What Really is Behind the Legacy of Cattle Mutilations?


In the early 1980’s investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe made a name for herself and a permanent place on the UFO convention circuit under her HBO special documentary “Alien Harvest” where she allegedly exposed the conspiracy behind cattle mutilations. Her conclusion was that extraterrestrial Grays were abducting rancher’s cattle, using some type of sophisticated laser scalpel to excise reproductive tissues for genetic hybrid experiments. She reasoned that the nocturnal visitations were a desperate measure of a dying civilization to find a way of preserving themselves through gene splicing with the creatures of another planet so that they would not end up being an evolutionary dead end, or extinct.

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Signature forensics

The chilling and distinguishing characteristic that stood out on these incidents was that the carcasses were drained of blood. No blood was even found underneath the bodies of the mutilated cattle! Lips, eyes, reproductive organs, and other parts were removed with a seeming precision not yet possessed by modern day surgeons. These procedures seemed to be carried out in a form of unprecedented silence and stealth that unnerved the ranchers whose land these evil deeds were being performed on.

Persistence of an enigma

The Cattle mutilation saga has been going on for decades and possibly investigated by FBI Special Agents as far back as the early 1950’s according to the FBI Vault classified data dump that was released back in 2010. In that clumsily divulged compilation of old photocopied documents one can easily see that the cattle mutilation enigma was costing ranchers dearly in profits and in one case a ranch owning family near Dulce, New Mexico was forced into bankruptcy unable to afford the losses of cattle and their investment in the livestock. It seems that in the vicinity of Archuleta Mesa and Albuquerque, New Mexico that a concentration of cattle mutilations that occurred without subsiding.

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Trail of evidence

The FBI Vault revealed some 6,500 pages of documents revealing a multi-state investigation from Kansas to Colorado from New Mexico to west Texas with only vague theories as explanations. In the beginning Satanic cults were blamed using cattle blood for their Luciferian rituals. Yet, with the number of carcasses found by ranchers and referred to the authorities this was deemed impossible even though it is known that animal blood is used by Satanists in their ceremonies.

Stake outs

As ranchers began camping out on their lands at night hoping that their vigils would expose who or what was behind the attacks on their cattle, strange lighted objects were seen in the skies. Armed with rifles they were determined to shoot down who might be abducting their livestock in the darkness of nocturne. However, a rash of strange events took place that chilled local ranchers and cast a deadly veil of suspicion over what the real cause of the paradox could really be.

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New Mexico Highway Patrolman, Gabe Valdez kept painstaking case files on the cattle mutilations he had investigated even after the FBI announced that it no longer had the time, resources, or authority to involve itself with the nightly attacks on ranch cattle in the vast grasslands of the central US. This would leave the investigative responsibility to local sheriffs and police. This meant that unless authorities across state lines made coordinated efforts all news and reports would be disconnected and localized! This would hamper efforts at solving the puzzle. Soon it became clear to some UFO researches such as Norio Hayakawa that perhaps something else was afoot.

New evidence

While people like Linda Moulton Howe and other UFO enthusiasts sensationalized the reports of dead, mutilated cattle across many states upon the acreage of suspicious ranchers, Gabe Valdez and Norio Hayakawa were arriving at different conclusions. Tests were conducted by several local law enforcement labs that showed in many cases a partially predated cattle that had been attacked by coyotes could indeed appear as if it were bloodless after days after having died, and the process of natural degradation began as temperature, bacteria, and gasses within the dead carcass began to coagulate. As some biologists confirmed coyotes did prefer to tear at the more tender parts of the cattle for quick and easy access leaving the carcass for days before returning.

New intruder

An Air Force surgical documentary also demonstrated that flight surgeons had been working with a laser type of scalpel that could cauterize tissue as it made incisions leaving a seeming bloodless slit in the flesh most certainly leading ranchers to wonder if there were another presumed source of nocturnal visitation! Some witnesses had noticed black helicopters descending from the twilight skies on occasion and in the dead of night the supposed mysterious aerial lights being better identified as the running lights of these military style special operations helicopters that were inexplicably in the region!

Covert operation

Another scenario now had to be considered. These military helicopters would have to travel at the proper height and speed to elude the rifle range of cattle rancher marksmen and run quietly enough that they would not be obviously identified by sound signature. This was easily achieved by the turbine driven jet engines used to increase the speed while also helping to hide the typical chopping sound of the rotors that is usually associated with conventional civilian and heavy transport vertical lift platforms. So now a new theory was unfolding. A stealthy black helicopter with the speed and noise reduction to reduce identification and seem to appear to be an alien craft hovering at night! The black fuselage blended seamlessly with the night skies.


When Gabe Valdez died in 2011 in his sleep, an outbreak of fear and conspiracy theories wreaked havoc among UFO conspiracy theorists and ranchers. The Valdez family announced that in lieu of Gabe’s death they would release the many files he had collected and guarded in the years he had patrolled and investigated in his designated jurisdiction of the Dulce area. Norio Hayakawa for years had led news probes into possible underground base investigations into the Archuleta Mesa due to theories that came out of reports of out breaks of underground firefights between alien forces and US military units that had clashed once secret underground operations were stumbled upon. UFO conspiracy theorists believed the cattle were being mutilated out of these secret alien underground installations. One might recall the apparent assassination of Phil Schneider made the entire circumstance seem even more ominous with the death of former state Trooper Gabe Valdez.  Now the Valdez family seemed to stop and reconsider whether they were going to release the files that Gabe had kept.

The true thieves

A more thorough check of the condition of the cattle carcasses that had been mutilated revealed that many had seem to have been dropped from enough height that skeletal breakage, bruising, and hemorrhaging, according to coroners, had occurred. Now, a different picture all together began to emerge. The black helicopter operation could have been harnessing the cattle while in flight and lifting them into the aircraft then either performing procedure on them within the copter or could have been taking them to a mobile facility in the area for quick biopsy of the tissues they were seeking then dumping the animals back off on the ranch land at sufficient height to keep from being struck by Winchester or AR-15 rifle fire.


It seemed that an alternative modus operandi has been established but for what ulterior purpose? Since 1943 the AEC had been operating at Los Alamos creating the first thermo-nuclear device, the Atomic Bomb. July 16, 1945 a Plutonium Bomb was detonated at the Trinity Site and the world changed forever, but so did the environment as fallout from testing would spread a blanket of radioactive residue all over portions of New Mexico, Nevada, and Utah. As the years rolled on larger megaton bombs would be tested above ground, atmospherically, and even underground! Concerns over contamination to population centers, the cattle industry, and even agriculture grew as the frequency of these explosions continued.

They look just like us!

The clandestine operation of a stealthy testing project operating with discretion and the covert violation of rancher’s property and livestock would be a practical and economic way for the government to monitor radiation levels and their effects upon crucial tissues in the body. In this way unofficial experiments could reveal potential liabilities the US government would obviously need to avail themselves of. Just as AREA 51 did not officially exist neither would the abduction of cattle for random and frequent testing could bring answers without the resistance of ranchers who objected to their properties being trespassed upon and their livestock being sampled. With the consumption of dairy products being potentially effected as well it was discovered that a clear cut motive could now be illuminated as the true source of the mysterious cattle mutilation chronicles.

Bringing who to justice?

Even with many strange incidents driving the UFO theory at Dulce and many other remote areas of the desert or within the acreage of cattle ranchers throughout several states a new conclusion began to take shape and gain acceptability. Now cattle ranchers had a more viable cause and perhaps a more legally vulnerable entity to pursue in court for damages and simply to finally get to the bottom of a pervasive mystery that resisted resolution for decades! With all the controversy swirling around the theories and the mysterious sources of causes it was a wonder that the most plausible explanation had been identified. The only question remained how to prosecute a black operation?

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