillery, boats for the crossing, and recruits who were pushed to their limit marched several miles to the shores of the Delaware River. Washington’s officers had argued that the Hessians had spies all over the place and that any major operation would be detected and sent to the enemy, but this did not happen. No one expected that the Continental Army would march in such conditions! Yet fate took an unexpected turn.
Complications arise
Prior to Washington’s attack a separate unit of Militiamen and their Captain had arrived at the same idea and had assaulted the Hessian positions before the Continental Army under Washington could arrive. When General Washington received word from the Captain of the defeated Militia forces that he had just attempted a siege upon the Hessian defenses the future president of the United States was furious! “You, Sir, have just compromised my battle plans!”
However, Washington channeled his rage into further determination! He implored troops who would have followed him into hell to continue with their mission, and they remained loyal to the ambition of the father of a nation yet to succeed at its destiny! They arrived at the river’s shore and began launching the boats upon icy waters that could have been too frozen to traverse. The troops, their cannons, pack animals and carts were all loaded and the crossing began.
Where the lies end and the truth prevailed
History has portrayed the Hessians as incompetent, unmotivated, and halfhearted in their efforts, but in reality they were crack German troops loyal to the cause of King George’s government and being paid well for their services by the crown. Another lie made by historians is that they were asleep after a Christmas feast of food and wine and only a few sentries were on guard when, in truth, they had just repulsed the efforts of the Militiamen and their captain and were on full alert! The Hessians were, by no means, incapable or asleep at the wheel. They were at their positions even if they did not expect a second assault.
Objective attained
As always, Washington’s plans unfolded effectively once his assets were positioned. The cannons roared, the Continental soldiers charged into battle overwhelming their Hessian opponents with a ferocity that intimidated the well-trained Germans. The defensive perimeter quickly broke down as Washington’s men stormed the Hessian emplacements. The German commander attempted to rally his men but to no avail. He was soon forced to surrender under the savage attack by the Continental troops as musket fire blazed and the Hessian soldiers fell to the bayonets of the Americans!

Changing of fortunes
The prior summer the Continental Army had been fighting a series of battles that they had lost and been forced to retreat from either the British but had also been engaged by the Hessians and had lost to them as well. The Redcoats were confident that they could wait out Washington’s forces until spring and then simply dictate terms of surrender since the Americans had lost New York and the Congress had been forced to flee Philadelphia with news that there were no longer any Continental Army forces between them and the British! It seemed a forgone conclusion that King George’s forces were in perfect position to deliver the final blow and could do so at their convenience.

Reaping the rewards of victory
The victory at Trenton bought precious time for the Americans, provided much needed provisions, weapon stores, and ammunition, but it also achieved a great morale victory that at least guaranteed the life of General Washington’s army until spring. Meanwhile news of the Colonial victory got back to Europe and bolstered a renewed confidence in the new world which would also bring the trade needed to help finance the war effort along with possible allies willing to assist in the revolution against the English! The Redcoats now unsure of Continental Army’s strength and actual position were reticent to send an expeditionary force into the area to engage Washington’s forces in the immediate future which gave the Yankees much needed time to recover and regroup.
Far reaching implications
Thanks to General George Washington’s gamble and his fearless determination the momentum of the War for Independence had suddenly turned the tables on the British. The victory over Commander Johan Rhall’s command at Trenton paved the way for 2 more victories over the British as Washington once again crossed the Delaware leading his column on January 2nd to defeat General Lord Cornwallis rear guard forces then advancing to Princeton and handing the British another loss. Washington’s Army had also captured 2/3’s of the Hessian soldiers with hardly any casualties. The daring raid on Trenton had led to an inspiring vengeance that breathed new life into the American Revolution. Inspired by such heroism today’s US Marines consider miserable weather conditions to be “Attack Weather!”