Archive for June, 2024

One More Time

June 23, 2024

Image result for interdimentional travel

If I could fall in love one more time

And cheat fate on the turn of a dime

Being alone in a man’s prime

It’s the final mountain to climb,

Image result for Biden frowning

Your king is insane wearing a frown

Please see through the illusion of this clown

Don’t let the insanity bring you down

Be careful not to dig in the burial mound,

Image result for smoke and mirrors

The scattered lake of fallen tears

Alone against your will for years

Independence the lies of smoke and mirrors

As the pop culture plays upon your fears,

Image result for crystal ball

If I could just fall in love one more time

Cheating fate on the turn of a dime

Being alone in a man’s prime

It’s the final mountain to climb,

Image result for today's political atmosphere

The political atmosphere of today

Where all semblance of sanity has gone astray

Take the deception away

We can only hope and pray,

Image result for Satan unleashes evil

When the Devil unleashes savagery

Too many are deceived that’s the key

Just who is really living in your tree?

Find your answers to tis calamity,

Image result for fall in love one more time

If I could just fall in love one more time

Cheating fate on the turn of a dime

Being alone in a man’s prime

It’s the final mountain to climb,

Image result for climbing the last mountain

Views: 1

While the Wounds Are Still Fresh

June 22, 2024
Image result for Love Sad Boy Crying

In this age of lies 

Love has become a sad compromise 

The source of my emotional demise

All the lovers lies,

Image result for let the shadows take me

Let the shadows take me away

From the memories of those who wouldn’t stay,

Somewhere in the past when children played,

Here in a world of illusion where I sometimes pray.

Image result for Love Sad Boy Crying

Deep in fantasies of what used to be

Something inside cries out to be free,

There’s a message in all this by some hidden decree,

Don’t flaunt the present for the tears of a treachery,

Image result for self-defeating dreams

The love of the past still haunting the dawn

No need to ponder the memories that live on

The phantoms of passion only dew on the lawn

These self-defeating dreams to which I’m drawn,

Image result for What Is the Mask of Echoes

Show me a path that makes sense of all this

It seems these echoes have become wilderness 

All for the need of her tenderness

The endless quest leaving me gaunt and speechless, 

Image result for candle in the night
Blow out the candle now in the absence of light 
Listen to the night Now reach out and hold me tight
It’s this loneliness that I need to fight,Image result for echoes become wilderness 

In this age of lies
I still remember her cries
Inside this labyrinth with rationale devised
Is there a future? I can only surmise,Image result for echoes become wilderness 
There’s a lesson here while the wounds are still fresh
Take your chances when deceived by the flesh
The soul of the wicked you can never possess
The truth of the ages you can never suppress
,Image result for Ships Passing Int the Night Let the shadows take me today
As passing ships sail away
Is there a sanctuary where my heart can stay?
All paths will lead to a power we must obey.Image result for praying  

America Doesn’t Have Much Time Left

June 19, 2024
Image result for chart of US dollar devaluation

I can’t imagine how the Democrats think that when the whole shit house burns down and the US dollar collapses how they will atone for their illegal conduct. The Democrats are little more than a criminal syndicate operating under the aegis of being a political party. When the economic system fails the nation will rapidly descend into hell with it. Even worse will be all the nations interlinked and co-dependent upon the US commerce system that will go down too. The world will enter another international depression with more suffering and starvation than the previous 1030’s tragedy before.

Image result for tax evasion by Congress

What golden parachute awaits the Democrats when the system massively fails? Will the Pelosi’s have turned in their stock trade profits for gold and silver? Will Chuck Schumer have converted his offshore bank accounts into precious metal assets? If so, why hasn’t the IRS traced that money and would be prosecuting Schumer for tax evasion? While the Democrats are hiring more IRS agents to terrorize the already overburdened public that’s losing their dollar buying power by the day, what is the government doing besides finding more ways of deficit spending to the tune of billions upon billions of dollars?

Image result for treasonous Democrats

The truth would be that these people who are engineering a swift end to the American nation through their internal sabotage are demonically delusional! It can be the only explanation as anyone with a rational mind would see that the out of control spending they have presided over is a terminal illness in its 4th stage like a metastasizing cancer! The greatest nation on the face of the earth was thwarted from within, a common concern of the founding fathers and the succeeding patriotic presidents who foresaw what corruption could lead to.

Image result for Federal deficit spending

What to do about it? The size of the government must be reduced drastically as the swollen fraternity of unnecessary agencies and employees with their overpaid benefits has got to stop. The corrupt officials who for decades that have masterminded the failing system must be removed! The appointed and unelected bureaucrats trying to make a name for themselves by instigating regulations that stunt the growth of the economy along with jobs have to be eliminated. However, the old adage of how does a nation survive it’s traitors from within looms large on the radar screen. It is the biggest threat to the Republic!

Image result for Ronald Reagan

There are solutions which Ronald Reagan during his presidency advocated which he was constantly under attack over. Another way to reduce the spending and the accompanying interest payments” “The ‘Penny Plan’ would reduce non-defense, non-safety net spending by one percent of the previous year’s total each year. Over 10 years, the plan will reduce spending (outlays) by almost $1 trillion without touching defense or entitlement spending.”

Image result for US dollar collapse


If politicians were not able to remain in office for decades amassing their political machinery and downstream income perhaps they would focus on the good of the American people and the country and propose feasible fiscal responsibility!  

Image result for God punishing Democrats


June 19, 2024
Image result for withdrawing


I’m retreating from the present

Afraid of being rendered into a peasant

I remember fondly being an adolescent

Is seems the world has gotten rather unpleasant,

Image result for prayed

Forgive me if I overstayed

You see even though I’ve prayed

It seems my rescue has been delayed

The heat is brutal in the shade,

Image result for destiny

I’m withdrawing from present reality

It seems to be interfering with my destiny

My Dear, I pity your fragility

Forgive the intrusion of my humility,

Image result for living in a bad movie deviant art

As though living in a bad movie

Fentanyl overdoes are not groovy

It’s all the lies that make me a bit moody

Can’t rely on whatever the facts prove to be,

The lies revolve as the world turns

Even betrayal leaves third degree burns

You must be careful more than ever on how you discern

The insanity you witness will make your stomach churn,

Image result for your numbed mind

The only oasis exists within your numbed mind

Though they might force you to sign on the dotted line

The conformists who are unable to find

Alienated  to critical thought or anything of the kind.

Image result for conformists

In the Realm of Mice and Men

June 19, 2024
See related image detail. ArtStation - Walking above the sky - photomanipulation

In the Realm of Mice and Men

Living in the midst of a blue green dream

Under the narcotic effect of peaches and cream

Never under estimate a woman’s ability to scheme

Perhaps that’s why I’m coming apart at the seams,

Distant echoes of happiness in the past

Mental prosperity never meant to last

The evil spell upon me that was cast

Leaving my hopes swinging from the mast,

Trust is a scarce commodity

When it comes to love and liberty

It kind of tugs at my sanity

In a world of compromised humanity,

Image result for compromised humanity

Take me in, I need refuge from the storm

Too many fools have strayed from the norm

Give me pretty lies to keep me warm

Shielding me from the evil swarm,

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Feeling like an alien life form

Seems experiences have left me a bit forlorn

Especially when love turns to scorn

Can’t seem to remember where I was born,

Image result for if I were a child again

If only I were a child again

Playing so far from the lion’s den

Rather than living in the realm of mice and men

Existing in this sphere of pretend.

Realm of Fantasy by Anacorreal on DeviantArt

If I only Could

June 12, 2024

Image result for in the shadows of doubt

I’m living in the shadows of doubt

While this blind world dances about

Sometimes I want to scream and shout 

Why is it the evil ones have all the clout? 

Image result for in the shadows of doubt

And I would if I only could,

Image result for looking in the mirror

There you are looking in the mirror at you

Wondering why your life is askew

Think that you’re one of the few

From this thirty thousand foot view

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But your self-destruction seems right on cue, 

And you do hey, hey, hey, and you do

Heroin needles in the grass better wear shoes

Drug dealers on the corners two by two,

Image result for Norwehian Wood

Give me some more Norwegian wood 

Cruising through the hood

It’s all insane but understood

As the evil victimize the good 

Image result for Norwehian Wood

And I would if I only could,

Image result for shit hole banan republics

They want to turn the US into a banana republic

Revert Americans back to burning sticks

Men converted into chicks

These are the new perverted kicks,

Image result for truth

Just give me something to hang onto

I’ll start with the truth and a sky of blue

I can’t believe that I ever trusted you

Always a fool for love when I thought it was true,

Image result for truth

And I would if I only could,

Image result for broken hearted

All the heart ache that I’ve withstood

Doing things I never should

Thinking it might just work out for good

Seems too often it fails and that’s understood,

Image result for living in a simulation

I’ve heard it’s all a simulation before

If this is true you got to give me more

I can’t live on some kind of folklore

God, please let me in on the score,

Image result for heart ache withstood

If I were you, I would if I only could.

In This Human Zoo

June 12, 2024

Image result for waiting for a gentale rain

I’m sinking in this world of pain 

Just waiting for a gentle rain

The whole thing has gone insane

All my best efforts were all in vain,

Image result for the human zoo desmond morris

Just when I thought I could love you

You stabbed me right in the heart on cue 

Just like you were cruising down the avenue

Leaving your stain in this human zoo,

Image result for my cold empty bed

Now it’s time I went to bed 

But there’s all these thoughts in my head

In my mind your memory is dead

Seeing all this on an empty thread 

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Why can’t we just have love instead? 

Why can’t we just have love instead?

Image result for lions in the street

The streets have become battlegrounds in big cities

As our leaders lie on newly formed committees

Modern day pirates on the high seas

Dangerous prescriptions and doctor’s fees,

Every night I hope and pray

Hoping Jesus will come and stay

But the night is dark and not okay

I’m hoping that the traitors pay,

Image result for unfaithfulness

In this day who can you trust?

People now feed on lies, unfaithfulness, and lust

You can lose all you own in a wind gust

Is there really anything that’s just?

Image result for unfaithfulness

Why can’t we just have love instead? 

Why can’t we just have love instead?

Image result for unfaithfulness

Those words have echoed in my head

From every angle it seems like we’re being misled

Take me out to the whipping shed

I shouldn’t have said,

Image result for my cold empty bed

Everyone’s been cut and has bled

So many tears have been shed

I sleep each night in a cold empty bed

Too many people today on their meds,

Image result for sheep need to be led

Some people live in total dread

Others can’t find enough bread

It’s a sad existence God, enough said

Your sheep need to be led,

Image result for unfaithfulness

Why can’t we just have love instead? 

Why can’t we just have love instead?

Image result for unfaithfulness

To All the Criminals in the Federal Government

June 12, 2024

Image result for partying Democrats

Am I alienated you bet

And you just haven’t gotten yours yet

You think you’re insulated from the threat 

All the fools you’ve made into your pet

Image result for partying Democrats

Am I alienated you bet

For all the false accolades you get

From all the America hating radicals you’ve met

All the things you’ll live to regret,

Image result for illegal aliens

Am I alienated you bet

By all the foreign trespassers you refuse to vet,

For all the crime committed that you conveniently forget

For your ill-gotten money that’s your safety net

Image result for partying Democrats

Am I alienated you bet

Just as you pretend there’s no imminent threat

All the Constitutional laws you conveniently forget

After the destruction you caused you’ll be all set,

Image result for partying Democrats

Am I alienated you bet

Hoping you’ll realize what you’ve done with regret

Hoping you’ll be executed as part of the “Great Reset”

Hoping your kind fade into the sunset,

Image result for photos of Dumbass biden

Am I alienated you bet

Does the plight of the people ever leave you upset?

I just can’t tolerate your perverted mindset

To the traitors who control you you’re just their puppet,

Image result for photos of Dumbass biden

Am I alienated you bet

You have all the accountability of a marionette

I’d enjoy watching you blow a gasket

You’re single handedly run up the national debt,

Image result for photos of Dumbass biden

Am I alienated you bet

My tolerance for your treason is at the end of a bayonet

Concrete shoes filled with quickset

But “Vengeance is mine!” sayeth the Lord in fitting etiquette.

Image result for the wrath pf God

A New Angle on Explanation of UAP’s

June 11, 2024

Image result for Maury Islabd Mystery

In 1948 on Maury Island just off the cost of Washington State, a bizarre UFO sighting occurred leading to a string of mysteries and finally a fatal crash of a B-25 Mitchell Bomber that killed two USAF intelligence officers. It all began as two fishermen and the son of one of them watched as an aerial object hovering in the sky surrounded by 5 other orbiting spheres dripped a molten substance like slag onto their boat and the boy was burned by this. He was later taken to the hospital. Suddenly, the central UAP became unstable and exploded and the bizarre sighting ended. A local policeman also witnessed the event. Theories abounded such as this being some kind of AEC (Atomic Energy Commission) secret experiment after all they had originated the first generation of powerful targeting radars in New Mexico that were later donated to the US Air Force.

Image result for Washington National Sightings 1952

Chasing ghosts

1952, during the Washington National Sightings US Air Force F-94C fighter jets were scrambled to intercept solid appearing radar targets that violated White House forbidden air space. Each time, as veteran radar operators observed, as the blips that represented the USAF jet interceptors entered the air space violated by the UFO’s they simply disappeared off screen. As Senior Officer on Duty, Harry Barnes, commented, it was as though the unidentified airborne objects were listening to his conversations with the interceptor pilots. The incident would go on as being possibly thermal inversion or “Weather Targets “as was explained by US Army General Sanford during the largest post WWII military press conference in history.

UFO landing on a Navy Aircraft carrier or Fake? Please comment - YouTube

Shouldn’t be able to fly

Fast forward to 2013 off the coast of southern California on the US Naval Carrier the Franklin Roosevelt. A squadron of F-18 Hornets, on several occasions, encounter strange UAP’s shaped roughly like tubular objects traveling at fantastic speeds flying right past the formation and even just above the surface of the sea below even skimming into the water and emerging back into the air without any damage or drag. Over days to come subsequent sorties are confronted by more oddly shaped non-aerodynamic aerial objects that shouldn’t even able to perform at such speeds having no control surfaces or observable forms of propulsion, and yet they defy the laws of physics just as the previous historic examples I’ve given. Non-terrestrial airborne objects that defy gravity and defy our best attempts at identifying them with multi-million dollar combat aircraft!

Image result for US Navy pilots seeing UFO tic tacs

The new or old paradigm?

So, what’s the explanation? What is the new take on who or what could be responsible? We all know the proposed conventional speculations, aliens from another world, time travelers, secret X-plane projects, simply freak atmospheric phenomenon, or misidentified conventional aircraft, as we know the human mind is not always a reliable recording instrument. Yet, there is another theoretic calculation that has even been batted around by our ancient ancestors. That it, that we are the unwitting participants in a simulated reality, and that the universe, as we see it, is also part of this simulation. Perhaps, someone or some thing or God set up the rules to the game a long time ago, and we are simply players with only as much information as we are allowed to have. A former NASA scientist once speculated that we are living in a hologram as there are ways to test it that show that the rules of physics are not consistent and when monitored show that something doesn’t add up! However, I won’t; get into the precise test that had yielded these results, but let’s get back to UAP’s.

Image result for US Navy pilots seeing UFO tic tacs

The finger tip of God?

Let us suppose that someone or something, or even God, wanted to interact with the simulation minutely manipulating our reality briefly with a ploy that contradicts all physical laws of the game, of the simulation. Their interference or test would seem to violate our known laws of physics, right? It would seem quite fantastic to us and inexplicable, for instance, like a flying tic tac that can outmaneuver an F-18 Hornet fighter leaving behind an astonished pilot. For decades observers such as fighter pilots and missile test range technicians have observed incoming unknown aerial objects flying at incredible speeds and making maneuvers that would have crushed and disintegrated aircraft as we know it by incurring incredible G-forces. If you are the creator of the simulation and you exist outside of the hologram you would be undetected except for your mysterious interaction.

Image result for John A. Keel

Are we the primitive ones?

Author, John A, Keel, once made a comparison that if a civilization that had had a billion more years to evolve when trying to make contact with us today might be like a scientist trying to have a meaningful communication with earth worms or an ant colony, but we seem to be devoid of alien contact. As our satellites and telescopes view further and further out into the Cosmos, it seems that planets and their solar systems are lifeless. So, as famous physicist, Enrico Fermi observed, “If E.T. is out there how come they’re not on the phone?” The Fermi Paradox!

Image result for enrico fermi manhattan project


Perhaps, whoever created the simulation, the computer game, the hologram that we exist in has no need to get us on the phone. Perhaps, we are simply unwilling participants in a game that we are trapped within doomed to play in a game whose rules were invented by an unknown creator. Could that creator be God?

Image result for God reaching out to man

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What Dark Times Could be Upon Us?

June 10, 2024

Image result for Democrat false flag planners

There are already nervous discussions going on among certain talking heads in the media and even among conservatives about the possibility of unleashed violence by not only Democrat donor financed agitators but by Democrat voters themselves. There seems to be a growing darkness when looking into the future over what the possibilities might be should the “Deep State” decide to take off the gloves and create a mass disaster event. The ultimate false flag attack. We all know that since the DC Swamp has been exposed for what and who they are there are not only useful idiots but actual activists who will go to any length to hide the truth and support a targeted tragedy that could paralyze society to keep Trump from liberating the snake pit in Washington DC that is victimizing all normal Americans.

Image result for power grid failure


Could it be another 9-11 or a massive blackout of the entire US electrical grid? That would certainly put a freeze on the inevitability of a change in the seat of power, wouldn’t it? I don’t want to put rats in your skulls, but is the coming darkness inescapable? The thirst for power and ruthlessness we’ve seen come out of the Democrat Party in recent years would logically attest to it should we connect the dots! Would not Marshall Law and Emergency Powers be the kind of under handed trickery that the Communist Manifesto adopted Democrat Party be capable of? I sincerely hope not, but one can never under estimate the diabolical nature of a party that has already demonstrated tendency for out of control impulse, and win at any cost mentality.

Image result for Ted Kennedy meeting with Russians

When the ends justify the means?

The Democrats have a long history of resorting to any length in order to win an election. Take for instance, Ted Kennedy in 1984 going to the Soviet Union for help in preventing Ronald Reagan from getting re-elected for a second term. How much more treasonous could one get? How about Hillary Clinton caught brokering a deal to sell 20% of all US Uranium to Russia arranged through a third party in Canada? Selling a fissionable material to our enemies? Is there no limit to how far the Democrat Party along with the go along to get along Republican sell outs would go to undermine the American people? I’d hate to put any ideas in the minds of these snakes, but I’m sure that these ruthless possibilities have already been discussed among the elites who look upon us as cattle to be managed as liquidated at their convenience.

Image result for leftist Ivy leagu campuses

The proving ground from hell

There is already volumes of evidence on the elitist collusion of the Ivy League campuses and radical universities who are used as credentials and spawning grounds for the Washington DC heavy hitters who will be lording over the masses with their insane social engineering and international war mongering. For an upstart, who is not a product of their gene pool and ruling class club, Trump represents the ultimate foe whose character must be destroyed, his freedom must be reined in, and even his life must be snuffed out if they can see a way to create a plausible doubt over who or wat misdirection would work. All illusions of righteousness and innocence have long since washed away. The curtain behind which they have hidden behind has been stripped away. The America that we once loved has been tainted with unconscionable corruption.

Image result for Donald trump