Archive for June, 2023


June 21, 2023
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A prisoner of my own dreams

The result of my actions and schemes

Awakened by my own screams

It turned out nothing is as it seems,

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A prisoner in my own dreams

An end to the peaches and cream

Forget your sense of self esteem

World hypocrisy now at an extreme,

PAIN, THE BRAIN AND EMOTION - Alleviate Pain | Dawn Cady

The past constantly echoing in my ear

No way to escape this troubled year

Everyone living too close to their fears

Sorry but the evil won’t just disappear,

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Entering a storm of reason and insanity

Too many existing on their vanity

Set full sail all ahead through the sea

Didn’t you realize what you did to me?

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The grim reaper ready to thin the herd

The lines of right and wrong blurred

Are you aware of the karma you’ve incurred?

Life now in the theater of the absurd,

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I’m in the summer of discontent

My recollection of you iridescent

Changes because of you I underwent

Still hanging onto my sanity to some extent,

echo from the past | Michael Kötter | Flickr

Escaping through vintage music now

The present seems more like a rusty plow

For misinformation the globalists should take a bow

Got to find a way to break these chains somehow.

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The Crap They Call News To Keep You Stupid

June 20, 2023
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Has anyone noticed but me recently or within the last few years that if you make the mistake of watching the 6 O’clock news on local TV that these buffoons they call newscasters and staff meteorologists act like comedians or self-aggrandizing wannabes? I thought we were just supposed to get the news or simply find out what the weather will be doing. I currently have Metro by T-Mobile once an independent cell provider bought out by a German telecommunications giant who’s CEO explained to social media platforms how to censor Trump during the 2020 stolen election. I really evented on those bastards for that when they asked me what my opinion of their customer service was. Yeah, like they gave a damn.

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The circus

Anyway, on my phone, or even on Bing’s search engine is some of the most moronic news I’ve ever seen in my life, and I don’t know for sure whether it’s in response to the stupidity of the audience or the intended conditioning from the cell providers and search engine marketing, probably a little of both, but who reads this trash? If it’s not some new electronic game or hints on how to play better, if it’s not about some aging actress who decided to do a bikini shoot, or of some complete idiot celebrity like Whoopi Goldberg who is mad at some game company using her caricature, the trash for brains circus is definitely on.

CFR appointees

However let us not forget that that bulimia model in the swimsuit likes to go for walks, that she eats junk food, that she likes to lay out in the sun, and admires Justin Trudeau! Oh goody wasn’t that worth a waste of time. Comparing this to the news of yesteryear on the front page of newspapers, we mostly got facts, not opinions by leftist Council on Foreign Relations vetted parrots. Of the 4000 major news anchor jobs in the US all of them are interviewed by the CFR if they expect to get hired and have any chance at a career. When you consider that 90% of news and entertainment is controlled by only 6 broadcasting corporations what are you going to get? You’re going to get the same repeated BS lies by all news anchors on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, and CNBS. Russia! Russia! Russia! Collusion!

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Could there be pushback?

There was a law against using propaganda in the news and over public statements being made by our so-called political leaders. Of course Obama put an end to that law. I must say it seems to have opened the floodgates for a never ending carpet ride through the leftist fantasy land of character assassination, false allegations, and ruining anyone’s life that stands in their way! It’s amazingly brainless, predictable, and in a civil court of law would be defined as liable and slander along with defamation of character. One political podcaster on the PBD show predicted that once Trump whose been exonerated completely by the Durham Report could actually sue Adam Schiff, other Democrats, and the news media for billions over character defamation and most likely win! And, guess what? The bastards deserve it!

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The evil jamboree goes on!

The news media, the lying Democrats, and their leftist donors need to learn an expensive lesson! For too long they’ve been getting away with misreporting, ignoring, and fabricating fake news in order to take down anyone who threatens the Deep State of the insane establishment who use their Luciferian tactics to convert entertainers into Satanists who probably attend baby blood rituals of the Hollywood elite. I wouldn’t have believed just how bad it’s gotten, but then there was that story of Keanu Reeves giving an account of what he saw at the undisclosed owner of a mansion in Beverly Hills. Claiming that when he went to get ice cubes for his drink he was shocked to find the frozen body of an infant in the freezer. He claimed to have punched the owner in the nose and stormed out of the party. Makes me wonder though why his “John Wick” movies are doing so well? I thought Hollywood blackballed all conservatives and Christians from being able to get scripts for new movies.

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The underlying cause

It is amazing how misinformation alone can actually lobotomize a public, destroy trust in government, mislead the useful idiots into destroying their own nation, and cause such political divide that a large portion of the population can’t even decipher the truth anymore, but it’s happened! The enemy is literally in the gates. The forked tongue of the Devil speaks to us through the media. Heroes can now become villains. The public is not supposed to resist criminals. The cities in alignment with Marxist planning must become so dangerous and crime ridden that people cannot feel safe as the evil ideology uproots any sense of decency or safety. A nation overthrown but a basic fundamental principle “THE LIE!”

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A Delicate Balance

June 20, 2023
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Living with a battered ego

Just the way it is don’t you know?

No women left as pure as the driven snow

Just more rejection as the final blow,

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A battered ego like a knife wound

Chances are you’ll bleed out soon

I might as well be walking on the moon

Sitting reflectively on a Sunday afternoon,

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The years roll by and optimism dies

We’re beaten down by the scope and size

Of life’s deception and government lies

I’m just waiting for a happy sunrise,

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Used to think that love holds the world together

Kind of like a strap made of leather

Lay me down in a field of heather

Stop being paranoid about the weather,

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There’s a delicate balance in relationships

Like tasting a fine wine with just a sip

Remember to keep a stiff upper lip

Are you waiting on your neuro chip?

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She was like a cool spring day

That could suddenly turn stormy in May

She had no idea how she pushed people away

Yet, I made myself stay,

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Everything has changed somehow

I’m reaching out but can’t seem to reach it now

It’s no big deal for people to violate their vows

Seems that nowadays only my suspicions get aroused.

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Strange Events in Our Solar System Part II

June 19, 2023
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The moon after decades of manmade satellite photographs and manned lunar landings has proven to be anything but predictable or even explainable. Things that seem to contradict science have raised many an eyebrow. From the intentional crash of an Apollo lunar command module causing the moon’s interior to ring like a bell for hours to strange lights seen in some craters, to what appear to be artificial structures, our orbiting partner seems to have many more surprises waiting for us. Near the south pole of the moon comes a shock after the overflight of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and the NASA spacecraft the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory. These two orbiting crafts have mapped the topography and the moon along with measurements of gravity fluctuation on the lunar surface.

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Mystery impact?

The Aitken Basin is the scene of an incredibly large crater where an asteroid 1000 times more powerful than the strike that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs on earth millions of years ago, appears to have left its trace. Thought to have occurred 4 billion years ago after the moon had just solidified, a 60 kilometer long chunk of metal is embedded in the crater. Five times the size of the “Big Island” in Hawaii, Hilo, and this mysterious object lies hundreds of kilometers beneath the surface. It is actually creating a strong gravity field due to its weight and density. The initial reaction was that an artificial metallic object, perhaps a bunker type underground structure had been built there.

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One possible explanation

The University of Texas Observatory has theorized that the metallic mass could be from the nickel and iron core of the asteroid that was left after its outer rocky surface was vaporized by the incredible collision. So far, the largest anomaly discovered in the lunar surface, this discovery proves that the moon has been a very effective orbiting shield against many asteroid strikes that might have had even more devastating effects upon human history. Still, there is no definitive proof of what this embedded object actually is. There is a plan to land an unmanned orbiting spacecraft that would arrive close to the metallic wonder and take a sample of the substance and then launch back into orbit, rendezvous with the propulsion module, and then return to earth. There is some speculation that the metallic substance could be radioactive so a manned mission could prove dangerous for astronauts.

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More anomalies

As for more strangeness on the moon. Just as the “Face on Mars” there have been more tricks of light and shadow on the lunar surface that appear to be alien faces. There appears to be tracks like tire marks left on the powdery surface of the moon that could have been evidence of some kind of machinery moving over the lunar exterior. There even appears to be a large ship of some kind that lies in the shadow of a crater that vague photos have been taken of. It is said that during the Apollo Missions the astronauts used code words for alien artifacts or other evidence or used a scrambled frequency. Supposedly astronaut Walter Schirra, a veteran of the Mercury and Gemini space program when aboard the Apollo 7 looked down spotted a UFO on the moon and announced to NASA he had seen Santa Claus or Santa’s sleigh. I think it would be safe to say that we have more mysteries awaiting us on the moon.

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Strange Events in Our Solar System Part I

June 19, 2023
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Astronomy is opening up many new mysteries in space and things are not what they have seemed. For example, doubts have been raised about the “Big Bang” theory as being the origin of the universe. As conspiracy theorists and UFO advocates question whether or not we have been visited by aliens, science is discovering some unusual events. It appears that interstellar objects are entering the solar system, these do not appear to be rocks from some other planetary system. They appear to be intelligently controlled.

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Recently NASA celebrated Voyager I a spacecraft that was launched and as having been the first manmade vehicle to exit the solar system as it passed through the heliosphere, the last vestige of the sun’s influence upon the planets, asteroid belts, dwarf planets, and the Khyber belt. After an 11 billion mile trek that began in 1977 the spacecraft has experienced expected degradation. The extreme cold and heat cycles affected devices and wiring as well the multiple computers onboard dedicated to certain functions. As transmission has faded and ability to receive commands so has the onboard power source radioactive plutonium batteries. Certain nonessential systems has been shut down to conserve what power is left. Once a command is transmitted to Voyager I it takes 21 hours for the spacecraft to receive it.

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Yet, a strange thing happened recently. Where once the Voyager I seemed to be dwindling in functionality it suddenly gained power and clarity like it hadn’t for some time. One computer that had been shut down for conserve power had suddenly powered on and was not controlling transmission and reception of signals. This surprised NASA scientists. However something else happened that surprised NASA scientists. Thirty unknown objects headed into the solar system were picked up, authenticated, and reported to NASA. Strangely, Voyager I did not go into shutdown mode in an effort to protect itself from a collision, instead it remained operating. What were those objects? Some experts are saying that perhaps a fleet of alien spacecraft have entered the solar system and may be headed for earth.

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Another interstellar object had entered the solar system from somewhere out in deep space. This was heralded as the first definitely observed interstellar object to be witnessed entering the interplanetary system of the star named “Sol”. Oumuamua, a strangely configured object that resembles a cigar shaped asteroid, but it does not behave like an asteroid. The mechanics of its orbit is not that of a comet or asteroid. Some scientists have theorized that it is a solar sail. A solar sail is a spacecraft powered by a beam of light that pushes it through the space where there is no atmospheric resistance or gravity so it takes little to push the vehicle. The name given to the object is of Hawaiian origin meaning a fast moving messenger from a great distance

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Oumuamua approached the sun at a speed of 78.7 kilometers per second passing between the sun and the planet Mercury and exited the sun’s orbit at 80 kilometers per second. This in an unusual parabolic orbit rather than the typical elliptical orbits normally associated with comets and asteroids. Upon leaving the pull of the sun the Dutch observatory that has discovered the strange visitor determines that its trajectory will take it to the constellation of Pegasus back outside of our solar system again. In all likelihood it is though that Oumuamua is a piece of planetary debris flung from a protoplanetary disk millions of years ago.

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As it turns out, we now know the moon is a much more interesting and mysterious celestial body than we ever thought. Anomalies and what appear to be artifacts have been photographed all over the lunar surface. We’ll explore more of this in Part II. 

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The Age of Irrationality

June 18, 2023
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You see it on social platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Tik Tok, and Quora among others this incessant insistence on people voting for the Democrats. Either operatives or irrational people who think or want you to thin that they’re voting for Joe Biden in 2024 or that Trump is a criminal when these idiotic claims couldn’t be more wrong. As a matter of fact the opposite is true that the Democrats are the criminals and that former President Trump is clean. However, the Democrats aided by the constant amplified lies of the media have brainwashed the fools who could overlook the relative prosperity of the US under Trump while suffering from the disastrous policy failures of the Democrats and claim they will continue to vote for them? Something here is very wrong.

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Has thought ceased?

Here’s one question for you who claim to be voting Democrat again: How much pain are you willing to endure? How bad does the cost of living have to get? How much more do you want to see the buying power of the US dollar have to decline before you admit that life under Democrat rule is needlessly brutal? I guess tax breaks like the biggest in history that Donald Trump got passed was sheer agony for you since that piece of legislation jumpstarted a US economy still suffering from Obama’s deliberately destructive polices? Was it so terrible for you to be paying much less for gas in your car? Are you happy to welcome more than 6 million illegal aliens in the US many of whom have no respect for America and even show hostility toward Americans citizens? So, you enjoy all this thanks to the Democrats?

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The mental deficiency

What’s at play here in the end result of reverse psychology, counter intelligence, and tribal support for an obviously incompetent political party (Democrats)? Is it human nature being its good old self always on the self-destructive side? Is it simply people being so brainwashed that they refuse to acknowledge the obvious deteriorating state of affairs in America? So no matter how much proof who you put in front of their faces they will simply ignore the truth and continue to choose their abusive masters? There’s an old saying, “love the whip.” It was used by captured US POW’s who faced torture daily by their North Vietnamese captors. The beatings were inevitable, for some it was a sarcastic reply to the abuse, but for others it was a way of coping by actually loving the nightmarish way they were treated in order to get through it. Is this what Democrat supporters are like? Loving that whip.

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Through years of bad teaching in public schools, propaganda from the mainstream media, and the lies of a party (Democrats) who have done everything they can to build up our enemies, weaken the US economy, and look after everyone else’s beat interests but law abiding hard working Americans. They’d rather give taxpayer money to support illegal aliens, the mutilation of children for the transgender movement, protect the borders of foreign countries while the borders of the US go unprotected, these are the priorities of the party that sought help from the Soviet union to keep Ronald Reagan from being elected for a second term, through the work of Senator Ted Kennedy (Democrats).

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The rule of fools

Under the Democrats the southern border is under control of the drug cartels and human traffickers who are making billions while more than 110 thousand Americans have died from fentanyl poisoning, but try confronting a lobotomized Democrat with this fact and they’ll walk away refusing to debate or they’ll get angry calling you a “White Supremacist” a “White Nationalist” a “Transphobic” a “Homophobe” or a “Right Wing Extremist”. There is no level playing field, or logical discussion allowed because the facts will expose the ineptitude of the Democrat assault on America. This is the classic Communist Manifesto of Marxism, always blame your opponent for the very things you are doing. Use every distraction possible to hide you agenda whether it be rioting, completely nonsensical arguments, radical obstruction to norms, and refusal to be pinned down to defining public debates that will reveal the destructive motive behind the smoke screen laid down by the Democrat insurrectionists.

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The fools who want to be ruled

When one cares to look objectively at the Democrat paradigm of political conduct we find hypocrisy as the commonality that drives their ideological insanity, but what about the non-critical thinking minds of the American public who take their children to see Drag Queens at libraries, who support defunding the police after mass shootings at shopping malls, how about the those who see nothing wrong with allowing pornography in public school because that’s better than “Book Banning”? I hate to say it but the Democrats have used every nasty counter intelligence trick in the book to dumb down and demoralize half of the American public into willingly accepting the crack of the whip on their backs!

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When You’re Already at War and Don’t Know it Yet

June 17, 2023
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Many nations and empires in the past have made the mistake of overlooking their present state of danger by either fearing the possibility of war or refusing to prepare for it. The ironic thing about it is that when war was imminent and many diplomatic and strategic actions were being taken by the enemy, still that nation or empire took no significant steps to prepare. The United States faces an existential threat from Communist China. It’s been spelled out in books written by former Chinese generals as a planned ultimate outcome.

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We’ve seen it all before

If Communist nations weren’t expansionistic or imperialistic that would be one thing, but unless they are stalemated by sufficient military deterrent and a show of strength, the Communist regime will surely invade their neighbors. Japan thoroughly infiltrated the Chinese government before hostilities broke out. By using sex orgies, opium, and false reassurances of nonmilitant intentions, to neutralize the Emperor’s government. Japan was able to invade deep into China, bomb their cities, control the Chinese coast and gain control of the country when China had more men and resources that simply were not used due to the apathy of an infiltrated government.

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Creating a monster

China has been aided by corrupt American politicians who saw to it that our nemesis grew and prospered thanks to US support. Democrat corruption allowed the Chinese to gain a powerful foothold in world trade that they used to build a huge army, navy and air force. The Democrats were instrumental in the rise of China, who now has its sights on becoming the dominant world power, but worse, the intention of occupying the North American continent and exterminating the American population. Analysis from people like Frank Gaffney and Gordon Chang have pierced the corrupt mainstream media’s blind eye to these developments to bring the truth to those who will listen.

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The beginning of the end

President Ronald Reagan with good intentions sent his economic advisor to China in late 1980’s to help modernize China’s efforts to build more infrastructure for their people. Milt Friedman showed the Chinese that increased production rather than simply putting a shovel or pick in the hands of the workforce was more efficient and less costly so China began purchasing American built tractors, excavators, and cranes to increase building projects and complete them in less time. The idea of China becoming mutually dependent upon US retail manufacture demand was thought to be a way of keeping China out a war mongering position, but as time went on we find that the huge trade deficit maintained by China was used to build their military capability.

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Democrat fueled aid to the enemy

When President Jimmy Carter decided to abandon the US military base in Taiwan, America gave up a crucial strategic position. Many families frightened by the prospect of a Chinese invasion sent their college age sons and daughters to the US! The stage was set for further American blunders that would allow China to rapidly gain ground. In the early 1990’s China was in a financial crisis due to their need for more export business. Unaided, China may have collapsed then and there but for Bill and Hillary Clinton making sure China was allowed into the WTO (World Trade Organization). The Clinton’s continued. During his 2nd presidential campaign Bill Clinton worried that he would lose, but got 400 million dollars in funding for his re-election from the Communist Chinese .When advised that he’d just violated an election law concerning the unlawful campaign funding by a foreign power he immediately had the laws changed or he would have faced prison time.

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Aiding and abetting an enemy

Yet, Bill and Hillary Clinton weren’t done yet. For that money Bill owed the Chinese and pay up he did. Up until that time Chinese missile technology was terrible. They couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn until Clinton gave the Chinese the US arsenal secrets of guided missiles and rocketry! In all likelihood also the key to US nuclear power as well. Our sold out bought off corrupt media would like us to look the other way and forget lessons of the past as well as how Democrat betrayal has come back to haunt America, but the fact remains, China was given every tool it needed to rise to power and challenge the Western free world.

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Treason committed

Much like Japan did to China in pre-World War II years, China has its claws in the US government and business community. Democrats such as Joe Biden, Eric Swalwell, and Diane Feinstein have had improper personal and financial ties with the Communist Chinese and God only knows how much intelligence they have gained from our own government officials. Add the fact that China refuses to pay for royalties and licensing agreements it owes the US and other western countries amounting for billions of dollars worth of free financial products. US and western countries are guilty of allowing this in order to continue trade with the Chinese. Once again America is betrayed from within.

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Future landing and launch facility?

The Chinese government using front companies masquerading as independent businesses has bought up significant amounts of US farmland. Several states have now refused to allow anymore of this. In Texas a huge tract of southern central Texas land was bought by a Former Chinese general under the aegis of a wind farm when this land is not in an efficient wind pattern latitude so that wind turbines must be built twice as high. The land now has a runway long enough to accommodate the Space shuttle as well as military bombers and jet fighters along with being hooked to the electrical grid. Its close proximity to a US military base is also troubling! How did a deal like this get done? Money talks even when you are betraying your own countrymen apparently. Dan Bongino sums this up when he says that an occupational army must have a localized means for producing food for rations to feed its troops there on enemy soil.

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Going for the throat

As the Chinese aggressively fly dangerously close to US reconnaissance planes and sail in front of US Naval Warships on patrol in the China Sea and Taiwan Straits, they maintain a constant threatening presence toward the island of Formosa. If China invades Taiwan the biggest producer of microprocessors in the world falls into an enemy’s hands and US production of appliances, electronic devices, cars, trucks, and even military hardware causes American manufacturing to come to an abrupt halt. That would spell death for the American economy. The US 7th Fleet is constantly deployed in the region, but it would need a coalition of other nations to aid in the defense of Taiwan. Japan, Australia, the Philippines, and even Vietnam could be involved in such a conflict but it could spread to other Pacific nations as well. The capture of Taiwan would be the key to control of the entire South China Sea, Eastern China Sea, and Pacific shipping lanes. More than half of the world’s container traffic and cargo shipping could be held hostage by the Communist Chinese.

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Greed overcomes patriotism

The greatest irony of all is how the Chinese manipulated their currency to gain greater leverage against the US dollar. For years the Chinese Central Bank has resisted audit by the west so that the Yuan was worth whatever the Chinese said it was worth. So billions of US dollars were exchanged for overvalued Chinese currency that they used to convert US dollars to gold with. The Chinese are purported to have printed their fiat currency to more than 200 times their actual GDP whereas the US has only succeeded its GDP by 1 and a half times, an unthinkable financial position for the US to be in until 2009 when under the deficit spending of the Obama White House for the first time the money it took to run the US federal government exceeded total economic output of the US private industry at over 15 trillion annually while US GDP was at 14.2 trillion. America’s economy is the largest in the world and for the cost of government to cost more than our entire industrial output is serious fiscal mismanagement.

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The Grand Illusion

Recently it was discovered that the Communist Chinese have been operating a secret base in Cuba that has been spying on the US since 2019. It’s only 90 miles offshore! The US military knew about this, but did they tell President Trump? Just as the US under the idiocy of Joe Biden abandoned Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan only 40 miles from the Chinese border. Just as Pentagon general Mark Milley intended to inform the Communist Chinese if the US were planning a first strike against his buddies in Beijing! The Deep State has a strangle hold on America and even if it is intentionally weakening the US military and criminally trying to prosecute a former President Trump with illegally fabricated evidence and false allegations it will continue to perpetuate itself at the cost of the nation and its people. Even if it allows China to win a war against America!

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Singing My Forgotten Tune

June 16, 2023
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This life’s not exactly how I planned

There’s deceit and evil across the land

Glad there’s no blood on my hands

Our government and its delusional demands,

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This is the year of the two headed snake

Just a step ahead of a Biblical earthquake

Despite all our brainwashing news which is fake

I’ve lost the recipe for a wedding cake,

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There’s times I pray if I don’t know what to do

Betrayal has left me dazed and blue

I’m among people who have no clue

The fog of lies is thick obscuring the view,

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Freedom of speech an illusion it seems

Much like my disturbing dreams

Dissecting the agenda behind their schemes,

Don’t want to end up in a Communist regime,

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Love seems to be a losing battle

Refusing to be treated like so many cattle

Babe, how the bones in your closet rattle

But, I know I have to get back in the saddle,

These days are stranger than strange

Like drifting through a silent rain

The enemy is almost in range

But high command has become deranged,

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Like a child on a giant sand dune

I might as well be the Man on the Moon

I sometimes sing to myself some forgotten tune

When was the last time I was in love in June?

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Why are so Many People Having Visions of a Nuclear Apocalypse?

June 16, 2023
Seeing the Bomb, Imagining the Future: Allegorical Vision in the Post ...

Today I was checking out some YouTube short videos and noticed the number of those who have had disturbing dreams of a coming nuclear war. Several people claiming that Biblical predictions have been increasingly coming true in recent years are now saying that we are headed to an insurmountable rendezvous with destiny, and it’s not going to be good. This is not like the cold war where we had grown accustomed to vague threats and predictable confrontations that would soon de-escalate. We are fast arriving at increasing tensions, huge numbers of warships and military aircraft in close proximity, and heated rhetoric by the Chinese government readying their forces for a major conflict.

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Our enemy’s perceptions of our present situation

What hot spots are we seeing today that differ from the cold war? To say that we have a Biden Administration that has emboldened enemies of the US would be a major understatement. How much can we actually believe Joe Biden when he claims that America has a commitment to Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion? Will it turn out like Afghanistan where we left hundreds of Americans behind enemy lines not to mention loyal Afghans who would surely be executed by the Taliban as well as 85 billion in US weapons and hardware?

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Communist Chinese pressure

Lately, China has been conducting live fire exercises along international coastal regions of Taiwan. These maneuvers include forming a naval blockade closing access to Taiwan via the high seas. The renewal of military incursions into the ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone) of the Formosa Island nation has increased tensions. The US Navy 7th Fleet has maintained a formidable presence in the South China Sea and has conducted patrols through the Taiwan Straits and this appears to enrage the Chinese even more though these are international waters. The USS Milius, a missile destroyer on routine patrol through the Paracel Islands caused quite a stir with the Southern Theater Command of the PLA.

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US allies get nervous

That’s not all. The Philippines have warned China of dangerous maneuvers in the South China Sea and now Australian forces are partnering with the Filipinos for joint sea patrols in response to China’s stepped up aggression. With so many warships by the US, China, Taiwan, and the Philippines in such close proximity, an accident might turn quickly into a regional conflict, but we know it wouldn’t stop there. An enemy ship switching on active radar, misidentification of a friendly ship, an aggressive move by a jet fighter pilot that leads to a fatal incident, the possibilities are staggering. Live fire war games could be precisely how an incident occurs when tensions are this great.

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Readying for what?

We already know that at least one general in the Pentagon has made battle plans for a possible engagement with Chinese forces should worse come to worse. Recently Dan Bongino, formerly a host for Fox News who cut ties with the conservative news giant reported that 70 satellite phones had been distributed to major Senate and Congressional members. These are emergency communications devices in the event of a conflict or some major disruption in normal lines of electronic operation. War? This does not seem to be a routine aspect of the return to the cold war. It seems that intentions are high and the US may be forced to enter conflict with China over a threat to its strategic partner.

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Don’t poke the bear

If this was all we had to worry about that would be one thing, but with the Ukraine Russia conflict still in high gear and 100 known US special forces deployed in the region, it seems that a push for war seems to be real. With the US supplying Ukraine with air defenses such as Stinger missiles, Javelin anti-tank weapons, drones, rifles, and ammunition it’s a wonder that Vladimir Putin has not responded even more aggressively, but moving 10 tactical nukes to Belarus is no laughing matter. There have been rumors of a planned Russia offensive while reports of a current Ukraine offensive that has recaptured territory lost to Russia months ago, but at a cost. Supposedly, 3 Ukrainian lives are lost for every Russian soldier KIA. In a war of attrition Ukraine can’t win, but if the Russian people get sick and tired of a costly protracted conflict, Putin could find himself losing power or even worse.

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More air assaults

Even though Russia has used hyper sonic missiles to hit civilian targets it was reported that the US Patriot Missile defense knocked down several Russian missiles recently. Though Ukrainian air defenses have proven formidable and have suppressed Russian jet fighters and ground attack missions, word is now the Russian air force plans to intensify ground assault missions. This could lead to two things-more Russian air losses or Ukraine’s loss of more infrastructure while depleting its munitions and missile arsenal. Tony Shaffer, retired Lieutenant Army Colonel predicted a year ago that the possibility of the use of at least one tactical nuclear weapon was on the table should continued provocation cause unforeseeable response.

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Foreboding possibilities

In all this, there is still another factor. US Army recruitment is down. With the lost personnel who were seasoned noncom officers forced to resign due to Joe Biden’s insistence of vaccine mandates our military is currently understaffed! This is not a good posture to be in in the event of inevitable conflicts. Question: Did Joe Biden use the excuse of vaccine mandates to intentionally weaken US forces at the behest of the Communist Chinese who do millions of dollars worth of business with the Biden family? One would have to consider this possibility as Biden has done everything in his power to weaken the US image of a strong and reliable military.

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Calling Americans back home

Another thought over all this. The US recalled all America civilians located in Russia for business or tourism some time ago, but now the State Department is recalling all Americans living in or staying in Taiwan temporarily. These are the signs of an anticipated war in the works at some point in time. No different than World War II as many scientists left Hitler’s Germany prior to WWII and Americans began leaving Japan before the Pearl Harbor attack. The chess pieces on the board of fate are being moved into position it would seem. Throughout history preceding major calamities there have always been those have clairvoyant insights into a troubled future.

World War 3 || by Steve Quayle - YouTube

Tips for Good Digestive Health

June 15, 2023
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Many people develop disorders such as diabetes, kidney failure, stomach cancer, hypertension, and obesity due to some very simple mistakes made in day to day habits that lead to serious conditions. With the widespread consumption of processed foods people are becoming ever unhealthier and headed for the grave much sooner than expected. Somewhere along the way we got railroaded into artificially colored cereals loaded with sugar and flavorings, fatty foods lacking fiber and raw nutrients, while even refusing to maintain internal cleansing.

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What you drink

Remove sugar or sugar substitute colas, Starbuck’s coffees, sugar sweetened teas, as these ingredients end up stored by the body as fat. They prolong digestion too. Green tea is a great alternative and you can use stevia as a sweetener if you must have sweetness in your beverage. Green tea helps to burn fat and even kill plaque germs in the mouth. Filtered water is the best way to fluidize your system. Bottled water has been tested and shows no advantage over faucet water, so why not buy your own water filter?

Proper digestion and elimination

One simple rule is this. The human body takes about 8 hours to process a single meal. So, every eight hours if you have eaten you should be having a bowel movement. If you eat three times a day you should being having 3 bowel movements a day. If you don’t and many people don’t, your body will begin reabsorbing the very toxins it was trying to excrete. There is an action inside the intestines known as peristalsis, the muscular contractions that move waste through the small and large intestines. The lack of moisture, low fiber content, and using stimulant laxatives when one realizes they’re constipated all work to weaken or destroy peristalsis which then allows dried feces to deposit along the inner walls of the intestines which can cause diverticulitis where the thin walls of the intestines rupture and form pouches of undigested waste. This condition can lead to colon cancer.

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Fiber and veggies

There are very simple remedies to this that do not require invasive medical procedure if not too far along, vegetables and fruits high in fiber are a healthy way to help cleanse the colon. Apples, strawberries, celery, prunes, and romaine lettuce are good sources of fiber, raw minerals, and vitamins. Some people just don’t have patience or time for preparation for these kinds of foods but a little planning and organizing and one can prepare several days ahead of clean and ready to eat fruits and vegetables. A sound and healthy addition to add fiber and to bulk up stools for internal cleansing is adding a bran muffin or bran flakes to the morning meal and psyllium fiber mixed in water on an empty stomach. This not only adds a feeling of being full, but does a great job of helping detox the excretory system. Years of health and wellness can be attained by this simple change in diet and routine.

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Alternative to dinner recipe

Instead of a heavy meal of red meat and potatoes for dinner try a chef salad with hardboiled egg, romaine lettuce, shredded carrot, tomato, chopped green onions, bell pepper, shredded cheddar, and sliced turkey with a healthy low fat dressing. You can always switch off ingredients in the salad adding chopped raw broccoli, chopped yellow onion, sprouts, or chicken. Another nice addition would be cottage cheese and sunflower seeds, which add a healthy form of protein. Remember that adding protein to your salad is important as the body produces L-tryptophan as a sleep inducing hormone. Having a filling salad for dinner will minimize acid reflux and allow for a sound sleep.  

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What not to eat

If you want to live a long and healthy life minimize or cut out altogether fast foods like pizza with pepperoni and pork sausage, hamburgers, fried foods, white bread, pasta, potatoes, and use fiber rich side dishes like brown rice, squash, green peas, and other veggies that leave you feeling full and satisfied longer but also help to control your weight as cravings for processed and artificially flavored foods cause poor eating habits and poor health. It is a proven fact that fast foods can eventually cause organ failure. If you’re going to fry anything at home at least use virgin olive oil or organic coconut oil as these two do not contain saturated fats and have less calories.

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Traditional meals are great now and then

You can always have your favorite Thanksgiving turkey dinner with all the trimmings once a year with some great leftovers to savor for the holiday or a Christmas dinner of the same besides turkey is a great source of protein, green bean salads or casseroles are healthy. Come on we have to have some fun during the holidays, but if you stick to a healthy diet your entire sense of wellbeing will improve too.

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More good tips

There are also great alternatives for meatballs if you like spaghetti or Italian dishes. Ground turkey, ground chicken, grass fed Angus beef, and buffalo are great alternatives, but you’ll find ground turkey and chicken to be a lot cheaper. Remember that turkey is a gamey tasting ground meat so seasoning it the right way is important. Soy sauce, Worstershire sauce, and black pepper will take away the gamey flavor and you can add additional seasoning bread crumbs or oatmeal as a filler even for meatloaf.

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Food storage containers for zero cost

A great and economical way to buy food storage containers is reusing lunch meat plastic containers when you buy sliced turkey or chicken at the store. These containers have surprising resiliency and can be cleaned and re-used over and over again. They’re great for storing left overs Warning: If you use a microwave to reheat refrigerated foods do not use plastic containers of any kind. I found out from a chemist with a PHD that heating plastic in a microwave can produce a toxic insecticide due to the effects of microwaves breaking down the plastic molecules. Use ceramic or glass containers to reheat food in a microwave oven. If you’ll follow these tips you will live a better quality life.

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