Archive for June, 2021

Just a Man

June 30, 2021
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Just a Man

Lord send me an angel

Not a victim or a soft sell

Lord send me an angel

And maybe only time will tell,

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You’re looking for a deity

A man who will set you free

Man enough to rattle your tree

Weak enough to endure your fury,

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I’m just a man not to be idolized

Made of flesh and sometimes compromised

Your dreams of perfection all crystallized

First you need to learn how to apologize,

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But, I can’t be your savior

I know by your behavior,

I can cherish you but it’s not enough

Your bi-polar betrayal is way too rough,

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You have to trust the man you stand alongside

You don’t stab him in the back with your foolish pride

Have enough respect to let the small things slide

Don’t allow the poisoned past to leak back inside,

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I’m a man of blood sweat and tears

Yes, Darling, you have your fears

But, that’s no excuse to ruin the years

But it seems lovers never remain near.

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Lord send me an angel

Not a victim or a soft sell

Lord send me an angel

And maybe only time will tell,

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If you don’t expect too much

You might not be disappointed as such

You might even be able to appreciate my touch

So I can trust you to come through in the clutch.

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I’m just a man of flesh and bone

Who doesn’t want to be alone

Bring your lips closer to the phone

Let us both venture into the unknown.

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Hearing The Angel’s Voice Again

June 29, 2021
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Plundering Your Dreams

I peered into the depth of a cloud

Thought I heard my name called out loud

Was my invisible angel disavowed?

Told her I lived within my own shroud,

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A serene glimpse of the sky

Just for a second caught my eye

The memory of making love made me sigh

Regrets over breaking old ties,

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The past presents a good reason to die

Some people live to make others cry

Who among us would ever deny

Where do the apparitions fly?

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Desperately lonely I took her hand

Believing in some kind of Promised Land

Instead, I found myself in Custer’s last stand

My caustic little fire brand,

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Like a fighter pilot with his guns jammed

I emerged from the valley of the damned

But I could never be accepted by your clan

Being who you are you just ran,

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Didn’t think it was part of the plan

Of heartbreak I am no big fan

My littler sorceress with her bikini tan

I’ve forever managed to get banned,

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I marveled at an ancient site

Seemed like the ruler was met by his plight

A woman’s betrayal can seem so slight

Plundering your dreams in the middle of the night,

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As if the wine weren’t enough

I faced off with the demon to call his bluff

That encounter was rather off the cuff

The rattlesnake venom was a little rough,

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Then I heard the angel’s voice again

Asking me where had I been?

Had I been in the lion’s den?

How could I simply pretend?

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The icy winds conceal the remains

Of lovers who lost the game

Of peasants who chose to be tame

Of warriors who found a reason to refrain,

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Not even the beam of a light house in the night

To lead the blind who can’t decipher wrong from right

Huddled among themselves afraid to fight

Where was my little angel to hold me tight?

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The Age of Unaccountability

June 29, 2021
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Once upon a time we had responsible governance in America. We had lawmakers who recognized that they worked for the people not the other way around, but somewhere along the way we got lost! Truth was merely an aging concept that just didn’t seem relevant anymore. Something changed in America and it became an awful sight to behold in our streets and our classrooms the viciousness of lies reared its ugly head, and I fear we are lost forever.

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Mankind has progressed through a series of ages over the centuries dictated by his technical advancement as much as his grasp of sociological mastery. The “Iron Age” the “Bronze Age” the “Industrial Age” which all quickly evolved into the much anticipated “Age of Information” but I have yet another more accurate description that I feel depicts the corrupt present day and that is “The Age of Unaccountability”. The lawlessness in the crystal palace that we call “Washington DC” has reached intolerable levels. We the people are being lied to, robbed of our economic prosperity, bullied into submission based upon intentional deception, and nothing is being done about it!

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The go along get along Republicans who enjoy coming in 2nd place and not wanting to soil the aisle put up only token resistance as the ship goes down with the Democrats at the helm. This despicable political alliance of “Good Cop Bad Cop” as one conducts the controlled demolition of America while the other party (GOP) shakes their finger at the Democrats saying, “Shame on you!” But, that’s not going to get the job done! Aside from such Republicans such as Ted Cruz, Louie Gohmert, Jim Jordan, Ken Buck, and Mike Lee, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Tom Cotton most of the GOP are merely holding office and maintaining the status quo as the American Titanic begins slipping into the cold, dark, oceanic waters of historic betrayals.

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In 2010 and before it has been rumored that the US military had sought to end the destructive reign of one Barack Obama as the US economy failed, telegraphed withdrawals of the US military had emboldened terrorist sanctuaries all over the Middle East, and social unrest was being promoted by the administration at home. A military coup was being quietly discussed among patriot generals and staff, but the problem was there were too many career officers more worried about their rank and benefit rather than for the sake of their own country. One might recall how Muslim Brotherhood President of Egypt, Morsi, a friend of Hillary Clinton was overthrown by general El sisi. We Americans could have learned from that lesson.

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Since the Clinton White House the military was already being subverted thanks to the “Don’t ask, don’t tell,” policy of allowing Gays in the military, but under Obama that erosion of military discipline went into overdrive. Under the Obama White House the tax payer would now fund transgender reassignment surgery for military personnel even doing so for a traitor by the name of Chelsea Manning, who passed off classified files to our enemies. That information led to the exposure of US assets (informants) and execution by our foreign enemies. Manning after getting his transgendered surgery paid for was later pardoned when traitors of the United States were historically hanged and were sentenced to death by firing squad! So a traitor who cost lives was set free!

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One might recall another military traitor whose conduct got 5 of his buddies killed searching for him as a result of his desertion. Once again for a crime that the military usually sentenced such a traitor to death for, Bowe Bergdahl was pardoned even after being arrested after an illegal drug deal once he was stateside again. His father and mother shook hands with president Obama! Has the “age of Unaccountability? Sunk in yet?

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Benghazi, just another fiasco that resulted in the deaths of our Ambassador to Libya and his elite body guards during the Obama regime’s era of lawlessness as Christopher Stevens acting as a regional arms dealer became an inconvenient witness to the illegal transport of US weapons to Syria, had to be eliminated. After being betrayed by the AL Qaeda security forces Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, had cut a deal with, Stevens was raped, beaten, and dragged across the city while foreign reporters filmed the event, but at home our corrupt Democrat lap dog media told us that the nice citizens of Benghazi had dropped off our dead Ambassador at a hospital who had suffered smoke inhalation. Why multiple units of Navy, CIA, Army, and NATO military failed to timely respond, tell a tale of being ordered to stand down as pilots and troops anxiously lined up for deployment. When General Carter Hamm of AFRICOM refused to stand down and was about to deploy he was arrested at gun point by a junior officer and later forced to resign!

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Why was President Trump attacked so incessantly, so viciously, and betrayed by those he trusted once he was elected? Donald J. Trump had circumvented the DC gravy train and interrupted the normal deal making and indefinite delays of doing anything for “We the People” that had gone on for decades! He was hated for doing right by the people-literally! Being a hard working businessman who was accustomed to getting things done in a timely manner and as efficiently as possible, he became a bigger target than any enemy of America you could imagine! A man who enacted many of the same policies that had made Ronald Reagan a much needed conservative influence in Washington was now a threat to the establishment and the “Deep State”.

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With a clearly compromised Justice Department full of Obama appointees and leftist traitors our FBI now is incapable of doing its job. Now, as China pressures America on all theaters of operation, as Iran approaches having a nuclear arsenal, as Russia threatens war against the British as Putin moves into Syria and pressures the Ukraine, our intelligence agencies waste time pursuing scapegoats! Already more than 500 people have been investigated and charged for trespass over the January 6th alleged insurrection. People who never entered the Capitol Building have found the armed ATF at their door with a tank in their driveway and lasers painted on their chests as they exit their homes.

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Now the Democrats push for more multi-trillion dollar spending, and bills to nationalize the next elections making voter ID unnecessary so that cheating is easier and it can take a matter of days for the final results of an election to be decided, and just as they pulled off with President Trump, the Democrats will create as many fake votes as is needed to defeat candidates that threaten to serve “We the People”. The “Age of Unaccountability” is in full swing. The only solution it would seem would be: Do citizens have the right to overthrow the government?

15th Amendment

–That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on a new body of elected officials intent upon upholding the US Constitution. It seems the right does exist, but is the will of the people up to the occasion? I don’t advocate violence but I do advocate change before it’s too late!  

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When You Know You’re an Extremist

June 28, 2021
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Why You’re an Extremist

The other day I was trying to access a particular conservative website about a recent event, but the library’s server blocked the page! Reason listed? The site was labeled “Extremist”. Now even public libraries have gotten into the act of social canceling! I thought that public libraries paid for by tax dollars were supposed to be non-political! I’m reminded of the shocked reaction from a North Korean defector who had escaped after being imprisoned and used as a sex slave. She said once entering America, “the land of the free”, she was alarmed to see many of the same things happening here in the US that she had fled from the brutal Communist Regime that had abused her! Time to wake up people!

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So what makes you an extremist? This, as defined by Democrat, leftist, and Socialist standards of political correctness.

1) You believe that our founding fathers were righteous men whose intentions for American liberty and personal freedom were noble and justified.
2) That the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence were inspired by Christian values.

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3) You think that capitalism addresses the human need for incentivizing hard work for greater reward, ethical business acumen, and the right of all Americans to seek prosperity.
4) You think that big government is wasteful, more corrupt, and less likely to fairly represent the people.

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5) You believe that one particular issue of the 13 Colonies in their resistance to King George’s rule then that resonates even to this day is taxation without representation!

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6) That you believe in the freedom of speech as in First Amendment Rights.

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7) If you believe that the whole “Climate Change” initiatives and goals for fossil fuel reduction are an example of a global conspiracy to limit human population growth and travel.

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8) You think that fake news dominates the airways and is owned and controlled by the Democrats along with multi-national broadcasting corporations owned by foreign investors hostile to American values.

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9) You believe that the 2020 election was stolen by massive voter fraud organized by Democrats, some Republicans, and billionaire donors who should never be allowed to influence the outcome of elections such as George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg.

10) You think that there is an agenda to persecute conservatives, Christians, and even Caucasians in America being that we are seeing this sick trend occurring in third world countries.

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10) You think that the LGBTQ transgendered advocacy is a political misdirection to tear down the family which is the underlying foundation of American society for the sake of forcing social unrest and eventual overthrow of the country along with other tactics already underway.

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11) You think that border security is paramount to national security and that it’s the responsibility of the government to protect its citizens, and that those who advocate open borders are the true insurrectionists!

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12) You believe that the events of January 6th were staged by Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats to demonize President Trump and intimidate the congress into not certifying the results of a very controversial election that was blatantly corrupt and that the US government acting just like the Soviets, Red China, North Korea, and Iran, are holding so-called insurrectionists as political prisoners denying them of their Constitutional Rights.

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June 28, 2021
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The absence of love is the absence of everything
As if there is no rebirth in the spring
A beautiful bird that can’t even sing
The warmth of tears that sting,

The absence of air and I’m exiled in space
Far removed from your perfume and lace
Where there was love not a trace
Sometimes I could just give up on the chase,

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Time is not waiting for me
That’s the way it is and I see
I feel like a bottle drifing in the sea
Lost like the love I thought would save me,

When I awake in the middle of the night
That poltergeist from out of sight
That nightmare of loneliness bringing fright
A world where things are not quite right,

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The absence of humanity all too real
Not what you know but how you feel
That’s why I just have to kneel
To keep my ship on an even keel,

There are things you can’t believe in
Like lovers with hearts of tin
Those too self righteous to sin
Never learning from where they’ve been,

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The absence of truth you might say
Will haunt us all night and day
When the lying soothsayers have their way
Baby that’s when you’re going to pay,

In a world that makes my stomach turn
How did this happen was it something I earned?
That’s right man, we all get burned
Who among us is spiritually discerned?

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In absence of faith of anything at all
You can’t walk before you crawl
You can’t learn if your eye’s not on the ball
Fear I’m headed for the final fall,

The absence of love is the absence of everything
As if there is no rebirth in the spring
A beautiful bird that can’t even sing
The warmth of tears that sting.

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Ghosts on the Lawn

June 27, 2021
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Ghosts on the Lawn

What am I going to do with my life?
Questions that cut just like a knife
Baby you caused all this strife
What am I going to do with my life?

You were just a little slow and too high
Thought you were just a bit shy
Then I found out just how you could lie
As usual, no one upon whom I can rely,

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There’s one talent that you are the best
That’s ripping a man’s heart out’ve his chest
And I wonder why life has lost it’s zest
Should I continue my useless quest?

They say move on and forgive
Let those with broken lives live
Though they wouldn’t do the same for you
Like being implaled by a golden screw,

Swaying from dark nights to empty days
Feeling like I’m in this foggy haze
Hey, it’s just the infidelity craze
Your lost in an endless carnal maze,

Neurotically recalling all the years
Sharing your laughter and tears
You always spoke of all your fears
Cutting the love apart with a pair of shears,

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What am I going to do with my life?
Questions that cut just like a knife
Baby you caused all this strife
What am I going to do with my life?

Lord, maybe I just don’t measure up
In this world that’s become so corrupt
Maybe I should have gotten a pre-nupt
Perhaps waiting for divinity to interrupt,

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A personal tragedy that happens everyday
It’s just human nature’s way
It’s just that all lovers are destined to pay
Society always excuses those who stray,

When darkness becomes your only dawn
Still you endure and move on
There are ghosts out on my lawn
I can see them though the curtains are drawn!

See the source image

June: A Month of Critical US Military Events That Shaped History Pt. 2

June 26, 2021

17th June 1775, the winds of war are beginning to blow as the Continental Army infiltrates the landscape around the Charleston, Massachusetts Peninsula and a hill overlooking the neck at Copp’s Hill which is already in Continental Army possession. As some British officers and sailors in Boston Harbor are aware, the Americans are building earthen fortifications with wooden platforms for the sharpshooters. Redoubts are being dug and reinforced in anticipation of a British attack. Almost every major Redcoat General is involved in the last minute planning and operations to drive the Colonist combatants from the area.

Major players

General’s Gage, Howe, Burgoyne, Clinton, and others are confident that their well trained and supplied regulars will be able to dislodge the patriots and drive them out while taking prisoners! Soon, they will find out they are dead wrong! Major Pitcaim, who was involved in the Lexington and Concord battles is part of the British assault as well, but this time he will lose his life among 100 other British generals, majors, captains, and lieutenants as this will be the most devastating loss of high ranking staff in the Revolutionary War.

Battle plans

The British planned on storming the major redoubts with a series of frontal, flanking, and rear attacks designed to wrest control of the battlefield from the Colonists. Heroic efforts by such Continental Army commanders such as Colonel William Prescott, General Ward, General Joseph Warren, and Major Andrew McClary succeeded despite confusion, shortage of gun powder, and the lack of fixed bayonets that British troops were supplied with. Unfortunately, for the Americans the loss of General Warren and Major McClary were suffered during the course of a battle that saw the British repulsed twice by determined Continental Army resistance and accurate musket fire by militia men! The British, confident that their tactics would succeed were astonished at their losses, especially from the American snipers who picked off many a Red Coat officer!

Where the true action was

Even though the famous name of the “Battle of Bunker Hill” is recognized, most of the fighting occurred at Breed’s Hill redoubt and other defensive perimeters located about the peninsula. British Generals Howe and Gage assumed that a frontal assault on the Breed’s Hill redoubt would be a quick answer to the battle, but were proven wrong as the ranks of their light infantry were mowed down by Colonial musket fire. Howe ordered a retreat as did Gage once their platoons were down to a single soldier left as the close rifle barrages took their toll. The famous saying “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes!” Was made by an unclear author, some claiming it was Prescott while others affix the order to other known field commanders as the fighting began.

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Botched early

The British lost all initiative early as a planned bombardment failed. The elevation of the hills and distance from the British fleet rendered their cannon ineffective. The British troop movements were frustrated by waist high wheat that hid rocky and uneven terrain below which made footing difficult, and when British troops faced the militia emplacements they were immediately in range of the American muskets. General Gage and General Howe found their commands decimated in minutes forcing them to retreat just as Major Pitcaim’s Marine forces were repelled by the gunfire of the supposedly undisciplined militia. General Howe lost most of his officer staff within the first phase of the assault. This experience caused him hesitance in later actions as the war progressed.

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A second failure

For the Americans who inflicted 1,054 casualties against the British while losing 450 killed or wounded, the loss of 100 officers crippled British field command capability. The British quickly mustered more reinforcements and supplies for another assault, but confusion, failure by some American officers to resupply and reinforce much needed battle perimeter defense made a certain victory for the colonists just out of reach! The second wave failed much as the first assault as the British once again found their opponents to be deadly accurate riflemen and unwilling to withdraw from their well guarded positions. Still, certain American officers either mistakenly botched orders given or refused to carry out their orders as those who observed the fighting at Breed’s Hill from their vantage point on Bunker Hill did not deliver much needed powder, ammunition, and reinforcements.

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Almost but not enough

By the time the third British assault took place the American’s at Breed’s Hill were low on ammunition, some soldiers had retreated leaving only 850 men left with only 150 at the redoubt and prime target of the Red Coat’s main assault. The American militiamen were forced to withdraw but did so in an orderly fashion recovering most of their wounded while fighting British with fixed bayonets with their sabers and rifle butts. British General Burgoyne in his report stated that the Continental Armies withdraw was a well conducted and orderly maneuver that afforded the Americans a defensible position. Prescott’s forces were able to achieve sanctuary from further attacks in Cambridge.


Had American command been able to coordinate better tactics with less confusion and discourage desertion they would have won the day. In some accounts General Putnam was accused of not resupplying needed munitions and troops to Breed’s Hill redoubt. Other American officers were either court martialed or cashiered for not following through on orders they were given. Yet, the British were realistic in assessing the situation acknowledging that several more victories such as Bunker Hill and they would lose the war! The bloody result of the battle and loss of crucial officers taught the Red Coats a lesson. From now on they would need more careful planning and to give the American militia more respect as a fighting force. The militia were no pushovers. They began fortifying their ranks with more Hessian troops (German Mercenaries). The realization that they were in for a long protracted war had set in. In the aftermath the Continental Army lost possession of the peninsula, but the British had now become hesitant to engage in anymore hastily planned attacks.

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June: A Month of Critical US Military Events that Shaped History Pt. 1

June 26, 2021

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6th June 1944, the world holds its breath as Operation “Overlord” is finally launched after several days of bad weather on the French coast of Normandy. Although the plan has been underway for years now General Ike Eisenhower has his doubts, and little known to most, has already drafted his resignation should the invasion get thrown back into the sea. The largest amphibious attack in world history will be unleashed against shoreline defenses supervised by Field Martial Irwin Rommel personally.

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The difference of leadership

Today as leftist revisionists attempt to recreate past history through their faulty rear view mirror, little do many know that if not for the bulldog personality of one Winston Churchill who would never capitulate to the enemy and inspired the masses to do so as well, the Royal Family may well have cut a deal with the Nazis. Fools like Neville Chamberlain would be happy to take credit for failed non- aggression pacts that only allowed the Germans more time to build up their standing armies and their Lufftwaffe.As for Supreme Commander, Ike Eisenhower, the strain of keeping the Allied alliance together has been almost too much with such egomaniacs as Charles De Galle and General “Monty” Montgomery to contend with. Ike would be quoted in the 1960’s as saying he doubted the will of the current generation to overcome the challenge at D-Day as, what many call, “The Greatest Generation” who endured the Great Depression and won the war against the Axis Powers had been able to achieve.

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The operations

Five code designated beaches divided into Allied theaters of combat, “Juno” “Sword” “Utah” “Omaha” and “Gold” will be host to, what might be, the most pivotal battle in human history. Why? Had the Fifth Column Nazi infiltrators been able to stir up enough isolationist resentment by the American people, had those in Congress who did not want to enter another world war and allow Europe to be conquered, had Mexico, who had been a sanctuary for Nazi operations been allowed to cause enough border disturbance, America might well have delayed entering the war. This would have given the Nazi’s time to complete their heavy water experiments and create the atomic bomb first. Already having created the V-1 “Buzz Bomb” and the V-2 ballistic missile, Germany could have launched atomic projectiles all over Europe and won the war. Not to mention the fact that even though Robert Oppenheimer’s Manhattan Project was ahead in the atomic weaponry race, several scientists on his team were ready to officially protest the development of the weapon to President Truman. The fate of humanity would have taken a dark turn for the worst.

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The typical denial of today

Recently, a caller spoke to Mark Levin in the course of his talk radio show and minimized the loss of troops on the beach in proportion to the number who had survived the first day. I wonder how this fool would have felt watching GI’s being cut to pieces by German machine gunners from inside coastal bunkers or watch the bodies as they floated to shore as the blood stained waves broke over the shell shattered beaches of Normandy! That day 156,000 soldiers of American and Allied nationality stormed ashore at the cost of 14,300 casualties! As Thomas Jefferson once observed, ” the cost of freedom would never be cheap.” Tell that to the “Drama Queens” and “Snowflakes” of the present who lay across the streets and sidewalks of New York chanting “Don’t Shoot!”

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The beginning

In those desperate hours before D-Day would be unleashed after several delays due to late winter storms, President Franklin Roosevelt led the nation in a nationwide radio prayer twice as enemy artillery and well hidden machine gun nests kept a vigil upon the Atlantic. FDR warned in those moments of anguish that our brave young warriors might be thrown back into the sea by a strong and determined enemy. Hours prior to the invasion US Army paratroopers were flown in for a massive drop behind enemy lines which caused much confusion and lines of communication being cut, but at the cost of many lives as German 88 mm flak knocked many C-47’s and their towed gliders out of the air or as some soldiers were tangled in trees and roof tops and were shot to death by ground fire. General Eisenhower mingled with special forces troops not long before they would climb aboard and meet their rendezvous with destiny in the skies above captured France. Some would die. Others would successfully conduct operations against their Nazi enemy. Talking with his men as if they were friends even joking with them, it was rare for a high ranking general even in the US to make such a personal contact with those about to embark on living hell!

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This is not rhetoric for “War Hawks” this is not pep talk to encourage the glory of American victory as war is a no win situation, though it must be fought when there is no alternative. Today, the blithering idiots who call themselves the Biden Administration are busy feminizing the US military as China sets its sights on US and world domination. Congress sits complacently pandering while the Biden family’s criminal dealings are covered up by our state run media doing the bidding of our enemies! If America were to get into a shooting war right now with China despite our technical edge, it might be doubtful that enough patriotic and courageous men and women would carry out their tasks under such daunting conditions of modern battle. Today’s troops are even denied a last prayer with the Lord before entering into the realm of life and death thanks to a Godless Democrat socialist party that would rather see us lose such a conflict!

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In Part II we will review another great American military victory that allowed the Republic to survive!

A Random Sample of Demonic TV Programming

June 24, 2021
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It was late in the evening. I’d had a rough day. At the print shop where I was making copies, I overheard 2 people talking about the vax shot and it only reminded me more of how simple and easily manipulated most people can be. What looked like a veteran who appeared to be physically fit was telling an aging, over weight , print shop spouse and owner how relieved he was to have gotten the shot. She, looking very sickly, and out of shape, replied she got Moderna! To me, it was like two fools comparing what way they had chosen to commit suicide, only these two were too oblivious to realize.

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Late night browsing

It’s 1:30 AM can’t sleep, flip on the tube, here’s “The Walking Dead” with a black homosexual guy in bed nude with a white homosexual guy, nude, and intimately kissing and making their scripted pillow talk. Sickening! I changed channels. The next show was a vivid animated advertisement for “American Horror Story” depicting a surreal explosion into a mansion of fire where an ebony form like a Satanic mannequine drifts through the reddened fury as all kinds of madness revolves around it. It then confronts another such black, skin suited, figure, each grabbing a long sword or knife, and with one swift thrust of the sword, the other darkened entity is vanquished into molecules that vaporize in the fiery, hellish, hallway of this grotesque place. Immediately, I thought this might as well have been a port hole to hell!

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Overt propaganda

I flipped through the remote again and what appeared to be a candy bar commercial with a number of people buying the same damn candy bar over and over again and then walking out onto the darkened, big city street, repeats itself. Suddenly, a blackman wearing a jacket and cap is illuminated by a red flashing light from behind, and the megaphone voice of the police tell him to stop, and turn around as he gingerly hangs onto his candy bar in apparent terror! This was not a commnerical it was propaganda by one of these so called “Foundations for the Good of Mankind”, when in truth it is a leftist front group dispplaying their politically correct brainwashing! Demonizing the police, and making a blackman appear to be the victim, which I find almost tragically funny as reports of young black men shooting police all over Democrat run cities gets either reported or censored all over this embattled country we call America! We are all being played against each other, but only one side, despite how many atrocities they commit, are going to be allowed to win by the left.

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More subtle indoctrination

If you watch TV in the aftermath of a divorce, isolated, alone, and trying to find a reason to exist in this insane world in which we live, you will find this kind of trash they call entertainment which you see sparingly between commercials of those taking life threatening prescription drugs for everything from diabetes to eczema, and it’s usually portayed as some social justice issue like making everybody feel bad because you have Crohn’s Disease and you have to go to the bathroom! So, let’s take that deadly side effect prescription so that we don’t make others feel uncomfortable, and then we can go dancing down the street to go and get some artificially flavored, artificially colored, frozen treat because that’s what happy people of color do! Remember, being brown skinned and only 15% of the population, and no matter how many shootings your category of victimhood is responsible for, you are still a hero compared to those dreaded white folk.

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Wake up!

This is the total insanity of TV Land, and what I just described to you is not a biased interpretation, but it is an objective review of the kind of truth twisting, unashamed solicitation of dangerous corporate profiteering, social unrest promoting, and mental programming that goes on everyday on just about every TV channel unless it’s Christian or conservative programming, and few in the viewing audience ever stop to question if this crap is reality or simply an agenda based illusion designed to manipulate people like so many cattle in a herd! All these “Foundations for a Better Human Being” type commercials are pure lies and financed by Soros or some other Commie corporate fat cats like Zuckerberg. These infomercials are 5 minute romps into products of questionable need and self centered amusement sold to fake audiences who “ooh and awe” as the greasy pork is being rendered by a new rotating, high heat infrared, low smoke, indoor, cooking gadget!

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Summation of insanity

Once again the unseen writing on the wall merely rephrased so that the obvious messages of sleep, consume, obey, don’t think, we’ll do it for you, can’t you just be stupid like everyone else, hides subliminally beneath. Coming at you like a serenade from paradise for the easily led donkeys who simply need a carrot suspended in front of their noses. Do I hate mankind? No. Do I trust those who make no effort at analyzing what’s very wrong with the changing world they’re being subjected to by evil forces both spiritual and institutional? No! If you cannot cross the T’s or dot the I’s and refuse to connect the dots, you are not my comrade, but you are a willing slave. We are being lied to, bullied, threatened, and even worse ruled by an unconstitutional Democrat fraudulent regime, but many of you still refuse to see what is right before your eyes as BLM and ANTIFA burn down our cities and our Washington DC crystal palace plans for more of our destruction! This as TV Land smothes over the covers and convinces you to go back to sleep!

Image result for images of insane Nancy Pelosi

The Word “Utopia” a Deadly Term in Human History

June 18, 2021
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All of the supposed concerned parties in human history have a common denominator. The statists, the collectivists, the socialists, Communists, the Marxists, all claiming to want to quell starvation, lack of opportunity, class discrimination, or racial inequity. Sounds noble doesn’t it? Somehow these magnanimous personalities claim that they want to do right by mankind, but history tells us a daunting story about these megalomaniacs who are simply interested in power while using platitudes and lies to climb into the seat of power. If lying was all they do in order to sway people’s political opinion that would be enough, but under the deadly pawl of Communism 100 million people have died. Their remains can be found in mass graves all over Asia, Europe, Russia, the Koreas, the Chinese mainland, and even Central America.

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The perpetual lie

Anywhere there is a lack of education and a population of people seeking answers, work, and a standard of living you will hear the voices of wolves saying, “I have the answer! I know how to manage the masses! I promise I will give you food and work. I will overthrow your corrupt leadership!” Like magic, the cancer re-establishes itself and spreads! A once prosperous society with opportunity, freedom, and cultural history is rendered to the funeral pyre of history and all because of Marxism and the fools who advocate it! There is not one more toxic form of rule, not one more murderous form of political suicide than Communism, yet still it persists and is sold on American TV by the Democrats as the future of America!

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A poisoned term

In every society where the word “Utopia” has been unpacked and used as a key phrase on a political platform, the exact opposite has happened. When Communists decided they needed an image make over after President Reagan had decimated the Soviet Union simply by using the vast capability of American capitalism, a new word sprang up among the left. Progressivism! Now Communism has a new face, And what were they promising? You guessed it! Utopia! Meet the new “Boss” same as the old “Boss”! Disguising historical failure of a poisoned ideology with new verbiage for the peasants who refuse to pay attention or learn from the bloodshed of history!

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Brainless is good

Consider that the average mentality targeted for television audiences is the IQ of a 9 year old! What does this tell you? Television and radio both work hand in hand with the Democrat propaganda machine constantly churning out false narratives to twist the truth and seduce the typically out of touch, uninformed, myopic, and self centered public, too lazy to dig just a little bit for the facts while the biased news outlets pump out lies or simply refuse to cover meaningful and enlightening content! Modern day society is little better than a group of animals who barely manage to co-exist but are easily controllable by media and politics that the media broadcasts over and over again. Obey, sleep, don’t think, we’ll do the thinking for you! Like animals in the forest, the human species seeks the game trail, the least path of resistance! But, this is most definitely not “Utopia” it is invisible and palpable control!

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The deadly label

Utopia implies, heaven sent, peace, no struggles, on par with God’s love, but in human history it has been implemented through draconian oppression, murder, fear, division, and hatred. In order to have “Utopia” you must do things our way or else! That “or else” has been paid for in the blood of millions of victims. Some were slobs looking for an easy way out. Some were hard working farmers who could never get enough rest. Some were educated well enough to be indoctrinated, while some rose to the top of the dog heap as inventors, doctors who healed the sick, scientists who advanced our technological capability, excluding actors, excluding politicians, excluding the delusional oracles of God. Without them the human race may have avoided much death and destruction believing in the catch all phrase “Utopia”.

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Rulers like Stalin, Mao Zedong, Castro, Hitler, Lenin, all gave us the reoccurring, unwanted, encore performances of the “Killing Fields” of Cambodia, the food riots of Venezuela, the “Cultural Revolution” of Red China, the reunification of North and South Korea, or maybe the superior “Arian Race” envisioned by Hitler at the cost of millions of lives in Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and in the Steppes of Russia. That grandiose lie that seems to infect every arrogant and indoctrinated generation who conveniently forgot history and it’s biggest lie of all-“Utopia”.

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