To All the Criminals in the Federal Government

Image result for partying Democrats

Am I alienated you bet

And you just haven’t gotten yours yet

You think you’re insulated from the threat 

All the fools you’ve made into your pet

Image result for partying Democrats

Am I alienated you bet

For all the false accolades you get

From all the America hating radicals you’ve met

All the things you’ll live to regret,

Image result for illegal aliens

Am I alienated you bet

By all the foreign trespassers you refuse to vet,

For all the crime committed that you conveniently forget

For your ill-gotten money that’s your safety net

Image result for partying Democrats

Am I alienated you bet

Just as you pretend there’s no imminent threat

All the Constitutional laws you conveniently forget

After the destruction you caused you’ll be all set,

Image result for partying Democrats

Am I alienated you bet

Hoping you’ll realize what you’ve done with regret

Hoping you’ll be executed as part of the “Great Reset”

Hoping your kind fade into the sunset,

Image result for photos of Dumbass biden

Am I alienated you bet

Does the plight of the people ever leave you upset?

I just can’t tolerate your perverted mindset

To the traitors who control you you’re just their puppet,

Image result for photos of Dumbass biden

Am I alienated you bet

You have all the accountability of a marionette

I’d enjoy watching you blow a gasket

You’re single handedly run up the national debt,

Image result for photos of Dumbass biden

Am I alienated you bet

My tolerance for your treason is at the end of a bayonet

Concrete shoes filled with quickset

But “Vengeance is mine!” sayeth the Lord in fitting etiquette.

Image result for the wrath pf God

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